


Displaying 4841 - 4852 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
21463 Ustinova Y. 2023
Ustinova Y., "Greek Inscriptions from the Byzantine-Period Monastery at Ḥura ", ‘Atiqot no. 110 (2023): 385-393.
Journal article
21467 Massara, D. 2023
Massara, D., "Late Antique mosaics from the area of the Franciscan Sanctuary of the First Miracle (Kefr Kanna, Galilee)", in: Proceedings of The 14th Conference of AIEMA [Association Internationale pour l’Étude de la Mosaïque Antique], Nicosia, 15-19 October 2018, edited by Michaelides, D., Athens, 2023: 88-95.
Book Section
21478 Syon D., Getzov N. , Zohar D. 2024
Syon D., Getzov N. and Zohar D., "Excavations at et�-Ṭuweiri and the Boundary between the Dioceses of Tyre and ‘Akko-Ptolemais in the Byzantine Period", Atiqot 114 (2024): 271-326.
Journal article
21504 Schuler M. 2008`
Schuler M., "North-East Church Complex (NWC)", in: Hippos (Sussita): Eighth Season of Excavations, June-July 2008, edited by A. Segal et al., 2008`: 40-55.
Book Section
21509 Chachy, R. , Kalman, Y., Porat, R. (eds.) Forthcoming
Chachy, R., Kalman, Y. and Porat, R. (eds.), HERODIUM II - "Lower Herodium", Final Reports of the 1972-2010 Excavations Directed by Ehud Netzer, Jerusalem, Forthcoming.
21519 Magness, J. 2001
Magness, J., "The Early Byzantine Monastery at Khirbet Ed-Deir in the Judean Desert: The Excavations in 1981-1987, by Y. Hirschfeld et ali. Jerusalem 1999. A review article", BASOR (2001): 91-94.
Journal article
21520 Varga, D., Talgam, R. 2023
Varga, D. and Talgam, R., "A Byzantine-period monastery at Ḥura", ʿAtiqot no. 110 (2023): 263-384.
Journal article
21521 Adawi, Z. , Arviv, K.
Adawi, Z. and Arviv, K., "New Excavations at Khirbet el-Messani in Jerusalem. A Monastery from the Byzantine Period and in it the Grave of a Monk with Iron Rings", Aram Periodical : (forthcoming).
Journal article
21524 Maayan-Fanar, E., Tepper, Y. 2022
Maayan-Fanar, E. and Tepper, Y., "The Baptistery in the North Church of Shivta: structure, ritual, art", BZ no. 115/3 (2022): 907–948.
Journal article
21526 Maayan-Fanar, E., Tepper, Y., Asscher, Y. 2021
Maayan-Fanar, E., Tepper, Y. and Asscher, Y., "An angel from Shivta", Strata: Journal of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society no. 39 (2021): 145-166.
Journal article
21532 Tchekhanovets, Y., Tepper, Y., Bar-Oz, G. 2017
Tchekhanovets, Y., Tepper, Y. and Bar-Oz, G., "The Armenian Graffito from the Southern Church of Shivta", Revue Biblique no. 124 (2017): 446–454.
Journal article
21542 Darvasi, Y., Fantalkin, A., Brindza, P., Agnon, A. 2024
Darvasi, Y., Fantalkin, A., Brindza, P. and Agnon, A., "An early Byzantine ecclesiastical complex at Ashdod-Yam: correlating geophysical prospection with excavated remains", STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research no. 10:1 (2024).
Journal article
