


Displaying 3841 - 3860 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
13627 Briend, J., Humbert, J. -B. 1980
Briend, J. and Humbert, J. -B., Tell Keisan (1971-1976). Une cite phenicienne en Galille, Gottingen and Paris, 1980.
13647 Fischer, M. 1989
Fischer, M., "An Early Byzantine Settlement at Kh. Zikrin (Israel)", Publicationes de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome 123 (1989): 1787-1807.
Journal article
13655 Aviam, M. 1994
Aviam, M., The Christian Settlement in the Western Galilee in the Byzantine Period (in Hebrew), M.A. Thesis, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1994.
13666 Ovadiah, A. 1975
Ovadiah, A., "Les mosaïstes de Gaza dans l'antiquité chrétiénne", Revue Biblique 82, no. 4 (1975): 552-557.
Journal article
13667 Avner, R., Azmon, S., Sabariego, A. 1991
Avner, R., Azmon, S. and Sabariego, A., "Jerusalem, Pisgat Ze'ev (Deir Ghazala)", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 10 (1991): 128-130.
Journal article
13668 Pierri, R., Ovadiah, A. 2015
Pierri, R. and Ovadiah, A., "A Greek Dedicatory Inscription Found in the Church of Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem", Liber Annuus 65 (2015): 471-481.
Journal article
13670 Séjourné‎, P. M. 1893
Séjourné‎, P. M., "Mosaiques au Mont des Oliviers (in: Chronique de Jérusalem, p.228-244)", Revue Biblique 2, no. 2 (1893): 241-242.
Journal article
13672 Guérin, V. 1874-1875
Guérin, V., Description geographique, historique et archeologique de la Palestine: par m.v. Guerin I-II: Samarie, Paris, 1874-1875.
13673 Bliss, F. J., Dickie, A. C. 1898
Bliss, F. J. and Dickie, A. C., "Mosaic North-West of Damascus Gate", in: Excavations at Jerusalem, 1894-97, London, 1898: 253-259.
Book Section
13675 Weiss, Z. 2016
Weiss, Z., "Sepphoris 2015", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 128 (2016).
Journal article
13676 Weiss, Z. 2015
Weiss, Z., "Sepphoris", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 127 (2015).
Journal article
13677 Magen, I. 1993
Magen, I., "Mamre", in: The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, edited by Stern, E., Jerusalem, 1993: 939-942.
13678 Corbo, V. C. , (trans. by Saller, S.) 1972
Corbo, V. C. and (trans. by Saller, S.), The House of St. Peter at Capharnaum. A Preliminary report of the first two campaigns of excavations, April 16 - June 19, Sept. 12 - Nov. 26, 1968, Jerusalem, 1972.
13680 Jennings, J. E. 1969
Jennings, J. E., "Excavations on the Mount of Olives, 1965", Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 14 (1969): 11-22.
Journal article
13684 Nagar, A. 2016
Nagar, A., "A Byzantine church near Bet Nekofa along the road from Jaffa to Jerusalem", New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Region. Collected Papers 10 (2016): 197-211 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
13687 Derfler, S., Govrin, Y. 1993
Derfler, S. and Govrin, Y., "Tel Kerioth, 1992 (in: Notes and News, p. 253-270)", Israel Exploration Journal 43, no. 4 (1993): 263-267.
Journal article
13688 Weiss, Z. 2003
Weiss, Z., "'The House of Orpheus' — Another Villa from the Late Roman Period in Sepphoris ", Qadmoniot 36, no. 126 (2003): 94-101 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
13690 Netzer, E., Damati, I. 2004
Netzer, E. and Damati, I., "Cypros", in: Hasmonean and Herodian Palaces at Jericho. Final Reports of the 1973-280 Excavations II, Jerusalem, 2004: 233-280.
Book Section
13702 Hirschfeld, Y. 1983
Hirschfeld, Y., "A Survey of Tells and Sites in Jericho", Qardom 28-30 (1983): 232-244 (Hebrew).
Journal article
13705 Dalman, G. 1905
Dalman, G., "Studien aus dem Deutschen evang. archäolog. Institut zu Jerusalem. 6. Das Wādi eṣ-ṣwēnīṭ", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1878-1945) 28, no. 4 (1905): 161-175.
Journal article
