


Displaying 1201 - 1220 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
9779 Wiegand, T. 1920
Wiegand, T., "Shivta: Sbeita", in: Sinai, Berlin, 1920: 76-82; Figs. 69-80; Pls. 6. 7.
Book Section
9780 Wilkinson, J. 1993
Wilkinson, J., "Constantinian Churches in Palestine", in: Ancient Churches Revealed, edited by Tsafrir, Y., Jerusalem, 1993: 23-27.
Book Section
9781 Wilkinson, J. 1993
Wilkinson, J., "Christian Worship in the Byzantine Period", in: Ancient Churches Revealed, edited by Tsafrir, Y., Jerusalem, 1993: 17-22.
Book Section
9782 Woolley, C. L., Lawrence, T. E. 1914-1915
Woolley, C. L. and Lawrence, T. E., "'Avdat: Kh. 'Abda: Eboda", in: The wilderness of Zin : archaeological report, London, 1914-1915: 94, 97, 101-103; Figs. 25f. 31. 33f; Pls. 23,2. 24,4.
Book Section
9783 Woolley, C. L., Lawrence, T. E. 1914-1915
Woolley, C. L. and Lawrence, T. E., "Mitspe-Shivta: El-Mishrafa", in: The wilderness of Zin : archaeological report, London, 1914-1915: 92; Fig. 23; Pl. 16, 1.
Book Section
9784 Woolley, C. L., Lawrence, T. E. 1914-1915
Woolley, C. L. and Lawrence, T. E., "Nizzana: 'Ahuja el-Hafir", in: The wilderness of Zin : archaeological report, London, 1914-1915: 119-121; Figs. 52-4; Pl. 29, 2.
Book Section
9785 Woolley, C. L., Lawrence, T. E. 1914-1915
Woolley, C. L. and Lawrence, T. E., "Rehovot in the Negev: Kh. Ruheibe", in: The wilderness of Zin : archaeological report, London, 1914-1915: 115f; Figs. 49-50.
Book Section
9786 Woolley, C. L., Lawrence, T. E. 1914-1915
Woolley, C. L. and Lawrence, T. E., "Shivta: Sbeita", in: The wilderness of Zin : archaeological report, London, 1914-1915: 79-90; Figs. 13-22; Pls. 18. 19.
Book Section
9787 Woolley, C. L., Lawrence, T. E. 1914-1915
Woolley, C. L. and Lawrence, T. E., "Tell es-Sawa", in: The wilderness of Zin : archaeological report, London, 1914-1915: 31.47.
Book Section
9788 Woolley, C. L., Lawrence, T. E. 1914-1915
Woolley, C. L. and Lawrence, T. E., "Tell es-Seba", in: The wilderness of Zin : archaeological report, London, 1914-1915: 45.
Book Section
9789 Yeivin, S. 1960
Yeivin, S., "Caesarea", in: A decade of archaeology in Israel, 1948-1958, Istanbul, 1960: 46; Pl. 5, 2.
Book Section
9790 Yeivin, S. 1960
Yeivin, S., "Hazor Ashdod: Kh. Banaya", in: A decade of archaeology in Israel, 1948-1958, Istanbul, 1960: 45.
Book Section
9791 Yeivin, S. 1960
Yeivin, S., "Jerusalem: Giv'at Ram: Sheikh Bader: St. George", in: A decade of archaeology in Israel, 1948-1958, Istanbul, 1960: 39.
Book Section
9792 Yeivin, S. 1960
Yeivin, S., "Kefar Truman: Kh. Er-Ras: Kh. 'Irma", in: A decade of archaeology in Israel, 1948-1958, Istanbul, 1960: 46.
Book Section
9793 Yeivin, S. 1960
Yeivin, S., "Kh. Damon: Kh. ed- Damun", in: A decade of archaeology in Israel, 1948-1958, Istanbul, 1960: 46.
Book Section
9794 Yeivin, S. 1960
Yeivin, S., "Roglit: Kh. Jurfa", in: A decade of archaeology in Israel, 1948-1958, Istanbul, 1960: 45; Pl. 5, 3.
Book Section
9795 Yeivin, S. 1960
Yeivin, S., "Sede Nahum", in: A decade of archaeology in Israel, 1948-1958, Istanbul, 1960: 46.
Book Section
9796 Yeivin, S. 1960
Yeivin, S., "Baikat Umm Huseyn", in: A decade of archaeology in Israel, 1948-1958, Istanbul, 1960: 46.
Book Section
9797 Yeivin, S. 1960
Yeivin, S., "Ruhama", in: A decade of archaeology in Israel, 1948-1958, Istanbul, 1960: 45.
Book Section
9798 Yeivin, S. 1960
Yeivin, S., "'Ozem: Kh. Beit Mamin", in: A decade of archaeology in Israel, 1948-1958, Istanbul, 1960: 45.
Book Section
