


Displaying 481 - 500 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
9038 Maoz, M. 2010
Maoz, M., Jerusalem Monasticism in Late Antiquity (4th-7th centuries A.D.) [in Hebrew], M.A. Thesis, Haifa University, 2010.[PDF File]
9039 Michel, A. 1994
Michel, A., Les Églises de la Jordanie Byzantine. Architecture et Liturgie (Ve-VIIIe siècles), Ph.D. dissertation, Paris IV, 1994.
9041 Rosenthal-Heginbottom, R. 1974
Rosenthal-Heginbottom, R., The North Church and the Monastery of Sobota (Shivta), Ph.D. dissertation, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1974.
9042 Roussin, L. A. 1985
Roussin, L. A., The Iconography of the Figural Pavements of Early Byzantine Palestine, Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1985.
9043 Schmidgal, P. 1996
Schmidgal, P., American Holiness Churches in the Holy Land, 1890-1994, Mission to Jews, Arabs and Armenians, Ph.D. dissertation, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1996.
9044 Seligman, J. 2011
Seligman, J., The Rural Hinterland of Jerusalem in the Byzantine Period, Ph.D. dissertation, Haifa University, 2011.
9045 Shalev-Khalifa, N. 2010
Shalev-Khalifa, N., The Mural Cycles in the Catholic Churches and Monasteries of the Holy Land, 1917-1948: The Church of St. Stephanus in Beit Gemal and the Schools of Sacred Art, Ph.D. dissertation, Tel Aviv University, 2010.
9046 Vale, R. M. 1995
Vale, R. M., Images of Culture in Public Cult Buildings: A Study of the Archaeological Remains of Late Roman and Early Byzantine Synagogues and Churches in Ancient Palestine, Dating from the Mid-Second to the Mid-Seventh Centuries C.E, Ph.D. dissertation, Concordia University, 1995.
9047 Abel, F. M. 1920
Abel, F. M., "Saint Jerome et Jerusalem", in: Miscellanea Geronimiana, Scritti Varii pubblicati nel XV centenario dalla morte di San Girolamo.‎, Roma, 1920: 131-155.
Book Section
9048 Albert, M. 1978
Albert, M., "Lettre de Sophrone de Jerusalem a Arcadius de Chypre", in: Patrologia Orientalis, edited by Graffin, F., Turnhout, 1978: 169-183.
Book Section
9049 Albright, W. F. 1968
Albright, W. F., "Kh. El-Mukatir : Beth El", in: The Excavation of Bethel (1934-1960), Cambridge, 1968: 2.
Book Section
9050 Allen, P. 1985
Allen, P., "Blue-print for the Edition of Documenta ad Vitam Maximi Confessoris spectantia", in: After Chalcedon. Studies in Theology and Church History offered to Professor Albert Van Roey for his Seventieth Birthday, edited by Munitiz, J. A., Laga, C. and Rompay, L. V., Leuven, 1985: 11-21.
Book Section
9051 Amit, D. 1997
Amit, D., "Kh. Umm Halasa: An Additional Monastery in the Wilderness of Ziph", Judea and Samaria Research Studies 6 (1997): 259-270 (Hebrew, English summary XXIV).
Journal article
9052 Aronshtam, A. 2012
Aronshtam, A., "A Byzantine Church at Khirbet Hamad", in: Christians and Christianity III- Churches and Monasteries in Samaria and Northern Judea, edited by Carmin, N., Jerusalem, 2012: 1 – 8.
Book Section
9053 Aviam, M. 1990
Aviam, M., "Horvath Hesheq – A Unique Church in Upper Galilee: Preliminary Report", in: Christian Archaeology in the Holy Land. New Discoveries. Essays in Honour of Virgilio C. Corbo OFM, edited by Bottini, G. C., Di segni, L. and Alliata, E., Jerusalem, 1990: 351-378.
Book Section
9054 Aviam, M. 1993
Aviam, M., "Horvat Hesheq: A Church in Upper Galilee", in: Ancient Churches Revealed, edited by Tsafrir, Y., Jerusalem, 1993: 54-65.
Book Section
9055 Aviam, M. 1999
Aviam, M., "Christian Galilee in the Byzantine Period", in: Galilee through the Centuries: Confluence of Cultures, edited by Meyers, E. M., Winona Lake, Indiana, 1999: 281-300.
Book Section
9056 Aviam, M. 2002
Aviam, M., "Five Ecclesiastical Sites in Western Upper Galilee", in: Eretz Zafon: Studies in Galilean Archaeology, edited by Gal, Z., Jerusalem, 2002: 165-218, 184*-185* (in Hebrew; English summary).
Book Section
9058 Aviam, M. 2004
Aviam, M., "Was There a Transformation of Mono-Apsidal Churches with Lateral Pastophoria into Tri-Apsidal Churches in the Galilee?", in: Jews, Pagans and Christians in the Galilee: 25 Years of Archaeological Excavations and Surveys – Hellenistic to Byzantine Periods, edited by Aviam, M., Rochester, New York, 2004: 241-245.
Book Section
9059 Aviam, M. 2004
Aviam, M., "Churches and Monasteries from the Byzantine Period in Western Galilee", in: Jews, Pagans and Christians in the Galilee: 25 Years of Archaeological Excavations and Surveys – Hellenistic to Byzantine Periods, edited by Aviam, M., Rochester, New York, 2004: 181-204.
Book Section
