


Displaying 3661 - 3680 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
12851 Patrich, J. 2002
Patrich, J., "The Aqueducts of Hyrcania-Kastellion", in: The Aqueducts of Israel, edited by Amit, D., Patrich, J. and Hirschfeld, Y., Portsmouth, R.I., 2002: 336-352.
Book Section
12852 Amit, D. 2002
Amit, D., "The Aqueduct of the Fortress of Dok (Dagon)", in: The Aqueducts of Israel, edited by Amit, D., Patrich, J. and Hirschfeld, Y., Portsmouth, R.I., 2002: 330-335.
Book Section
12853 Meshel, Z., Amit, D. 2002
Meshel, Z. and Amit, D., "The Water-Supply Systems of Cypros Fortress", in: The Aqueducts of Israel, edited by Amit, D., Patrich, J. and Hirschfeld, Y., Portsmouth, R.I., 2002: 306-329.
Book Section
12854 Bagnall, R. S.‏ 2001
Bagnall, R. S.‏, "Monks and property: rhetoric, law, and patronage in the Apophthegmata Patrum and the papyri", Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 42, no. 1 (2001): 7-24.
Journal article
12875 Phillip Hieromonachos 1936
Phillip Hieromonachos, "Beit Sha'ar", Sviataia Zemlia (The Holy Land) 3 (1936): 212-216; 250-255.
Journal article
12878 Bagatti, B. 1964-1965
Bagatti, B., "Le Antichita' di Kh. Qana e di Kefr Kenna in Galilea", Liber Annuus 15 (1964-1965): 251-292.
Journal article
12881 Greenhut, Z. 1988/89
Greenhut, Z., "Horvat Hermeshit (Ne'ot Qedumim)", Excavations and ‎Surveys in Israel 7-8 (1988/89): 81-83.
Journal article
12882 Greenhut, Z. 1989-1990
Greenhut, Z., "Horvat Hermeshit (Ne'ot Qedumim) - 1989", Excavations and ‎Surveys in Israel 9 (1989-1990): 141-143.
Journal article
12883 Greenhut, Z. 1998
Greenhut, Z., "Horvat Hermeshit (1988-1990)", ‘Atiqot 34 (1998): 121-172 (Hebrew; English summary, pp. 9*-10*).
Journal article
12884 Greenhut, Z., Yron-Lubin, M. 1991
Greenhut, Z. and Yron-Lubin, M., "Horvat Hermeshit (Ne'ot Qedumim) - 1990", Excavations and ‎Surveys in Israel 10 (1991): 123-124.
Journal article
12885 Yron-Lubin, M. 1994
Yron-Lubin, M., "Horvat Hermeshit (Ne'ot Qedumim)", Excavations and ‎Surveys in Israel 14 (1994): 83-85.
Journal article
12886 Yron-Lubin, M. 1996
Yron-Lubin, M., "Horvat Hermeshit (Ne'ot Qedumim) - 1993", Excavations and ‎Surveys in Israel 15 (1996): 66-68.
Journal article
12887 Yron-Lubin, M. 1999
Yron-Lubin, M., "Horvat Hermeshit (Ne'ot Qedumim) - 1995", Excavations and ‎Surveys in Israel 19 (1999): 68-74 (Hebrew; English summary, pp. 46*-49*).
Journal article
12888 Ariel, D. T. 1998
Ariel, D. T., "Coins from the Survey and Excavations at Horvat Hermeshit (1988-1990)", ‘Atiqot 34 (1998): 1*-4*.
Journal article
12889 Winter, T. 1998
Winter, T., "The Glass Vessels from Horvat Hermeshit (1988-1990)", ‘Atiqot 34 (1998): 173-177 (Hebrew; English summary, p. 10*).
Journal article
12899 Loffreda, S. 1969
Loffreda, S., "Scavi a Kafr Kanna", Liber Annuus 19 (1969): 328-348.
Journal article
12902 Gutfeld, O. 2009
Gutfeld, O., "Horbat Bet Loya-Preliminary report", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 121 (2009).
Journal article
12903 Gutfeld, O., Haber, M. 2009
Gutfeld, O. and Haber, M., A Guide to Beit Loya (Lehi): An Archaeological Site in the Judean Lowland, Jerusalem, 2009.
12904 Gutfeld, O., Ecker, A. 2013
Gutfeld, O. and Ecker, A., "‘Jesus is Here’: An Ancient Greek Inscription from Khirbet Beit Loya", in: Christ Is Here! Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Michele Piccirilo, ofm, edited by Chrupcała, L. D., 2013: 167-174.
Book Section
12906 Avi-Yonah, M., Cohen, R., Ovadiah, A. 1993
Avi-Yonah, M., Cohen, R. and Ovadiah, A., "Early Churches", in: The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, edited by Stern, E., Jerusalem‎, 1993: 305-314.
