


Displaying 4301 - 4320 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
16114 Robert, J., Robert, L. 1961
Robert, J. and Robert, L., "Bulletin épigraphique", Revue des Études Grecques 74 (1961): 119-268.
Journal article
16116 Testa, E. 1962
Testa, E., Il simbolismo dei giudeo-cristiani, Jerusalem, 1962.
16117 Bagatti, B. 1969
Bagatti, B., "Nuovi apporti archeologici al “Dominus Flevit” (Oliveto)", Liber Annuus 19 (1969): 194-236.
Journal article
16120 Lombardi, G. 1956-1957
Lombardi, G., "Bolli byzantino-arabi al ‘Dominus Flevit’", Liber Annuus 7 (1956-1957): 165-190.
Journal article
16138 Patrich J. 2018
Patrich J., A walk to Caesarea: A historical-archaeological perspective, Jerusalem, 2018.
16139 Mayer, J. 1986
Mayer, J., "Areas of refuge in the village of A-Sumaria and in Horbat Pi Metzuba", in: The Western Galilee Antiquities, edited by Yedaya, M., Tel Aviv, 1986: 360-363 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
16144 Gordon, B. 2007
Gordon, B., "The Byzantine Residential Quarter South of the Temple Mount", Eretz-Israel 28 (2007): 79-87 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
16145 Olszewski, M. T., Zakrzewski, P. 2009
Olszewski, M. T. and Zakrzewski, P., "The Orpheus Funerary Mosaic from Jerusalem in the Archaeological Museum at Istanbul", in: 11th International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics,Oct. 16th–20th, Mosaics of Turkey and Parallel Developments in the Rest of the Ancient and Medieval World:Questions of Iconography,Style and Technique from the Beginnings of Mosaic until the Late Byzantine, Bursa, 2009: 655-674.
Book Section
16146 Vincent, L. H. 1901
Vincent, L. H., "Une mosaïque byzantine à Jérusalem (in: Chronique, p. 436-452)", Revue Biblique 10, no. 3 (1901): 436-444.
Journal article
16147 Vincent, L. H. 1902
Vincent, L. H., "La mosaïque d’Orphée", Revue Biblique 11, no. 1 (1902): 100-103.
Journal article
16148 Bliss, F. J. 1901
Bliss, F. J., "A Mosaic recently discovered at Jerusalem", Biblical World 18, no. 1 (1901): 46-49.
Journal article
16149 Henderson, P. 1990
Henderson, P., The Christian mosaics of Byzantine Palestine: towards an interpretation. Vol. 2: Corpus of the Christian, Figurative Mosaics of the Holy Land, Ph.D. Dissertation, Australian National University, 1990.
16150 Henderson, P. 1990
Henderson, P., The Christian mosaics of Byzantine Palestine: towards an interpretation. Vol. I: Texts, Ph.D. Dissertation, Australian National University, 1990.
16151 Strzygowski, J., Dashian, P. J. 1901
Strzygowski, J. and Dashian, P. J., "Das neugefundene Orpheus-Mosaik in Jerusalem", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1878-1945) 24 (1901): 139-165.
Journal article
16152 Bagatti, B. 1952
Bagatti, B., "II musaico dell'Orfeo a Gerusalemme", Rivista di archeologia cristiana 28 (1952): 145-160.
Journal article
16153 Ovadiah, A., Mucznik, S. 1981
Ovadiah, A. and Mucznik, S., "Orpheus from Jerusalem - Pagan or Christian Image?", The Jerusalem Cathedra 1 (1981): 152-166.
Journal article
16154 Olszewski, M. T. 2008
Olszewski, M. T., "Orphée endeuillé de la mosaïque funéraire de Jérusalem", in: Actes du colloque « Orphée entre Soleil et ombre » à l’Institut Catholique de Toulouse du 16 au 17 novembre 2007, Inter Lignes, numéros spécial – mars 2008, edited by Mimoso-Ruiz, B., 2008: 205-215, 226.
Book Section
16155 Elsner, J. 2009
Elsner, J., "Double Identity Orpheus as David. Orpheus as Christ?", Biblical Archaeology Review 35, no. 2 (2009): 35-45, 68.
Journal article
16156 Schick, C., Dickson, J. 1901
Schick, C. and Dickson, J., "Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement", Palestine Exploration Fund 33, no. 3 (1901): 233-234.
Journal article
16160 Sharon, M. 2004 Book
