


Displaying 4201 - 4220 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
15273 Tsafrir, Y., Holum, K. G. 1988
Tsafrir, Y. and Holum, K. G., "Rehovot-in-the-Negev Preliminary Report, 1986", Israel Exploration Journal 38, no. 3 (1988): 117-127.
Journal article
15288 Palmer, E.H. 1871
Palmer, E.H., The Desert of Exodus: journeys on foot in the wilderness of the forty years' wanderings : undertaken in connexion with the ordnance survey of Sinai, and the Palestine exploration fund. Vol. 2, Cambridge, 1871.
15289 Huntington, E. 1911
Huntington, E., Palestine and Its Transformation, London, 1911.
15292 Renoux, A. 1962
Renoux, A., "Un manuscrit du Lectionnaire Armenien de Jerusalem (Cod. Jerus. arm. 121)", Le Muséon 75 (1962): 385-398.
Journal article
15294 Dahari, U., Sion, O. 2017
Dahari, U. and Sion, O., "Ruheiba-Rehovot in the Negev as a Model Desert Town", Qadmoniot 50, no. 154 (2017): 66-77 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
15312 Cytryn-Silverman, K. 2016
Cytryn-Silverman, K., "Tiberias' Houses of Prayer in Context", in: Arise, walk through the land. Studies in the archaeology and history of the land of Israel in memory of Yizhar Hirschfeld on the tenth anniversary of his demise, edited by Patrich, J., Peleg-Barqat, O. and Ben-Yosef, E., Jerusalem, 2016: 235*-248*.
Book Section
15334 Mattila, S. L. 2015
Mattila, S. L., "Capernaum, Village of Nahum, From Hellenistic to Byzantine Times", in: Galilee In the Late Second Temple and Mishnaic Periods: Volume 2 - The Archaeological Record from Cities, Towns and Villages, edited by Fiensy, D. A. and Strange, J. R., 2015: 217-257.
Book Section
15335 Talgam, R., Arubas, B. 2014
Talgam, R. and Arubas, B., "Jews, Christians and ‘Minim’: Who Really Built and Used the Synagogue at Capernaum – A Stirring Appraisal", in: Knowledge and Wisdom, Archaeological and Historical Essays in Honour of Leah Di Degni, edited by Bottini, G. C., Chrupcała, L. D. and Patrich, J., Jerusalem, 2014: 237-274.
Book Section
15338 Tarkhanova, S., Nekludov, K., Korotkov, P., Lyavdansky, A. 2012
Tarkhanova, S., Nekludov, K., Korotkov, P. and Lyavdansky, A., "Capernaum", in: Orthodox Encyclopedia, Moscow, 2012: 533-543 (in Russian).
15345 Carmoly, E. 1847
Carmoly, E., Itinéraires de la Terre Sainte des XIIIe, XIVe, XVe, XVIe et XVIIe siècle, traduits de l'hébreu, et accompagnés de tables, de cartes et d'éclaircissements, Bruxelles, 1847.
Ancient Text
15367 Magness, J. 2003
Magness, J., The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Settlement in Palestine, Vol. I, Winona Lake, Indiana, 2003.
15375 Turnheim, Y. 1998
Turnheim, Y., "Imported patterns and their acclimatization in Eretz-Israel. The anthemion", Assaph. Studies in art history 3 (1998): 19-36.[PDF File]
Journal article
15384 Arubas, B., Goldfus, H. 1993
Arubas, B. and Goldfus, H., "Jerusalem, Binyane Ha'umma", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 13 (1993): 74-78.
Journal article
15385 Arubas, B., Goldfus, H. 2005
Excavations on the Site of the Jerusalem International Convention Center (Binyanei Ha'uma): A Settlement of the Late First to Second Temple Period, the Tenth Legion's Kilnworks, and a Byzantine Mosaic Complex (JRA Supplementary series 60), Edited by Arubas, B. and Goldfus, H., Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 2005.
15386 Arubas, B., Goldfus, H. 2007
Arubas, B. and Goldfus, H., "The Site of Binyanei ha-Uma and Its Role in the Settlement Network Surrounding Jerusalem", Eretz-Israel 28 (2007): 14-20 (in Hebrew; English summary 9*-10*).
Journal article
15387 Rosenthal-Heginbottom, R. 2005
Rosenthal-Heginbottom, R., "The 1968 Excavations", in: Excavations on the Site of the Jerusalem International Convention Center (Binyanei Ha'uma): A Settlement of the Late First to Second Temple Period, the Tenth Legion's Kilnworks, and a Byzantine Mosaic Complex (JRA Supplementary series 60), edited by Arubas, B. and Goldfus, H., Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 2005: 229-282.
Book Section
15388 Kloner, A. 2003
Kloner, A., Archaeological Survey of Israel. Survey of Jerusalem: Northwestern Sector, Introduction and Indices (Hebrew and English), Jerusalem, 2003.
15398 Sion, O., Habas, L., Di Segni, L. 2010
Sion, O., Habas, L. and Di Segni, L., "Barqa", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 122 (2010).
Journal article
15402 Negev A. 1988
Negev A., The architecture of Mampsis: final report, Volume 1, Jerusalem, 1988.
15403 Villeneuve, E. 2003
Villeneuve, E., "L’archeologie francaise dans les territoires occupes", Le Monde de la Bible 150 (2003): 50-51.
Journal article
