


Displaying 4501 - 4520 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
18179 Alliata, E. 1992
Alliata, E., "La piscine Probatique à Jérusalem", Le Monde de la Bible 76 (1992): 25-38.
Journal article
18181 Pierre, M. J., Rousée J.-M. 1981
Pierre, M. J. and Rousée J.-M., "Sainte-Marie de la Probatique, état et orientation des recherches", Proche-Orient Chrétien 31, no. 1 (1981): 23-42.
Journal article
18189 Bagatti, B. 1937
Bagatti, B., "La capella sul Monte delle Beatitudini", Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana 14 (1937): 43-91.
Journal article
18193 Dauphin, C. 2011
La Piscine Probatique. De Jésus à Saladin. Le Projet Béthesda (1994 - 2010), Edited by Dauphin, C., Jerusalem, 2011.
18194 Gibson, S. 2011
Gibson, S., "The Excavations at the Bethesda Pool in Jerusalem. Preliminary Report on a Project of Structural Analysis (1999-2009)", in: La Piscine Probatique. De Jésus à Saladin. Le Projet Béthesda (1994 - 2010), Proche-Orient Chrétien, Numéro Spécial, edited by Dauphin, C., Jerusalem, 2011: 17-45.
Book Section
18195 Dauphin, C. 2005
Dauphin, C., "The Béthesda Project at St Anne in the Old City of Jerusalem", Proche-Orient Chrétien no. 55 (2005): 263-269.
Journal article
18196 Dauphin, C. 2011
Dauphin, C., "Destruction - reconstruction: la Probatique de l'lnvasion perse au Califat Abbasside", in: La Piscine Probatique. De Jésus à Saladin. Le Projet Béthesda (1994 - 2010), Proche-Orient Chrétien, Numéro Spécial, edited by Dauphin, C., Jerusalem, 2011: 135-180.
Book Section
18198 Marta, J. 1895
Marta, J., "Inscription grecque chrétienne d'Yaththa", Revue Biblique 4, no. 1 (1895): 66-68.
Journal article
18200 Saliou, C. 2008
Saliou, C., "Inscriptions de la région de Gaza", Revue Biblique 115, no. 2 (2008): 275-286.
Journal article
18214 Schuler, M. 2019
Schuler, M., "Οἶκοι to Monastery: An Interpretative Possibility for the Northeast Insulae at Antiochia Hippos", in: Between Sea and Desert: On Kings, Nomads, Cities and Monks. Essays in Honor of Joseph Patrich, edited by Peleg-Barkat, O., Ashkenazi, J., Leibner, U., Aviam, M. and Talgam, R., Jerusalem, 2019: 75-86.
Book Section
18237 Taha, H. , Hamamra, W., Yasin, J., Nasasra, B., el-Faris, D., et als. 2015
Taha, H., Hamamra, W., Yasin, J., Nasasra, B., el-Faris, D. and et als., The Monastery of Bir el-Hamam in Beit Felasteen Mount Gerizim, Ramallah, 2015.
18250 Abu Khalaf, M., Abu A‘mar, I., Al-Houdalieh, S., Hoyland, R. 2006
Abu Khalaf, M., Abu A‘mar, I., Al-Houdalieh, S. and Hoyland, R., "The Byzantine and Early Islamic settlement of Khirbat Shuwayka", - (II) (2006): 47-76.
Journal article
18256 Feissel, D., Gatier, P.-L. 2010
Feissel, D. and Gatier, P.-L., "Syrie, Phénicie, Palestine, Arabie (in: Bulletin épigraphique, p. 661-875)", Revue des Études Grecques 123 (2010): 850-863.
Journal article
18258 McCown, C. C. 1947
McCown, C. C., Tell en-Nesbeh, Berkeley and New York, 1947.
18259 Taha, H. 2015
Taha, H., "The Monastery of Bir el-Hamam, Mount Gerizim, Palestine Site Management and Presentation", RA no. 2 (2015): 32-45.
Journal article
18281 Kloner, A. , Hirschfeld, Y. 1987
Kloner, A. and Hirschfeld, Y., "Khirbet el-Qasr — A Byzantine Fort with an Olive Press in the Judean Desert, ", in: Eretz-Israel: Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies, Michael Avi-Yonah Memorial Volume, Jerusalem, 1987: 132-141.
Book Section
18284 Frankel, R., Eisenberg, M. 2018
Frankel, R. and Eisenberg, M., "The Hippos winery complex", in: Hippos-Sussita of the Decapolis: The First Twelve Seasons of Excavations 2000-2011, Volume II, edited by Eisenberg, M., Haifa, 2018: 56-73.
Book Section
18289 Storme, A. 1972
Storme, A., Gethsemane, Jerusalem, 1972.
18290 Stripling, D.S. 2015
Stripling, D.S., "Khirbet el-Maqatir, on the Border between Benjamin and Ephraim", Qadmoniot 48, no. 150 (2015): 78-83 (Hebrew).
Journal article
18300 Sukenik, E. L. 1922
Sukenik, E. L., "The Ancient City of Philoteria (Beth- Yeraḥ)", Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society 2 (1922): 101-109.
Journal article
