


Displaying 4781 - 4800 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
21020 Juhász, E.V. 2021.
Juhász, E.V., Pinturas y grafitos. Basílica de la Natividad en Belén. Introducción y edición a cargo de Michele Bacci (SBF. Collectio Maior 58), Milano, 2021..
21021 Dalali-Amos, E. 2020
Dalali-Amos, E., "Chapter 9. Byzantine Architectural Elements from the Temple ‎Platform in Marble and Other Materials.", in: Caesarea Maritima ‎Excavations in the Old City 1989-2003 Conducted by the University of Maryland and ‎the University of Haifa, Final Reports Volume 1, edited by Holum K. G., 2020: 249-300.
Book Section
21026 Alliata, E., Yeger, D. 2022
Alliata, E. and Yeger, D., "Historical Sources for the Identification of the New Byzantine Church and Crusader Hospital Discovered in the Gethsemane Excavations", in: New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and Its Region. Collected Papers, edited by Gadot, Y., Zelinger, Y., Peleg-Barkat, O. and Shalev, Y., 2022: 47*-69*.
Book Section
21031 Storchan, B. , Albag, R. 2021
Storchan, B. and Albag, R., "A new reconstruction of the church at Ḥorbat Ḥanot in the Judean Shephelah", Liber Annuus 71 (2021): 381-395.
Journal article
21040 Shenhav, E. 1986
Shenhav, E., "Horbat Hanot (Kh. El-Khan)", Excavations and Surveys in Israel no. 5 (1986): 25.
Journal article
21041 Dauphin, C. 1991
Dauphin, C., "The Excavation of a Byzantine Site at Khirbet Jannaba et-Taḥta", ‘Atiqot no. 20 (1991): 111-117.
Journal article
21042 Klein, E., Goldenberg, G., Hadad, I. 2018
Klein, E., Goldenberg, G. and Hadad, I., "Kh. Umm er-Rus (Horbat Bet Bad) Reconsidered: New Insights from an Underground Archaeological Survey", Revue Biblique no. 125 (2018): 90-119.
Journal article
21047 Gendelman, P. 2017
Gendelman, P., "Decorated Entablature and Liturgical Elements from Moshav Ha-Bonim", ‘Atiqot 88 (2017): 101-106.
Journal article
21051 Feig, N. , Aviam, M. 2022
Feig, N. and Aviam, M., "Byzantine Church at Kafr Kama", in: Cities, Monuments and Objects in the Roman and Byzantine Levant. Studies in Honour of Gabi Mazor, edited by Atrash, W., Overman, A. and Gendelman, P., Oxford, 2022: 208–220.
Book Section
21055 Habas, L. 2022
Habas, L., "Mosaic Floors of the Monastery in Sede Nahum", in: Cities, Monuments and Objects in the Roman and Byzantine Levant. Studies in Honour of Gabi Mazor, edited by Atrash, W., Overman, A. and Gendelman, P., Oxford, 2022: 221–233.
Book Section
21059 Talgam, R., et ali, 2022
Talgam, R. and et ali,, "Shivta Mosaics", in: Cities, Monuments and Objects in the Roman and Byzantine Levant. Studies in Honour of Gabi Mazor, edited by Atrash, W., Overman, A. and Gendelman, P., Oxford, 2022: 234–246.
Book Section
21061 Riba, B. 2021
Riba, B., "Le baptistère de ʿAïn el-Maʿmoudiyeh (Palestine méridionale – district d’Hébron)", Syria no. 98 (2021): 113-123.
Journal article
21062 Elter, R. 2021
Elter, R., "État des lieux à Tell Umm el-ʿAmr (bande de Gaza): la question des baptistères", Syria no. 98 (2021): 83-100.
Journal article
21063 Elter, R. 2012
Elter, R., "Du caveau-reliquaire à la grande crypte de pèlerinage: un mausolée pour Hilarion, les vestiges de Umm el-ʿAmr à Nuseirat (Bande de Gaza)", in: Mausolées et églises, IVe-VIIIe siècle (HAM 18/2), edited by Sapin, C. and Chevalier, P., Turnhout, 2012: 367-378.
Book Section
21064 Riba, B. 2018
Riba, B., "Rôle et gestion de l’eau dans les baptistères paléochrétiens de Palestine: le cas de ’Ain el-Ma’moudiyeh", Academie des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres. Comptes rendus (2018): 1255-1271.
Journal article
21070 Michel, A. 2019
Michel, A., "Églises à trois absides des provinces de Palestine et d'Arabie", Syria no. 96 (2019): 117-190.
Journal article
21089 Dauphin, C. 1982
Dauphin, C., "On the Pilgrim's Way to the Holy City", Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society (1982): 25-31.
Journal article
21098 Avi-Yonah, M. 1957
Avi-Yonah, M., "Christian Archaeology in Israel", in: Actes V CIAC, Aix-en-Provence 13 au 19 septembre 1954, Cité du Vatican, 1957: 117-123.
Book Section
21100 Segal, A. 2007
Segal, A., "The Churches of Hippos at the End of the Seven Excavations Seasons (2000-2006)", in: Hippos-Sussita Excavation Project, 2007: .
Book Section
21102 Negev, A. 1981
Negev, A., "Chronique archéologique. Elusa (1980)", Revue Biblique no. 88 (1981): 587-591.
Journal article
