


Displaying 1221 - 1240 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
9799 Zissu, B., Weiss, D. 2004
Zissu, B. and Weiss, D., "A Church and a Water System at ‘Ein Koby in the Jerusalem Mountains", Judea and Samaria Research Studies 13 (2004): 177-188 [in Hebrew; English summary XV].
Journal article
9800 Ziv, Y. 1988
Ziv, Y., Handy Knapsack, A Second Glance at Sites and Foothills, Jerusalem, 1988.
9801 Editor 1901
Editor, "Gebel Rumede (in: Notes and News; p.95-108)", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 33, no. 2 (1901): 100.
Journal article
9802 Editor 1903
Editor, "Beit Sha'ar: St. Zachariah (in: Notes and News; p.277-283)", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 35, no. 4 (1903): 280.
Journal article
9803 Editor 1917
Editor, "Shellal (in: Notes and News; p.149-158)", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 49, no. 4 (1917): 150.
Journal article
9804 Mader, A. E., Schneider, A. M. 1933
Mader, A. E. and Schneider, A. M., "'Ein Ha-Shiv'ah: Et-Tabgha: The Miracle of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes (in: Excavations in Palestine in 1931-32; p.184-194)", Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 2 (1933): 184-185.
Journal article
9805 Colt, H. D. 1935
Colt, H. D., "Shivta: Sbeita: North church: St. George. (in: Excavations in Palestine, 1933-34; p.194-210)", Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 4 (1935): 201-202.
Journal article
9806 Editor 1936
Editor, "Excavations in Palestine, 1934-35", Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 5 (1936): 194-210.
Journal article
9807 Bagatti, B. 1936
Bagatti, B., "'Ein Ha-Shiv'ah: Et-Tabgha: The Sermon on the Mount (in: Excavations in Palestine, 1934-35; p. 194-210)", Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 5 (1936): 194.
Journal article
9808 Colt, H. D. 1936
Colt, H. D., "Isbeita (in: Excavations in Palestine, 1934-35; p. 194-210)", Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 5 (1936): 198-199.
Journal article
9810 Saller, S. J. 1945
Saller, S. J., "Jerusalem: 'Ein Kerem: 'Ein Karim: north church: Martyrs of God/south church (in: Excavations in Palestine and Trans-Jordan, 1940-41; p.113-120)", Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 11 (1945): 113-115.
Journal article
9811 Avi-Yonah, M. 1950
Avi-Yonah, M., "Jerusalem: Giv'at Ram: Sheikh Bader; St. George (in: Notes and News; p.121-124)", Israel Exploration Journal 1, no. 2 (1950): 124.
Journal article
9812 Abel, F. M. 1911
Abel, F. M., "Petites découvertes au cénacle à Jérusalem", Revue Biblique 8 (20), no. 1 (1911): 119-125.
Journal article
9813 Abel, F. M. 1919
Abel, F. M., "Une chapelle byzantine à Beit el-Jimal", Revue Biblique 16, no. 1-2 (1919): 244-248.
Journal article
9814 Abel, F. M. 1923
Abel, F. M., "Une crypte byzantine à Beit-Djâlâ", Revue Biblique 32, no. 2 (1923): 261-272.
Journal article
9815 Abel, F. M. 1914
Abel, F. M., "Recension: Un rituel hierosolymitain du VIIe siecle, par Corn S. Keklidze", Revue Biblique 11 (23), no. 3 (1914): 453-462.
Journal article
9816 Abel, F. M. 1924
Abel, F. M., "Decouvertes recentes a Beit-Djebrin", Revue Biblique 33, no. 4 (1924): 583-604.
Journal article
9817 Abel, F. M. 1924
Abel, F. M., "Uber georgische Drudce und Handschriften, die Festordnung und den Heiligenkalleuder des altchristlichen Jerusalems betreffend, von H. Goussen (in: Recensions, p.605-623)", Revue Biblique 33, no. 4 (1924): 611-623.
Journal article
9818 Abel, F. M. 1925
Abel, F. M., "Eglise byzantine au Khirbet Hebeileh", Revue Biblique 34, no. 2 (1925): 279-282.
Journal article
9819 Abel, F. M. 1931
Abel, F. M., "Gaza au VIe siecl'e d'après le réteur Chorikios", Revue Biblique 40, no. 1 (1931): 5-31.
Journal article
