


Displaying 4381 - 4400 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
16505 Gatier, P.-L. 1992
Gatier, P.-L., "Les inscriptions grecques d'époque islamique (VIIe-VIIIe siècles) en Syrie du Sud", in: La Syrie de Byzance à l'Islam, VIIe-VIIIe siècles. Actes du Colloque international "De Byzance à l'islam", Lyon – Maison de l'Orient Méditerranéen, Paris – Institut du Monde Arabe, 11-15 septembre 1990, edited by Canivet, R. and Rey-Coquais, J.-P., Damas, 1992: 145-158.
Book Section
16506 Aharoni, Y. 1956
Aharoni, Y., "Excavations at Ramath Rahel, 1954: Preliminary Report", Israel Exploration Journal 6, no. 3 (1956): 137-157.
Journal article
16507 Brightman, F. E. 1908
Brightman, F. E., "The Historia Mystagogica, and other Greek Commentaries on the Byzantine Liturgy", Journal of the Theological Studies 9, no. 35 (1908): 387-395.
Journal article
16509 Milik, J. T. 1960
Milik, J. T., "Notes d'épigraphie et de topographie Palestiniennes: IX. — Sanctuaires chrétiens de Jérusalem a l'époque arabe (VIIe – Xe siècles) (Suite)", Revue Biblique 67, no. 4 (1960): 550-591.
Journal article
16510 Musil, A. 1907
Musil, A., Arabia Petraea; Volume 2(1). Edom, topographischer reisebericht, Wien, 1907.
16516 Vailhé, S. 1900
Vailhé, S., "Le monastere de Saint-Sabas", Échos d’Orient 3, no. 3 (1900): 168-177.
Journal article
16517 Tzaferis, V., Abu-‘Uqsa, H. 1989
Tzaferis, V. and Abu-‘Uqsa, H., "Me'iliya", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 63 (1989): 9-10 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
16531 Dar, S. 1988
Dar, S., "Archaeological Evidence on the Samaritan Revolts of the Byzantine Period", in: Jews, Samaritans and Christians in Byzantine Palestine, edited by Jacoby, D. and Tsafrir, Y., Jerusalem, 1988: 228-237 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
16532 Dar, S. 1982
Dar, S., "Khirbet El-Burak", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 1 (1982): 13–14.
Journal article
16573 Hizmi, H. 2012
Hizmi, H., "Phasaelis- the Last Building Project of King Herod: Summary of the First Excavation Season", In the Highland's Depth 2 (2012): 165-167.
Journal article
16605 Ein Gedy, M., Golan, K. 2007
Ein Gedy, M. and Golan, K., "Tell Beit Mirsim", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 119 (2007).
Journal article
16620 Taha, H. 2002
Taha, H., "The Sanctuary if Sheikh Esh-Qatrawani", Liber Annuus 52 (2002): 441-456, Pls. 43-46.
Journal article
16676 Weinblatt, D. 1999
Weinblatt, D., "Ḥorbat Ha-Ṭarsi", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 110 (1999): 118 (in Hebrew; English summary, pp. 94*–95*).
Journal article
16683 Al-Houdalieh, S. H. 2014
Al-Houdalieh, S. H., "The Byzantine Church of Khirbet et-Tireh", Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology & Heritage Studies 2, no. 3 (2014): 188-208.
Journal article
16684 Al-Houdalieh, S. H. 2016
Al-Houdalieh, S. H., "The Byzantine Eastern Church of Khirbet et-Tireh", Archaeological Discovery 4 (2016): 48-67.
Journal article
16695 Segal, A. 2008
Segal, A., "Public Building to the west of the Forum (BLT)", in: Hippos (Sussita): Ninth Season of Excavations, June - July 2008, edited by Segal, A., Młynarczyk, J., Burdajewicz, M., Schuler, M. and Eisenberg, M., 2008: 26-35.
Book Section
16711 Byers, G. A. , Stripling, D. S., Wood, B. G. , Faerman, M. 2016
Byers, G. A., Stripling, D. S., Wood, B. G. and Faerman, M., "Excavations at Khirbet el-Maqatir: the 2009–2011 Seasons", Judea and Samaria Research Studies 25, no. 2 (2016): 69*-109*.
Journal article
16730 Maayan-Fanar, E., Linn, R., Tepper, Y., Bar-Oz, G. 2018
Maayan-Fanar, E., Linn, R., Tepper, Y. and Bar-Oz, G., "Christ’s face revealed at Shivta: an Early Byzantine wall painting in the desert of the Holy Land", Antiquity 92, no. 364 (2018): e8.[PDF File]
Journal article
16751 Pringle, D. , Leach, P. (contributions) 1983
Pringle, D. and Leach, P. (contributions), "Two Medieval Villages North of Jerusalem: Archaeological Investigations in al-Jib and ar-Ram", Levant 15 (1983): 141-177.
Journal article
16804 Dinur, E. 1985
Dinur, E., "'Anata", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 4 (1985): 3-5.
Journal article
