


Displaying 3881 - 3900 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
13754 Bagatti, B. 2001
Bagatti, B., "Hippos-Sussita, an Ancient Episcopal See", in: Ancient Christian Villages of Galilee, Jerusalem, 2001: 59-63.
Book Section
13755 Fischer, C. 1924
Fischer, C., "The Church at Beisan", Museum Journal 15 (1924): 171-189.
Journal article
13761 Łajtar, A. 2013
Łajtar, A., "Greek Inscriptions", in: Hippos - Sussita of the Decapolis. The First Twelve Seasons of Excavations 2000-2011, edited by Segal, A. et al., Haifa, 2013: I, 250-277.
Book Section
13766 Gregoricka, L.A., Sheridan, S.G. 2013
Gregoricka, L.A. and Sheridan, S.G., "Ascetic or Affluent? Byzantine Diet at the Monastic Community of St. Stephen's, Jerusalem from stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes", Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32, no. 1 (2013): 63-73.
Journal article
13767 Seridan, S.G., Gregoricka, L.A. 2015
Seridan, S.G. and Gregoricka, L.A., "Monks on the Move: Evaluating Pilgrimage to Byzantine St. Stephen's Monastery Using Strontium Isotopes", American Journal of Physical Anthropology 158 (2015): 581-591.
Journal article
13768 Driscoll, M.S., Sheridan, S.G. 2000
Driscoll, M.S. and Sheridan, S.G., "Every Kniee Shall bend: a Biocultural Reconstruction of Litutgical and Ascetical Prayer in V-VIII Century Palestine", Worship 74 (2000): 453-468.
Journal article
13780 Segal, A. 2003
Segal, A., "The South-East Church - the "Cathedral" (CTD) (Supervisor: Mr. Ran Abramovitch) ", in: Hippos-Sussita: Fourth Season of Excavations, June-July 2003, edited by Segal, A. et al., Haifa, 2003: 21-23.
Book Section
13796 Oren, E. 1970
Oren, E., "Jérusalem: Colline (française) (in: Chronique Archéologique, p.561-585)", Revue Biblique 77, no. 4 (1970): 572-573.
Journal article
13820 Conder, C. R., Kitchener, H. H. 1883
Conder, C. R. and Kitchener, H. H., The Survey of Western Palestin : memoirs of the topography, orography, hydrography, and archaeology; Volume 3. sheets XVII.-XXVI. Judæa, London, 1883.
13821 Conder, C. R., Kitchener, H. H. 1882
Conder, C. R. and Kitchener, H. H., The Survey of Western Palestin : memoirs of the topography, orography, hydrography, and archaeology; Volume 2. sheets VII.-XVI. Samaria, London, 1882.
13824 Ussishkin, D. 1993
Ussishkin, D., "The Hermits' Occupation", in: The Village of Silwan: the necropolis from the period of the Judean Kingdom, Jerusalem, 1993: 109-143; 346-358.
Book Section
13826 Mgaloblishvili, T. 2004
Mgaloblishvili, T., "The Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem: Ledgends and Reality", in: The Twinty Centuries of Christianity in Georgia. Proceedings of Symposium held in the Tbilisi State University, November 24-25, 2004, edited by Gordeziani, R., Tbilisi, 2004: 176-191.
Book Section
13827 Mgaloblishvili, T. 2007
Mgaloblishvili, T., "An Unknown Georgian Monastery in the Holy Land", ARAM Periodical 19 (2007): 527-539.
Journal article
13828 Mgaloblishvili, T. 2015
Mgaloblishvili, T., "The Inscription from Khirbat Umm Leisun, and Georgian Presence in the Holy Land", ‘Atiqot 83 (2015): 185-195.
Journal article
13829 Tchekhanovets, Y. 2009
Tchekhanovets, Y., Georgian Presence in the Holy Land in the Light of the Archaeological and Historical Evidences (4th-11th centuries)., M.A. Thesis, Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University, 2009.
13847 Schwabe, M. 1950
Schwabe, M., "A Christian Inscription from Beerot Yishak", Bulletin of the Jewish Palestine Exploration Society 15 (1950): 103-106.
Journal article
13848 Kelso, J. L. 1993
Kelso, J. L., "Bethel", in: The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, edited by Stern, E., Jerusalem, 1993: 192-194.
13855 Segal, O. 2006
Segal, O., "Massu’ot Yizhaq (Final report)", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 118 (2006).
Journal article
13858 Ganor, A., Klein, A., Avner, R., Zissu, B. 2011
Ganor, A., Klein, A., Avner, R. and Zissu, B., "Excavations at Horvat Midras in the Judaean Shephelah 2010- 2011: A Preliminary Report", New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Region. Collected Papers 5 (2011): 200-214 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
13859 Zissu, B., Kloner, A., Ganor, A., Avner, R., Klein, A. 2016
Zissu, B., Kloner, A., Ganor, A., Avner, R. and Klein, A., "Horvat Midras (Khirbet Durusiya): An Ancient Settlement and its Artificial Cavities in the Judean Foothills, Israel", Opera Ipogea 2 (2016): 11-28.
Journal article
