


Displaying 4581 - 4600 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
18652 Tarkhanova, S. 2019
Tarkhanova, S., "Early Byzantine Phase of the Latin Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Samaria (Sebaste): Architecture and Sculptural Decoration", Questions of World History of Architecture, Volume 13, ed. A. Kazaryan (2019): 101-123.
Journal article
18653 Sadeq, M. 1999
Sadeq, M., "Mosaic Pavements Recently Found in the Gaza Strip", in: The Madaba Map Centenary 1897-1997. Travelling through the Byzantine Umayyad Period, Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Amman, 7-9 April 1997, edited by Piccirillo, M. and Alliata, E., Jerusalem, 1999: 214-215.
Book Section
18654 Kenaan-Kedar, N. 1992
Kenaan-Kedar, N., "The Cathedral of Sebaste: its Western Donors and Models ", in: The Horns of Haṭṭin. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East, Jerusalem and Haifa 2–6 July 1987, ed. N. Kenaan-Kedar, Jerusalem- London, 1992: 99–120.
Book Section
18662 Berman, A. , Stark, H., L. Barda 2004
Berman, A., Stark, H. and L. Barda, Archaeological Survey of Israel, Map of Ziqim (91), Jerusalem, 2004.
18663 Huster, Y. 2001
Huster, Y., "Tell Shekef à Gaza: La maison de saint Jean", Le Monde de la Bible 134 (2001): 62.
Journal article
18675 O'Sullivan, A. 1999
O'Sullivan, A., "Byzantine Church Discovered in Gaza Strip", Jerusalem Post 8 March (1999): 1.
Journal article
18699 Paran, N. S. 2009
Paran, N. S., "Naḥal Peḥar. Preliminary Report", Hadashot Arkheologiyot - Excavations and Surveys in Israel 121 (2009).
Journal article
18705 Eldar, I., Baumgarten, Y. 1993
Eldar, I. and Baumgarten, Y., "Malḥata in the Byzantine Period", in: The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, edited by Stern, E., Jerusalem, 1993: III, 936-937.[PDF File]
18706 Baumgarten, Y. 1982
Baumgarten, Y., "Malḥata: A Roman-Byzantine Site ", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 70-71 (1982): 41-42 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
18707 Eldar-Nir, I., Nahlieli, D. 1982
Eldar-Nir, I. and Nahlieli, D., "Tel Malhata - Roman-Byzantine sites", Excavations and Surveys in Israel no. 1 (1982): 67-69.
Journal article
18710 al-Jubeh, N., al-Bandak, Z., et als. 2019
al-Jubeh, N., al-Bandak, Z. and et als., "The Treasures of Nativity ", no. 260.5 (2019).
Journal article
18717 Eldar, I., Nahlieli, D. 1982
Eldar, I. and Nahlieli, D., "Tel Malhata", Hadashot Archeologiot no. 80-81 (1982): 39-41 (Hebrew).[PDF File]
Journal article
18723 Dar, S. , Safrai, Z. 2008
Dar, S. and Safrai, Z., "Bira, Horbat ", in: The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land 5. Supplementary Volume, 2008: 1651-52.
18725 Wisniewski, R. 2019
Wisniewski, R., The Beginnings of the Cult of Relics., Oxford - New York, 2019.
18726 Patrich, J. 2019
Patrich, J., "Recent archaeological research on monasteries in Palaestina Byzantina: an update on distribution", in: La vie quotidienne des moines en Orient et Occident (IVe-Xe siècle),Vol. 2: Questions transversales, edited by Delouis, O. and Mossakowska-Gaubert, M., Paris, 2019: 77-106.
Book Section
18740 Labas G. , (Λαββας Γ.) 2002
Labas G. and (Λαββας Γ.), "The New Octagonal Church of "Kathisma" of the Holy Virgin in Jerusalem: a Forerunner of the Dome of the Rock? / Το Καθίσμα της Παναγιας Προδρομος του Τεμενου του Βραχου εις Ιεροσολημα (in Greek, with English summary)", Πρακτικα της Ακαδημιας τυς Αθηνον no. 77 (2002): 141-174.
Journal article
18796 Chryssavgis, John 2003
Chryssavgis, John, "The Road from Egypt to Palestine, the Sayings of the Desert Fathers: Destination and Destiny", ARAM Periodical (2003): 97-108.
Journal article
18797 Dar, S., Ben-Ephraim, Y. 2020
Dar, S. and Ben-Ephraim, Y., "Uncovering Ir Carmel at Khirbet Shalaleh ", Qadmoniot no. 159 (2020): 52-58 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
18807 Meimaris, Y. E. 1990
Meimaris, Y. E., "The Monastery of Saint Euthymios the Great at Khan el-Ahmar, in the Wilderness of Judaea: Rescue Excavations and Basic Protection Measures, 1976-1979. Preliminary Report", in: Ποικίλα, Athens, 1990: 397-504.
Book Section
18808 Alt, A. 1928
Alt, A., "Das Institut im Jahre 1927", Palästinajahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes zu Jerusalem 24 (1928): 5-74.
Journal article
