


Displaying 501 - 520 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
9060 Avigad, N. 1993
Avigad, N., "The Nea: Justinian’s Church of St. Mary, Mother of God, Discovered in the Old City of Jerusalem", in: Ancient Churches Revealed, edited by Tsafrir, Y., Jerusalem, 1993: 128-135.
Book Section
9061 Avissar, M. 2012
Avissar, M., "Pottery from the Early Islamic to the Ottoman Period from the Cardo and the Nea Church", in: Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem Conducted by Nahman Avigad, 1969-1982. Volume V: The Cardo (Area X) and the Nea Church (Areas D and T). Final Report, edited by Gutfeld, O., Avigad, N. and Geva, H., Jerusalem, 2012: 301 - 345.
Book Section
9062 Avner, R. 1999
Avner, R., "Birth Pangs on the Bethlehem Road", Judea and Samaria Research Studies 8 (1999): 155-160 [in Hebrew; English summary XVIII-XIX].
Journal article
9063 Avner, R. 2003
Avner, R., "The Recovery of the Kathisma Church and its Influence on Octagonal Building", in: One Land - Many Cultures. Archaeological Studies in Honour of Stanislao Loffreda OFM, edited by Bottini, G. C., Di Segni, L. and Chrupcała, L. D., Jerusalem, 2003: 173 – 186.
Book Section
9064 Avner, R. 2004
Avner, R., "Red Silk Pearls and Gold Embroidery – the Mosaic from the Kathisma Church", Judea and Samaria Research Studies 13 (2004): 165-176 [in Hebrew; English summary XIV-XV].
Journal article
9065 Avner, R. 2012
Avner, R., "Architectural Planning Procedures in the Early Byzantine Period: the Kathisma Church", in: Christ Is Here! Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Michele Piccirilo, ofm, edited by Chrupcała, L. D., Milano, 2012: 265-273.
Book Section
9066 Avner, R., Pony, S. 2001
Avner, R. and Pony, S., "Architectural Evolution of the Byzantine Period – the Kathisma Church", Judea and Samaria Research Studies 10 (2001): 171-180 [in Hebrew; English summary XXII-XXIII].
Journal article
9067 Avni, G., Seligman, J. 2003
Avni, G. and Seligman, J., "New excavations at the church of the Holy Sepulchre compound", in: One Land - Many Cultures. Archaeological Studies in Honour of Stanislao Loffreda OFM, edited by Bottini, G. C., Di Segni, L. and Chrupcała, L. D., Jerusalem, 2003: 153-162.
Book Section
9068 Avshalom-Gorni, D., Tacher, A., Tzaferis, V. 2001
Avshalom-Gorni, D., Tacher, A. and Tzaferis, V., "The Veneration of St. Sabas in Southern Phoenicia: The Evidence ofT", in: The Sabaite Heritage in the Orthodox Church from the Fifth Century to the Present, edited by Patrich, J., Leuven, 2001: 347-352.
Book Section
9069 Avshalom-Gorni, D., Tacher, A., Syon, D., Gorin-Rosen, Y., Katsnelson, N. 2002
Avshalom-Gorni, D., Tacher, A., Syon, D., Gorin-Rosen, Y. and Katsnelson, N., "Excavations at Khirbet el-Shubeika", in: Eretz Zafon: Studies in Galilean Archaeology, edited by Gal, Z., Jerusalem, 2002: 219-349 (in Hebrew, ‎186*–187* ‎English summary).
Book Section
9070 Bagatti, B. 1938
Bagatti, B., "Il monastero del Nebo e gli Antichi monasteri della Palestina", in: Congresso internazionale di Archeologia Cristina, edited by Cristina, Atti del Congresso internazionale di Archeologia, Vatican City, 1938: 89-110.
Book Section
9071 Bagatti, B. 1952
Bagatti, B., "Bethlehem: Constantinian church", in: Gli antichi edifici sacri di Betlemme: in seguito agli scavi e restauri Praticati dalla Custodia di terra Santa (1948-51), Gerusalemme, 1952: 1-54.
Book Section
9072 Bagatti, B. 1962
Bagatti, B., "Bethany: Beit 'Aniya: El 'Eizariya", in: L'archeologia cristiana in Palestina, Firenze, 1962: 63-65; Fig. 8 (plan).
Book Section
9073 Bagatti, B. 1962
Bagatti, B., "Beth Guvrin: Beit Jibrin", in: L'archeologia cristiana in Palestina, Firenze, 1962: 102.
Book Section
9074 Bagatti, B. 1962
Bagatti, B., "Bethlehem", in: L'archeologia cristiana in Palestina, Firenze, 1962: 47-53, 123; Figs. 5, 13 (Stage a); 71-5 (stage b).
Book Section
9075 Bagatti, B. 1962
Bagatti, B., "Bir el-Qutt", in: L'archeologia cristiana in Palestina, Firenze, 1962: 181-182.
Book Section
9076 Bagatti, B. 1962
Bagatti, B., "Emmaus: 'Amwas: 'Imwas", in: L'archeologia cristiana in Palestina, Firenze, 1962: 29-33; Fig 3.
Book Section
9077 Bagatti, B. 1962
Bagatti, B., "Jerusalem: Church of the Holy Sepulchre: The Anastasis", in: L'archeologia cristiana in Palestina, Firenze, 1962: 40-47.
Book Section
9078 Bagatti, B. 1962
Bagatti, B., "Jerusalem: Mount of Olives: "Eleona" church", in: L'archeologia cristiana in Palestina, Firenze, 1962: 54-56; Plan-fig. 6; Pl. 3.
Book Section
9079 Bagatti, B. 1962
Bagatti, B., "Jerusalem: Mount of Olives: Gethsemane: The Agony of Christ", in: L'archeologia cristiana in Palestina, Firenze, 1962: 65-66; Plan no. 8.
Book Section
