


Displaying 3721 - 3740 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
13197 Taylor, J. E. 1993
Taylor, J. E., Christians and the Holy Places: The Myth of Jewish-Christian Origins, Oxford, 1993.
13198 Shalev, V. 1999
Shalev, V., Historical Context, Structure and Function in the Churches of Palestine in Late Antiquity (in Hebrew), Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Tel Aviv, 1999.
13206 Zeligman, J., Avni, G. 2001
Zeligman, J. and Avni, G., "Recent Excavations and Studies at the Church of Holy Sepulcher Compound", Qadmoniot 34.2, no. 122 (2001): 119-124 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
13208 Gibson, S., Taylor, J. E. 1994
Gibson, S. and Taylor, J. E., Beneath the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem: The Archaeology and Early History of traditional Golgotha, London, 1994.
13232 Vincent L. H., Abel F. M. 1914
Vincent L. H. and Abel F. M., Bethléem, le sanctuaire de la Nativité, Paris, 1914.
13235 Amit, D., Wolff, S., Gorzalczany, A. 1993
Amit, D., Wolff, S. and Gorzalczany, A., "Jerusalem, The Third Wall (Area D)", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 100 (1993): 68-71 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
13236 Tchekhanovets, Y. 2016
Tchekhanovets, Y., Armenian, Georgian and Albanian communities in the Holy Land in the Byzantine and the Early Islamic Periods, Ph.D. Dissertation, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2016.
13237 Stone, M. E., Amit, D. 1997
Stone, M. E. and Amit, D., "The New Armenian Inscriptions in Jerusalem", Cathedra 83 (1997): 27-44 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
13254 Rosenthal, R., Hershkovitz, M. 1980
Rosenthal, R. and Hershkovitz, M., "Tabgha (in: Notes and News, pp.205-239)", Israel Exploration Journal 30, no. 3-4 (1980): 207.
Journal article
13258 Editor 1982
Editor, "Notes and News", The Biblical Archaeologist 45, no. 3 (1982): 188.
Journal article
13259 Avi-Yonah, M., Negev, A. 1993
Avi-Yonah, M. and Negev, A., "Heptapegon ('en Sheva; et-Tabgha)", in: The new encyclopedia of archaeological excavations in the holy land, edited by Stern, E., Jerusalem, 1993: 614-616.[PDF File]
13271 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Shiqmona: Tell es-Samak", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 166.
Book Section
13272 Elgavish, J. 1964
Elgavish, J., "Sycamina (Haifa) (in: Chronique Archéologique, p.388-412)", Revue Biblique 71, no. 3 (1964): 407.
Journal article
13273 Eisenberg, M., Bar, S. 2012
Eisenberg, M. and Bar, S., "Renewed Excavations in Tel Shikmona", The Bible and Interpretation (2012).
Journal article
13280 Shalev-Hurwitz, V. 2015
Shalev-Hurwitz, V., "Scythopolis: The Round church", in: Holy Sites Encircled: The Early Byzantine Concentric Churches of Jerusalem, Oxford, 2015: 251-267.
Book Section
13281 Shalev-Hurwitz, V. 2015
Shalev-Hurwitz, V., "The Anastasis", in: Holy Sites Encircled: The Early Byzantine Concentric Churches of Jerusalem, Oxford, 2015: 43-78.
Book Section
13282 Shalev-Hurwitz, V. 2015
Shalev-Hurwitz, V., "The Church of the Ascension", in: Holy Sites Encircled: The Early Byzantine Concentric Churches of Jerusalem, Oxford, 2015: 78-116.
Book Section
13283 Shalev-Hurwitz, V. 2015
Shalev-Hurwitz, V., "The Kathisma Church", in: Holy Sites Encircled: The Early Byzantine Concentric Churches of Jerusalem, Oxford, 2015: 117-141.
Book Section
13284 Shalev-Hurwitz, V. 2015
Shalev-Hurwitz, V., "The Church of Mary's Tomb", in: Holy Sites Encircled: The Early Byzantine Concentric Churches of Jerusalem, Oxford, 2015: 141-167.
Book Section
13285 Shalev-Hurwitz, V. 2015
Shalev-Hurwitz, V., "Mount Gerizim: The octagonal church of the Theotokos", in: Holy Sites Encircled: The Early Byzantine Concentric Churches of Jerusalem, Oxford, 2015: 216-235.
Book Section
