


Displaying 3601 - 3620 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
12554 Day, J. 2009
Day, J., Baptism in Early Byzantine Palestine 325-451, Piscataway, NJ, 2009.
12555 Day, J. 2007
Day, J., The Baptismal Liturgy of Jerusalem: Fourth and Fifth Century Evidence from Palestine, Syria and Egypt, London and New York, 2007.
12557 Tzaferis, V. 1997
Tzaferis, V., "The Greek Inscription from Kh. Abu Rish", Liber Annuus 47 (1997): 355-358.
Journal article
12559 Barkay, G., Schiller, E. 1999
Barkay, G. and Schiller, E., "The Mount of Beatitudes", Ariel 139 (1999): 62-67 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
12560 De Luca, S., Ilardi, K. 2010
De Luca, S. and Ilardi, K., "Su alcuni graffiti cristani scoperti nella cappella bizantina delle Beatitudini a Tabgha", Liber Annuus 60 (2010): 287-306.
Journal article
12563 Dahari, U. and 'Ad, U. 1998
Dahari, U. and 'Ad, U., "Shoham Bypass Road", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 108 (1998): 79-83 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
12564 Mazor, G. and Bar-Nathan, R. 1994
Mazor, G. and Bar-Nathan, R., "Scythopolis — Capital of Palaestina Secunda", Qadmoniot 27.2, no. 107/108 (1994): 117-137 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
12574 Tsafrir, Y., Foerster, G. 1997
Tsafrir, Y. and Foerster, G., "Urbanism at Scythopolis-Bet Shean in the Fourth to Seventh Centuries", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 51 (1997): 85-146.
Journal article
12578 Mazor, G. and Bar-Nathan, R. 1998
Mazor, G. and Bar-Nathan, R., "The Bet She'an Excavation Project - 1992-1994", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 17 (1998): 7-35.
Journal article
12584 Fischer, M. , Taxel, I., Amit, D. 2008
Fischer, M., Taxel, I. and Amit, D., "Rural Settlement in the Vicinity of Yavneh in the Byzantine Period: A Religio-Archaeological Perspective", Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 350 (2008): 7-35.
Journal article
12588 Goldfus, H. 1987
Goldfus, H., "Another Monastery in a Series", Teva VaAretz 29 (1987): 45-46 (Hebrew).
Journal article
12589 Goldfus, H. , Cahana, M. 1988
Goldfus, H. and Cahana, M., "A Guide to Nahal Makuch and Its Caves", Nikrot Zurim 14 (1988): 92-97 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
12590 Goldfus, H., Golani, A. 1993
Goldfus, H. and Golani, A., "Map of Wadi el Makukh (Sheets 14-18)", in: Archaeological Survey of the Hill Country Country of Benjamin, edited by Magen, Y. and Finkelstein, I., Jerusalem, 1993: 267-338 (Hebrew).
Book Section
12591 Hirschfeld, Y. , Riklin, S. 2002
Hirschfeld, Y. and Riklin, S., "Region II: Survey and Excavations in the Upper Wadi el-Makkuk Caves", ‘Atiqot 41, no. 2 (2002): 5-19.
Journal article
12605 Tsafrir, Y., Di Segni, L., Green, J. 1994
"Kefar Truman: Kh. er Ras", in: Tabula Imperii Romani - Iudaea-Palaestina: Eretz Israel in the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods, edited by Tsafrir, Y., Di Segni, L. and Green, J., Jerusalem, 1994: 166.
Book Section
12607 Figueras, P. 1996
Figueras, P., "New Greek Inscriptions from the Negev", Liber Annuus 46 (1996): 265-284.
Journal article
12609 Tzaferis, V. 1993
Tzaferis, V., "Shepherds' Field", in: The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, edited by Stern, E., Jerusalem, 1993: 1362-1363.[PDF File]
12636 Noret, J. 1971
Noret, J., "Homélie inedite sur les rameaux par Théognios, prêtre de Jerusalem (vers 460?)", Analecta Bollandiana 89, no. 1-2 (1971): 132, note 2 (in p. 113-142).
Journal article
12637 Patrich, J. 1986
Patrich, J., "Hyrcania- a Hasmonean Treasure House in the Judean Desert", Eretz 1, no. 2 (1986): 52-55.
Journal article
12638 Lagrange, M. J. 1892
Lagrange, M. J., "Lettre de Jérusalem", Revue Biblique 1, no. 3 (1892): 439-456.
Journal article
