


Displaying 3441 - 3460 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
12169 Brunot, A. 1965
Brunot, A., "Mambre: Berceau du people de die", Bible et Terre Sainte 70 (1965): 8-16; Plan and photos.
Journal article
12170 Biran, A. 1965
Biran, A., "Kfar el-Makr (in: Archaeological Activities 1964, p. 15-20)", Christian News from Israel 16, no. 4 (1965): 20; photos.
Journal article
12171 Biran, A. 1965
Biran, A., "Caesarea (in: Archaeological Activities 1964, p.15-20)", Christian News from Israel 16, no. 4 (1965): 18.
Journal article
12172 Baumstark, A. 1934
Baumstark, A., "Die Grabungen in der Geburtskirche zu Bethlehem", Oriens Christianus Ser 3: 9 (1934): 268-271.
Journal article
12173 Bagatti, B. 1971
Bagatti, B., "Giuseppe il Culto Nella Sua Patria", La Terra Santa‎ 47 (1971): 55-61.
Journal article
12174 Bagatti, B. 1971
Bagatti, B., "Jifna: Djifna: North church (in: Gifna: Villlaggio Cristiano di Giudea, p.247-256‎)", La Terra Santa‎ 47 (1971): 254 and bibliography.
Journal article
12175 Bagatti, B. 1971
Bagatti, B., "Jifna: Djifna: South Church: St. George (in: Gifna: Villlaggio Cristiano di Giudea, p.247-256‎)", La Terra Santa‎ 47 (1971): 251-253; plan and photos.
Journal article
12176 Bagatti, B. 1970
Bagatti, B., "Il Villaggio di Zababde in Samaria", La Terra Santa‎ 46 (1970): 160-167; photos.
Journal article
12177 Bagatti, B. 1968
Bagatti, B., "Hippos- Sussitha Antica Sede Vescovile", La Terra Santa 44 (1968): 354-361; Plan and photos.
Journal article
12178 Bagatti, B. 1967
Bagatti, B., "Due Santuari di S. Giorgio presso Acri", La Terra Santa 43 (1967): 46-49; photos.
Journal article
12179 Bagatti, B. 1967
Bagatti, B., "Il "Desololato" Villaggio di Suhmata", La Terra Santa 43 (1967): 316-319; Plan and photos.
Journal article
12180 Bagatti, B. 1965
Bagatti, B., "Chiesa di S. Tecla a Kafar Kama", La Terra Santa 41 (1965): 140-146; Plan and photos.
Journal article
12181 Bagatti, B. 1963
Bagatti, B., "Le Origini Della "Tomba Della Vergine" a Getsemani", Rivista Biblica 11 (1963): 38-52; photos.
Journal article
12182 Corbo, V. C. 1962
Corbo, V. C., "La Nouva Laura: Identificata con Kh. Tina", La Terra Santa‎ 38 (1962): 109-113 and photos; Plan-fig. 110.
Journal article
12183 Bagatti, B. 1950-1951
Bagatti, B., "Kh. El-Mukatir (in: de Anno Scholari 1950-1951, Restituti Studii Biblici Primo, p. 273-285)", Liber Annuus 1 (1950-1951): 279.
Journal article
12184 Avi-Yonah, M. 1949
Avi-Yonah, M., "Sheikh Bader Excavation‎", Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society 15, no. 1-2 (1949): 19-24; Pls. 7, 2; 8, 1. 3-5 ‎(in Hebrew).
Journal article
12185 Abel, F. M. 1928
Abel, F. M., "Tarfìn: Räs et Turfineh (in: Notes sur les Environes de bir-Zeit, p. 49-55‎)", Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society 8 (1928): 52.
Journal article
12186 Di Segni, L. forthcoming
Di Segni, L., "Three Greek Inscriptions from Giv‘ot Bar", forthcoming: .
Book Section
12187 Di Segni, L. 2016
Di Segni, L., "On the Contribution of Epigraphy to the Identification of Monastic Foundations", in: Arise, Walk through the Land: Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Land of Israel in Memory of Yizhar Hirschfeld on the Tenth Anniversary of His Demise, edited by Patrich, J., Peleg-Barkat, O. and Ben-Yosef, E., Jerusalem, 2016: 185*-198*.[PDF File]
Book Section
12188 Patrich, J. 2019
Patrich, J., "Recent archaeological research on monasteries in Palaestina Byzantina: an update on distribution", in: La vie quotidienne des moines en Orient et Occident (IVe-Xe siècle),Vol. 2: Questions transversales, edited by Delouis, O. and Mossakowska-Gaubert, M., Paris, 2019: 77-106.
Book Section
