


Displaying 4101 - 4120 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
14682 Zelinger, Y., Barbé, H. 2017
Zelinger, Y. and Barbé, H., "A Byzantine Monastery in Naḥal Qidron, Jerusalem", ‘Atiqot 89 (2017): 49-82.
Journal article
14684 Adawi, Z. 2008
Adawi, Z., "Jerusalem, Har Homa", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 120 (2008).
Journal article
14685 Kisilevitz, S. 2015
Kisilevitz, S., "Jerusalem, Har Homa", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 127 (2015).
Journal article
14686 Zelinger, Y. 2016
Zelinger, Y., "Jerusalem, Har Homa C", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 128 (2016).
Journal article
14688 Macalister, R. A. S. 1902
Macalister, R. A. S., "The Mosaic in the Church of Notre Dame de Spasme, Jerusalem (in: Reports by R. A. Stewart Macalister, M.A., F.S.A., p. 118-124)", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 34, no. 2 (1902): 122-124.
Journal article
14689 Prag, K. 1989
Prag, K., Jerusalem. Blue Guide., London, New York, 1989.
14698 Robinson, E., Smith, E. 1841
Robinson, E. and Smith, E., "Bani Na'im; Bani N'aim; Bani-Naïm; Banī Na'īm; Kafar barîk; Kafr Berēk; Kefr Bareka; Caphar Baricha", in: Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai and Arabia Petraea. A Journal of Travels in the Year 1838 II, London, 1841: 187-189.
Book Section
14699 Conder, C. R. , Kitchener, H. H. 1883
Conder, C. R. and Kitchener, H. H., "Bani Na'im; Bani N'aim; Bani-Naïm; Banī Na'īm; Kafar barîk; Kafr Berēk; Kefr Bareka; Caphar Baricha", in: The Survey of Western Palestine: memoirs of the topography, orography, hydrography, and archaeology; Volume 3. sheets XVII.-XXVI. Judæa, edited by Palmer, E. H. and Besant, W., London, 1883: 303-4, 325.
Book Section
14703 Magan, Y., Kagan, E. D. 2012
Magan, Y. and Kagan, E. D., "296. Bani Na'im", in: Christians and Christianity II- Corpus of Christian Sites in Judea, edited by Malka, A. H., Jerusalem, 2012: 207-8.
Book Section
14707 Corbo, V. C. 1974
Corbo, V. C., "Scavi archeologici a Magdala (1971-1973)", Liber Annuus 24 (1974): 5-37.
Journal article
14708 Abu-'Uqsa, H. 2001
Abu-'Uqsa, H., "The Findings from Two Excavations at Migdal", ‘Atiqot 42 (2001): 9*-25* (in Hebrew, English summary: p.321-322).
Journal article
14709 Abu-'Uqsa, H. 2005
Abu-'Uqsa, H., "Migdal: Final Report", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 117 (2005).
Journal article
14710 De Luca, S. 2010-2011
De Luca, S., "Magdala Project (2009-2011)", Notizaria: Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Jerusalem (2010-2011): 22-23.
Journal article
14712 Magen, Y., Kagan, E. D. 2012
Magen, Y. and Kagan, E. D., "355. Khirbet el-Kharabe; Khirbet el-Kharaba; Kh. Churābe; El Khŭrâbeh; Khirbet el-‎Khārābe", in: Christians and Christianity II- Corpus of Christian Sites in Judea, edited by Malka, A. H., Jerusalem, 2012: 300.
Book Section
14713 Guérin, V. 1869
Guérin, V., "Kh. Churàbe", in: Description geographique, historique et archeologique de la Palestine: par m.v. Guerin; Judée 3, Paris, 1869: 194-195.
Book Section
14714 Conder, C. R., Kitchener, H. H. 1883
Conder, C. R. and Kitchener, H. H., "Khirbet el-Kharabe; Khirbet el-Kharaba; Kh. Churābe; El Khŭrâbeh; Khirbet el-‎Khārābe", in: The Survey of Western Palestine: memoirs of the topography, orography, hydrography, and archaeology; Volume 3. sheets XVII.-XXVI. Judæa, edited by Palmer, E. H. and Besant, W., London, 1883: 408.
Book Section
14715 Bagatti, B. 2002
Bagatti, B., "Khirbet el-Kharabe; Khirbet el-Kharaba; Kh. Churābe; El Khŭrâbeh; Khirbet el-‎Khārābe ", in: Ancient Christian Villages of Judaea and the Negev, Jerusalem, 2002: 101.
Book Section
14717 Robinson, E., Smith, E. 1841
Robinson, E. and Smith, E., "Khirbet ed-Deirat; Kh. ed-Deirât; Kh. ed-Derat; Ch. ed-Dērāt; Kh. ed-Deirāt", in: Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai and Arabia Petraea. A Journal of Travels in the Year 1838 II, London, 1841: 201.
Book Section
14718 Guérin, V. 1869
Guérin, V., "Khirbet ed-Deirat; Kh. ed-Deirât; Kh. ed-Derat; Ch. ed-Dērāt; Kh. ed-Deirāt", in: Description geographique, historique et archeologique de la Palestine: par m.v. Guerin; Judée 3, Paris, 1869: 165.
Book Section
14719 Conder, C. R., Kitchener, H. H. 1883
Conder, C. R. and Kitchener, H. H., "Khirbet ed-Deirat; Kh. ed-Deirât; Kh. ed-Derat; Ch. ed-Dērāt; Kh. ed-Deirāt", in: The Survey of Western Palestine: memoirs of the topography, orography, hydrography, and archaeology; Volume 3. sheets XVII.-XXVI. Judæa, edited by Palmer, E. H. and Besant, W., London, 1883: 352.
Book Section
