


Displaying 3941 - 3960 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
14325 Linn, R., Tepper, Y., Bar-Oz, G. 2017
Linn, R., Tepper, Y. and Bar-Oz, G., "Visible induced luminescence reveals invisible rays shining from Christ in the early Christian wall painting of the Transfiguration in Shivta", PLOS ONE 12, no. 9 (2017).
Journal article
14339 Hagan, S. 2013
Hagan, S., "Time, Memory, and Mosaics at the Monastery of Lady Mary", Expedition 55, no. 1 (2013): 37-42.
Journal article
14340 Hickman, J. 2013
Hickman, J., "Treasure Beneath the Floor", Expedition 55, no. 1 (2013): 41.
Journal article
14341 James, F. W. 1962
James, F. W., "Lady Mary Monastery, an Early Christian Church at Beth Shan", Expedition 5, no. 1 (1962): 20-24.
Journal article
14342 Hirschfeld, Y., Birger, R. 1986
Hirschfeld, Y. and Birger, R., "Khirbet ed-Deir (desert de Juda): 1981-1984 (in: Chronique archeologique, p.236-284)", Revue Biblique 93, no. 2 (1986): 276-284.
Journal article
14343 Guérin, V. 1869
Guérin, V., "Qasr Antar", in: Description geographique, historique et archeologique de la Palestine: par m.v. Guerin; Judée 3, Paris, 1869: 141.
Book Section
14349 Zelinger, Y., Mashiach, A. 2017
Zelinger, Y., Mashiach, A., "Excavations in the Jerusalem Region 2015-2016", New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Region. Collected Papers 11 (2017): 11-30 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
14351 Guérin, V. 1869
Guérin, V., "Kh. Bism", in: Description geographique, historique et archeologique de la Palestine: par m.v. Guerin; Judée 3, 1869: 371.
Book Section
14352 Kochavi, M. 1972
Kochavi, M., "Kh. Bism ‎(in: Survey in Judaea, p.19-91)‎", in: Judaea, Samaria and the Golan. Archaeological Survey, 1967-1968, edited by Kochavi, M. and Ovadiah, R., 1972: 71, nos. 192-3 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
14353 Bagatti, B. 2002
Bagatti, B., "Kh. Bism", in: Ancient Christian Villages of Judaea and the Negev, Jerusalem, 2002: 91.
Book Section
14354 Magen, Y., Kagan, E. D. 2012
Magen, Y. and Kagan, E. D., "310. Khirbet Bism", in: Christians and Christianity II- Corpus of Christian Sites in Judea, edited by Malka, A. H., Jerusalem, 2012: 228-9.
Book Section
14360 Guérin, V. 1869
Guérin, V., "Kh. ed-Jof", in: Description geographique, historique et archeologique de la Palestine: par m.v. Guerin; Judée 3, Paris, 1869: 209.
Book Section
14361 Magen, Y., Kagan, E. D. 2012
Magen, Y. and Kagan, E. D., "312. Khirbet el-Jawh", in: Christians and Christianity II- Corpus of Christian Sites in Judea, edited by Malka, A. H., 2012: 230-231.
Book Section
14362 Bagatti, B. 2002
Bagatti, B., "Kh. ed-Jof", in: Ancient Christian Villages of Judaea and the Negev, Jerusalem, 2002: 91.
Book Section
14368 Guérin, V. 1880
Guérin, V., "Kh. Galil", in: Description geographique, historique et archeologique de la Palestine: par m.v. Guerin; Galilee 2, Paris, 1880: 157.
Book Section
14370 Bagatti, B. 2002
Bagatti, B., "Kh. Khoreisa: Kh. Umm Tiran", in: Ancient Christian Villages of Judaea and the Negev, Jerusalem, 2002: 92.
Book Section
14371 Magen, Y., Kagan, E. D. 2012
Magen, Y. and Kagan, E. D., "329. Khirbet Khureise", in: Christians and Christianity II- Corpus of Christian Sites in Judea, edited by Malka, A. H., 2012: 256-7.
Book Section
14372 Schlatter, A. 1896
Schlatter, A., "Einige Ergebnisse aus Niese's Ausgabe des Josephus", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1878-1945) 19 (1896): 221-232.
Journal article
14373 Nestle, E. 1911
Nestle, E., "Recent Investigations at Lower Herodium", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1878-1945) 34, no. 2/3 (1911): 65-118.
Journal article
14374 Möller, C., Schmitt G. 1976
Möller, C. and Schmitt G., Siedlungen Palästinas nach Flavius Josephus, Wiesbaden, 1976.
