


Displaying 1121 - 1140 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
9694 Peleg, Y. 2012
Peleg, Y., "A Byzantine Church at Khirbet `Ein Dab", in: Christians and Christianity IV: Churches and Monasteries in Judea, edited by Carmin, N., Jerusalem, 2012: 37-60.
Book Section
9695 Perrone, L. 2006
Perrone, L., "'Rejoice Sion, Mother of All Churches': Christianity in the Holy Land during the Byzantine Era", in: Christians and Christianity in the Holy Land. From the Origins to the Latin Kingdoms, edited by Stroumsa, G. G. and Limor, O., Turnhout, 2006: 141-174.
Book Section
9696 Piccirillo, M. 2009
Piccirillo, M., "Liturgical Problems Related to the Church Plans and its Liturgical Furnishings of Churches in the Territory of the Province of Arabia (Fourth-Eighth Centuries CE)", in: Man near a Roman Arch studies presented to prof. Yoram Tsafrir, edited by Di Segni, L., Hirschfeld, Y., Patrich, J. and Talgam, R., Jerusalem, 2009: 205 – 223.
Book Section
9697 Piccirillo, M., Israeli, R. 2000
Piccirillo, M. and Israeli, R., "The Architecture and Liturgy of the Early Church", in: Cradle of Christianity, edited by Israeli, Y. and Mevorah, D., Jerusalem, 2000: 48-113.
Book Section
9698 Pixner, B. 2005
Pixner, B., "Church of the Apostles Found on Mt. Zion", in: Crusaders in the Holy Land: The Archaeology of Faith - A Collection of Essays Published by the Biblical Archaeology Society, edited by Meinhardt, J., Washington, DC, 2005: 59-74.
Book Section
9699 Plommer, H. 1982
Plommer, H., "The Cenacle on Mount Sion", in: Crusader Art in the Twelfth Century, edited by Folda, J., Jerusalem, 1982: 136-166.
Book Section
9700 Prawer, J. 1975
Prawer, J., "Jerusalem in Crusader Days", in: Jerusalem Revealed: Archaeology in the Holy City, 1968–1974, edited by Yadin, Y., Jerusalem, 1975: 102-108.
Book Section
9701 Pringle, D. 1982
Pringle, D., "Church-Building in Palestine before the Crusades", in: Crusader Art in the Twelfth Century, edited by Folda, J., Jerusalem, 1982: 5-46.
Book Section
9702 Pringle, D. 1993
Pringle, D., "Churches in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem (1099–1291)", in: Ancient Churches Revealed, edited by Tsafrir, Y., Jerusalem, 1993: 28-39.
Book Section
9703 Ramon, A. 2008
Ramon, A., "The Christian Churches in Jerusalem under Israeli Rule", in: Forty Years in Jerusalem 1967-2007, edited by Ahimeir, O. and Bar-Siman-Tov, Y., Jerusalem, 2008: Pages 5-10 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
9704 Restle, M. 1989
Restle, M., "Les monuments chrétiens de la Syrie du Sud", in: Archéologie et Histoire de la Syrie II, edited by Dentzer, J. M. and Orthmann, W., Saarbrücken, 1989: 373-384.
Book Section
9705 Rosen-Ayalon, M. 1979
Rosen-Ayalon, M., "A Mosaic in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre", in: Jerusalem in the Middle Ages: Selected Papers, edited by Kedar, B. Z., Jerusalem, 1979: 338-346 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
9706 Rousée, J. M. 1965
Rousée, J. M., "L’église Sainte-Marie de la Probatique: chronologie des sanctuaires à Sainte-Anne de Jérusalem d’après les fouilles récents", in: Atti del VI congresso internazionale di archeologia cristiana, Ravenna 1962, Vatican, 1965: 69-76.
Book Section
9707 Rubenson, R. 1995
Rubenson, R., "The Egyptian Relations of Early Palestinian Monasticism", in: The Christian Heritage in the Holy Land, edited by O'Mahony, A., Gunner, G. and Hintlian, K., London, 1995: 35-46.
Book Section
9708 Rubin, Z. 1982
Rubin, Z., "The Spread of Christianity in Eretz Israel - from Julian to Justinian", in: Eretz Israel from the Destruction of the Second Temple to the Arab Conquest, edited by Baras, T. and et al, Jerusalem, 1982: 236-251 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
9709 Rusch, W. G. 1980
Rusch, W. G., "The Creed of the Synode of Nicaea", in: The Trinitarian Controversy, Philadelphia, 1980: 49-56.
Book Section
9710 Saller, S. J. 1957
Saller, S. J., "Bethany: Beit 'Aniya: El 'Eizariya : St. Lazarus", in: Excavations at Bethany (1949–1953), Jerusalem, 1957: 1-66.
Book Section
9711 Sar-Avi, D. 1999
Sar-Avi, D., "’Ein el-Sachaniah and the Monasteries in the Wilderness of Ziph", Judea and Samaria Research studies 8 (1999): 185-192 (Hebrew , English summary XXI).
Journal article
9712 Sauneron, S., Jacquet, J. 1972
Sauneron, S. and Jacquet, J., "Les hermitages chretiens du desert d'Esna, archeologie et inscriptions", in: Les hermitages chretiens du desert d'Esna, Paris, 1972: 4-32.
Book Section
9713 Schapiro, M., Avi-Yonah, M. 1960
Schapiro, M. and Avi-Yonah, M., "Caesarea", in: Israel Ancient Mosaics, New York, 1960: 29-31.
Book Section
