


Displaying 4181 - 4200 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
14989 Taxel, I. 2018
Taxel, I., "Late Antique Ionic Column Capitals in the Countryside of Central Palestine between Provincial Trends and Classical Traditions", Studies in Late Antiquity 2, no. 1 (2018): 84-125.
Journal article
14990 Tarkhanova, S. 2016
Tarkhanova, S., "Pseudo-Ionic capitals in Churches and Synagogues of Northern Palestine of the Late Antique Period: Sub-Roman or Sub-Byzantine Style?", Questions of History of World Architecture 7, no. 2 (2016): 75-89 (in Russian).
Journal article
14991 Tarkhanova, S. 2017
Tarkhanova, S., "The Classical Morphology under Late Antique Pressure: Pseudo-Ionic Capital in Synagogues and Churches of the Land of Israel (Sub-Roman or Sub-Byzantine Style) ", in: The 17th World Congress of Jewish Studies. Jerusalem, August 6–10, 2017, 2017: 153.
Book Section
15000 Taxel, I. 2010
Taxel, I., Aspects of the Material Culture of the Rural Settlement in the Province of Palaestina Prima in the Fifth-Seventh Centuries CE (in Hebrew), Ph.D. Dissertation, Tel Aviv University, 2010.
15001 Tarkhanova, S. 2016
Tarkhanova, S., Architecture of the Late Antique Synagogues (3rd-7th centuries CE) at ‎the Territory of Northern Palestine: Typology, Compositions, ‎Decoration (in Russian)‎, Ph.D. Dissertation, Institute of Arts, Moscow, 2016.
15002 Bar, D. 2005
Bar, D., "Rural Monasticism as a Key Element in the Christianization of Byzantine Palestine", Harvard Theological Review 98, no. 1 (2005): 49-65.
Journal article
15029 Zertal. A. 1992
Zertal. A., The Menasseh Hill County Survey I. The Shechem Syncline (Hebrew), Haifa, 1992.
15033 Reisner, G. A., Fisher C. S., Lyon D. G. 1924
Reisner, G. A., Fisher C. S. and Lyon D. G., Harvard Excavations at Samaria, 1908-1910. Vol. I: text; Vol. II: figs, Cambridge, 1924.
15053 Ashkenazi, Y., Aviam, M. 2014
Ashkenazi, Y. and Aviam, M., "Small Monasteries in Galilee in Late Antiquity: the Test Case of Karmiel", in: Knowledge and Wisdom, Archaeological and Historical Essays in Honour of Leah Di Degni, edited by Bottini, G. C., Chrupcała, L. D. and Patrich, J., Milan, 2014: 161-178.
Book Section
15076 Di Segni, L., Gellman, D. 2017
Di Segni, L. and Gellman, D., "A Justinian Inscription North of Byzantine Jerusalem, and its Importance for the Dating of the Nea Chuch Inscription", New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Region. Collected Papers 11 (2017): 27*-37*.
Journal article
15169 Abel F. M. 1919
Abel F. M., "La sépulture de S. Jacques le Mineur", Revue Biblique 3-4, no. 28 (16) (1919): 485-489.
Journal article
15171 Batz, S., Sharukh, I. 2012
Batz, S. and Sharukh, I., "A Roman Bathhouse and Two Byzantine Churches at Khirbet Zur", in: Christians and Christianity IV- Churches and Monasteries in Judea, edited by Carmin, N., Jerusalem, 2012: 1-36.
Book Section
15177 Stutchbury H. E. 1961
Stutchbury H. E., "Excavations in the Kidron Valley", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 93, no. 2 (1961): 101-113.
Journal article
15186 Hirschfeld, Y. 2002
Hirschfeld, Y., "The Water Supply of the Monastery of Chariton", in: The Aqueducts of Israel, edited by Amit, D., Patrich, J. and Hirschfeld, Y., Portsmouth R.I., 2002: 428-437.
Book Section
15190 Amit, D., Wolff, S., Gorzalczany A. 1993
Amit, D., Wolff, S. and Gorzalczany A., "Jerusalem, The Third Wall (Area D)", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 13 (1993): 80-83.
Journal article
15191 Amit, D., Seligman, J., Zilberbod, I. 2000
Amit, D., Seligman, J. and Zilberbod, I., "Jerusalem, Mount Scopus (East)", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 112 (2000): 94-98.
Journal article
15196 Fabian, P., Gil'ad, Y. 2008
Fabian, P. and Gil'ad, Y., "7,000 Years of settlement: The archaeological remains in Beer Sheva from the sixth millennium BCE to the end of the first millennium CE", in: Beer Sheva: Metropolis in the Making, edited by Grados, Y. and Meir Glitzenstein, E., Jerusalem, 2008: 303-331 (in Hebrew).[PDF File]
Book Section
15197 Fabian, P., Gil'ad, Y. 2010
Fabian, P. and Gil'ad, Y., "Be'er Sheva'. Preliminary Report", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 122 (2010).
Journal article
15198 Fabian, P., Gil'ad, Y. 2010
Fabian, P. and Gil'ad, Y., "Be’er Sheva‘ (Compound C) Preliminary Report", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 122 (2010).
Journal article
15262 Stern, E. J. 2006
Stern, E. J., "Khirbat el-Qabra", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 118 (2006).
Journal article
