Church components table

Nid Site Name Church name Dedication Functional Type Church type Geographical region Bishopric Provincial affiliation Crypt Accessibility and description Function Orientation Atrium Water cistern Narthex Aisles Colonnades / Arcades Capital types Transept Aisles East end Church Head/Chevet Central Apse Bema type Bema type text Elevation of Bema above nave Altar remains Altar type Altar reliquiarium type Altar location Secondary tables Ciborium Ambo Ambo remains Ambo location Ambo materials Ambo placement Apse elevation Apse shape Synthronon Synthronon location Synthronon remains Synthronon description Pastophoria loci Description and function of northern Description and function of southern Northern apse description and function Southern apse description and function Altar location Cult of relics loci Reliquiaries: shapes and contents Loci Font structure External shape Internal shape Ben-Peshat type Upper galleries Galleries description Burials loci Author (created) Count
15268 Givat Zaqif (Jalamat en Nuhf) Church Monastic Unknown Western Galilee Sepphoris Palaestina II Facing east ST 1
15265 Khirbet el Qabra church (?) unknown Unknown Unknown Western Galilee Sepphoris Palaestina II The tomb, used in the Byzantine period, was found on the hill. ST 1
13375 'Ein el-Skhaniya - CAPARBARICHA (?) Chapel Monastic Chapel Hebron Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I + An opening to a cave is located in the northwest part of the chapel. The cave served as the chapel's crypt. Facing east Yes External apse, round dead end aisles (mon-aps III) TB 1
21190 Khirbet Abu Hof (Lahav) Northern Basilica Parochial Annex\es on the south North-Western Negev Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Yes 2 Colonnade External apse, round dead end aisles (mon-aps III) apsidal U shaped Hemispherical JP 1
15363 Khirbet Abu Hof (Lahav) Southern Basilica Unknown Basilical North-Western Negev Eleutheropolis Palaestina III + Burial crypt holding six parallel tombs arranged in a N-S row, covered by stone slabs. Four of them with rounded tombstones decorated by a ross within a circle. A curved stairs leading down from the southern aisle. Burial crypt. Facing east Yes Yes No 2 Colonnade Internal apse U shaped Paved by stone slabs. 1 step up Yes base plate N Lime stone On a Rectangular slab Hemispherical No N & S Rectangular in shape, lockable, elevated three stairs, partially rock-cut, above the aisles. In the crypt underlying the bema. ST 1
15612 Tel Azor Church Parochial Unknown Coastal plain Jaffa Palaestina I JP 1
14359 Kh. ed-Jof; Khirbet el-Jawf Basilica Unknown Basilical Hebron Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Yes Composite Internal apse monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal no remains N & S Function is not revealed. Traditional two rectangular rooms flanking the apse ST 1
14320 Qaṣr ‘Antar; Qasr el-‘Abd Chapel Prophet Amos Monastic Chapel Hebron Hills Jerusalem (?) Palaestina I No Yes No Internal apse n/a apsidal plate elsewhere Chernin has suggested that the church was dedicated to the prophet Amos. According to Bagatti the two niches flanking the apse seved the cult of relics, housing two reliquaries. An opening in the northern corner of the apse afforded access to a burial cave hewn underneath. It comprises a corridor and a small burial chamber (2.8x2.3 m). ST 1
14414 GABA PHILIPPI; Mishmar ha-'Emeq; Tell Abu Shusha Basilica Parochial Basilical Samaria Hills Gaba Hippeum Palaestina II Facing east External apse, round n/a no remains ST 1
14690 SUDANON; Ḥ. Sa‘adon North-eastern church Parochial Basilical Central Negev Elusa Palaestina III ST 1
14679 SUDANON; Ḥ. Sa‘adon South-western Church unknown Parochial Basilical Central Negev Elusa Palaestina III Facing east 2 Colonnade Internal apses tri-apsidal apsidal no remains ST 1
14716 Khirbet ed-Deirat; Khirbet ed-Derat Church Unknown Unknown Basilical Hebron Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I ST 1
14480 Khirbet El-ʿUzeiz (Kefar Aziz); Southern Church unknown Parochial Basilical Hebron Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Facing east Ionic ST 1
14479 Khirbet el-ʿUzeiz (Kefar 'Aziz) Central Church Unknown Parochial Basilical Judean Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I no apse was revealed, but the main axis has east-west direction Yes Arcade of columns ST 1
14481 Khirbet el-ʿUzeiz (Kefar 'Aziz) Chapel unknown Parochial Free standing Hebron Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I ST 1
14529 Kh. el-Basal Basilica or chapel Unknown Unknown Shephelah Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Facing east no remains ST 1
13379 Ḥorvat 'Erav; Kh. Iribbin West Church Monastic Basilica with an annexed chapel Western Galilee Tyre Facing east Yes Yes Yes 2 Colonnade Ionic, Corinthian Internal apses tri-apsidal (central external, lateral internal) apsidal U shaped without lateral openings The bema extends into the nave up to the second column. It is raised 0.40 m above the floor of the nave. 2 steps up Hemispherical Yes Against the apse grades N & S According to the published plan a pastophorium might had preceded the lateral apses. According to the published plan a pastophorium might had preceded the lateral apses. Added in a second phase. The apse is small and internal. A small niche in its upper part suggests cult of relics. Added in a second phase. The apse is small and internal. A small niche in its upper part suggests cult of relics. N apse, S apse TB 1
18391 Ḥorvat 'Erav; Kh. Iribbin East Church Unknown Annex\es on the south Western Galilee Tyre Yes Yes 2 Colonnade External apses, polygonal tri-apsidal apsidal U shaped Enlarged in the second phase of the church. plate Stone, table-like Hemispherical N & S Function unknown. Function unknown. Existence conjectural by a stone with a slot - perhaps for setting a balustrade in. JP 1
14697 CAPHAR BARICHA; Bani Na'im; The Church of St. Lot (?) St. Lot Memorial Unknown Judean Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I ST 1
14572 Ed-Daheriya Church Unknown Unknown Judean Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Corinthian ST 1
