


Displaying 3481 - 3500 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
12267 Strus, A. 2003
Strus, A., Khirbet Fattir-Bet Gemal. Two ancient Jewish and Christian Sites in Israel, Roma, 2003.
12268 Germer-Durand, J. 1893
Germer-Durand, J., "Épigraphie chrétienne de Palestine", Revue Biblique 2, no. 2 (1893): 203-215.
Journal article
12272 Urman, D. 2004
Urman, D., "Nessana Excavations", in: Nesssana excavations and Studies 1987-1995, edited by Urman, D., Beer Sheva, 2004: 1-90 in Hebrew (1*- 118* English).
Book Section
12273 Marcoff, M., Chitty, D. J. 1929
Marcoff, M. and Chitty, D. J., "Notes on Monastic Research in the Judaean Wilderness 1928-1929", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 61, no. 3 (1929): 167-178.
Journal article
12274 Corbo, V. C. 1955‎
Corbo, V. C., "Kh. el Makhrum, St. Theognius", in: Gli Scavi di Kh. Siyar El-Ghanam (Campo dei Pastori) e i Monasteri dei Dintorni‎, Jerusalem, 1955‎: 151-155; 163-164.
Book Section
12275 Wood, B. G. 2000
Wood, B. G., "Khirbet el-Mukqatir, 1995-1998 (in: Notes and news; p. 118-131)", Israel Exploration Journal 50, no. 1-2 (2000): 123-130.
Journal article
12276 Wood, B. G. 2000
Wood, B. G., "Khirbet el-Mukqatir, 1999 (in: Notes and news; p.243-264)", Israel Exploration Journal 50, no. 3-4 (2000): 249-254.
Journal article
12277 Wood, B. G. 2001
Wood, B. G., "Khirbet el-Mukqatir, 2000 (in: Notes and news; p. 235-252)", Israel Exploration Journal 51, no. 2 (2001): 246-252.
Journal article
12278 Magen, Y., Har-Even, B., Sharukh, I. 2012
Magen, Y., Har-Even, B. and Sharukh, I., "A Roman Tower and a Byzantine Monastery at Khirbet El-Qasr", in: Christians and Christianity IV- Churches and Monasteries in Judea, edited by Carmin, N., Jerusalem, 2012: 247-298.
Book Section
12279 Hirschfeld, Y. 1985
Hirschfeld, Y., "Khirbet el-Quneitira- A byzantine Monastery in the Wilderness of Ziph", Eretz-Israel 18 (1985): 243-255 (Hebrew; English summary: 73*).
Journal article
12281 Schneider, A. M. 1931
Schneider, A. M., "Das byzantinische Gilgal (chirbet Mefdschir)", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1878-1945) 54, no. 1-2 (1931): 50-59.
Journal article
12282 Jeffery, A., Albright, W. F. 1955
Jeffery, A. and Albright, W. F., "Inscriptional Material from New Testament Jericho (Tulul Abu el-'Alyiq) and Khirbet en-Nitla", in: Excavations at New Testament Jericho and Khirbet en-Nitla (Annual of the American School of Oriental Research, 1949-1951), edited by Kelso, J. L. and Baramki, D. C., 1955: 53-56.
Book Section
12284 Magen, Y., Kagan, E. D. 2012
Magen, Y. and Kagan, E. D., "50. St. Barbara ('Abud)", in: Christians and Christianity I- Corpus of Christian Sites in Samaria and Northern Judea, edited by Malka, A. H., Jerusalem, 2012: 170.
Book Section
12285 Magen, Y., Kagan, E. D. 2012
Magen, Y. and Kagan, E. D., "51. 'Abud", in: Christians and Christianity I- Corpus of Christian Sites in Samaria and Northern Judea, edited by Malka, A. H., Jerusalem, 2012: 171-173.
Book Section
12286 Finkelstein, I., Lederman, Z., Bunimovitz, S., Benenson, I. 1997
Finkelstein, I., Lederman, Z., Bunimovitz, S. and Benenson, I., "'Abud (in: Chapter 8- Description of sites, p.131-857)", in: Highlands of many cultures: The southern Samaria survey- the sites, edited by Finkelstein, I. and Lederman, Z., Tel Aviv, 1997: 202-207.
Book Section
12287 Guérin, V. 1875
Guérin, V., "A'boud", in: Description geographique, historique et archeologique de la Palestine: par m.v. Guerin; Samarie 2, Paris, 1875: 87-88.
Book Section
12288 Bagatti, B. 2002
Bagatti, B., "'Abud", in: Ancient Christian Villages of Samaria, Jerusalem, 2002: 142-148.
Book Section
12291 Hirschfeld, Y. 1988/89
Hirschfeld, Y., "Judean Desert and Samaria, Survey of Monasteries-1987", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 7-8 (1988/89): 95-104.
Journal article
12293 Kallai, Z. 1972
Kallai, Z., "Survey of the Land of Benjamin and Mt. Efraim", in: Judaea, Samaria and the Golan. Archaeological Survey, 1967-1968, edited by Kochavi, M. and Ovadiah, R., Jerusalem, 1972: 153-196 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
12296 Magen, Y., Kagan, E. D. 2012
Magen, Y. and Kagan, E. D., "Corpus of Christian Sites", in: Christians and Christianity I: Corpus of Christian Sites in Samaria and Northern Judea, edited by Malka, A. H., Jerusalem, 2012: 93-312.
Book Section
