Church components table

Nid Site Name Church name Dedication Functional Type Church type Geographical region Bishopric Provincial affiliation Crypt Accessibility and description Function Orientation Atrium Water cistern Narthex Aisles Colonnades / Arcades Capital types Transept Aisles East end Church Head/Chevet Central Apse Bema type Bema type text Elevation of Bema above nave Altar remains Altar type Altar reliquiarium type Altar location Secondary tables Ciborium Ambo Ambo remains Ambo location Ambo materials Ambo placement Apse elevation Apse shape Synthronon Synthronon location Synthronon remains Synthronon description Pastophoria loci Description and function of northern Description and function of southern Northern apse description and function Southern apse description and function Altar location Cult of relics loci Reliquiaries: shapes and contents Loci Font structure External shape Internal shape Ben-Peshat type Upper galleries Galleries description Burials loci Author (created) Count
16006 Rekhes-Hassulam Church Unknown Unknown Western Galilee Tyre Phoenice I SB 1
16289 Kh. Kenesiyya church (?) Unknown Unknown Western Galilee Tyre (?) Phoenice I SB 1
16009 Kh. Kenesiyya Church Unknown Basilical Western Galilee Tyre (?) Phoenice I SB 1
16015 Ḥ. Shaqof Church Unknown Unknown Western Galilee Ptolemais Phoenice I SB 1
16238 Tel ʿAvdon Church (West of the mound) Unknown Unknown Western Galilee Ptolemais Phoenice I SB 1
16021 Ḥ. Sugar Church Unknown Unknown Western Galilee Ptolemais Phoenice I Facing east Yes Yes Against the apse grades SB 1
16024 Kh. Ḥazne Church Unknown Unknown Western Galilee Tyre (?) Phoenice I SB 1
16030 Miʿiliya Church Parochial Unknown Western Galilee Tyre Phoenice I SB 1
16036 Ḥ. Badid Church Unknown Unknown Western Galilee Ptolemais Phoenice I SB 1
16039 Ḥ. Bir Church Unknown Unknown Western Galilee Ptolemais Phoenice I SB 1
12993 Ein en Nukheil (Laura of Gerasimus) Hermits chapel unknown Hermitage chapel Unknown Southern Jordan Valley Regio Jericho Palaestina I AM 1
12933 'Ein el Ma'amudieh Chapel Baptismal chapel Free standing Hebron Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Facing east Internal apse apsidal Hemispherical A circular font, 1.8m in diameter, is located in front of the apse. Four stairs led in from the east. A second circular font, 1m in diameter, might had served for the baptism of children. Two other rectangular basin, on the north, might have served for pre-baptismal ablution. The larger earlier basin, that predates the chapel with its circular font, might have functioned Masonry built circular circular 7a SB 1
13732 Ramthaniyye; Ramsaniyye St. John the Baptist? Monastic Free standing Golan Heights Paneas Phoenice I Facing east Yes apsidal elsewhere The decorative stone adorned with wine trellis pattern was found. It preserved also the traces of the anticipated icon of St. John, attached to it, as it is witnessed by the inscription upon his apparent halo (see architectural members; ). Dauphin supposed that the Martyrion of St. John might accept relics of St. John after the desertation of his tomb in Sebaste in 361-2 during the reign of Julian the Apostate. After the rebuilding of the early chapel the Martyrion was moved to the burial ‎chapel to the west from the church. It was connected with the burial cave. ‎ SB 1
16316 Maledomnei Good Samaritan Inn Good Samaritan Pilgrims' church Basilical Judean Desert fringes Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east Yes Yes Yes 2 Arcade of pillars Internal apse monoapsidal with open lateral rooms or spaces (mon-aps I) N & S Both rooms measured 2.1x2 m. ST 1
16608 Tell Beit Mirsim Church Parochial Free standing basilica Judean Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I In the southern aisle, a staircase of eight steps leading to a crypt accessed from the west. A rectungular room, 1.7X3.5m and 2.4m high, built of roughly hewn ashlar atone with remains of plaster. Ottoman period oil lamps and modern tras was found inside. Above the crypt was a unit facing south, built of ashlar stones in a semicircle facing south and paved with dressed flagstones that bore remains of plaster. Fragments of a baptismal basin were found around the church. The curved southern wall of the baptisterium (W39) also severed as the southern wall of the church; it was probably added after the church structure was already standing. SB 1
14446 Apollonia; Sozousa; Reshef; Arsuf Basilica Parochial Basilical Sharon Apollonia Palaestina I Facing east ST 1
16960 El-Khirbe Church Monastic Chapel Judean Hills Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east ST 1
14386 Ḥorvat Kasif‎; Khirbet Kuseifa Central Church unknown Parochial Basilical Beer Sheba Valley Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Facing east Internal apse monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal no remains N Only the northern pastophorium was revealed so far ST 1
14388 Ḥorvat Kasif‎; Khirbet Kuseifa South Church Parochial Free standing basilica Beer Sheba Valley Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Facing east Yes Yes 2 Colonnade Trapezoidal Internal apse monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal no remains N & S Two rectangular rooms flanked the apse. The entrances into them was accessible from the aisles through the narrow doorways on the western side. Similar to the northern. Functions are not distinguished. ST 1
17434 Ḥorvat Kasif‎; Khirbet Kuseifa North Church Unknown Monastic Annex\es on N & S Beer Sheba Valley Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Facing east No Yes Yes 2 Colonnade monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal N & S Both pastophoria measured 2.6x2.3 m. ST 1
