Church components table

Nid Site Name Church name Dedication Functional Type Church type Geographical region Bishopric Provincial affiliation Crypt Accessibility and description Function Orientation Atrium Water cistern Narthex Aisles Colonnades / Arcades Capital types Transept Aisles East end Church Head/Chevet Central Apse Bema type Bema type text Elevation of Bema above nave Altar remains Altar type Altar reliquiarium type Altar location Secondary tables Ciborium Ambo Ambo remains Ambo location Ambo materials Ambo placement Apse elevation Apse shape Synthronon Synthronon location Synthronon remains Synthronon description Pastophoria loci Description and function of northern Description and function of southern Northern apse description and function Southern apse description and function Altar location Cult of relics loci Reliquiaries: shapes and contents Loci Font structure External shape Internal shape Ben-Peshat type Upper galleries Galleries description Burials loci Author (created) Count
651 Khirbet Barqa (Gan Yavneh) Church of Bishop John Parochial Free standing basilica Southern Coastal Plain Azotos Palaestina I Facing east Yes No 2 Arcade of pillars Internal apse monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal U shaped without lateral openings Stone, table-like Flush with the bema N & S AM 1
7816 Khirbet Beit Sila St. Theodor St. Theodor Monastic? Basilica with an annexed chapel Southern and Western Samaria Diospolis Palaestina I Facing east Yes No Yes 2 Arcade of columns Bi-zone Internal apse monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal U shaped without lateral openings 1 step up plate Marble, table like Depression in the floor On the apse cord + Yes base plate, legs, platform, side plates, indicated by screen N Soft stone On the Mosaic floor Flush with the bema Hemispherical No N & S The northern pastophorium, measuring 3.5 X 2.3 m, was paved with a coarse mosaic. In the center of the room a baptismal font was standing, abutted by the mosaic floor. It served as a baptistery. The southern pastophorium, measuring 3.6 X 2.3 m, was paved with a mosaic of geometric pattern. On the apse cord under altar, elsewhere Two reliquaries were uncovered. One - of limestone and with two compartments, one square, the second rectangular, with flat lids. The square lid was decorated with a Maltese cross in relief with an elongated hole in its center. The second - a marble mini-sarcophagus with a single compartment and a gabled lid with a hole in its center. The limestone reliquary was found in the niche of the northern aisle. It was moved there in the second phase, being replaced by the second reliquary, found in a depression (loculus) that was located lightly to the east of the altar base. A hole (6cm in diameter in Phase 1; 10cm in diameter in Phase 2), permitted contact by a rod with the underlying reliquary. A 19 cm long brown hair was found in the marble reliquary. The limestone circular baptismal font encased in a monolithic block located in the northern pastophorium, abutted by its mosaic floor. Each side of the cube is measuring 1 m; the circular internal font is 50 cm in diameter and 55 cm deep. New type, not in Ben Pechat. Can be labelled 7d. Monolithic square circular AM 1
2686 Khirbet Damun Church Private estate Basilical Mt. Carmel Caesarea Palaestina I Facing east JP 1
12342 Khirbet Deiry (Nes Harim) Church Parochial Basilica with an annexed chapel Judean Hills Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east No Yes 2 Arcade of columns External apse, round dead end aisles (mon-aps III) apsidal U shaped without lateral openings 1 step up no remains No Flush with the bema Hemispherical No AM 1
12239 Khirbet Ein Dab Church Parochial Annex\es on the north Judean Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Facing east No No Yes 2 Corinthian Internal apses tri-apsidal apsidal U shaped without lateral openings 2 steps up No Flush with the bema Hemispherical No AM 1
455 Khirbet el-Beiyudat Church Parochial Basilica with an annexed chapel Southern Jordan Valley Regio Jericho Palaestina I Facing east No Yes 2 Internal apse single opening flanking the apse (mon-aps V ) apsidal U shaped with two lateral openings 3 steps up imprints Depression in the floor On the apse cord + Yes platform N Lime stone Flush with the bema No S To the south of the apse, a doorway led to a lateral room, which was added to the church in a later ‎phase. Its function is not clear.‎ On the apse cord under altar, elsewhere An empty limestone reliquarium was found in the depression in the floor of the bema, under the altar. Below the niche between the doorway to the lateral room to the north of the apse and the chancel screen of the bema, a fragment of rectangular marble chest was found. This may indicate that the niche was also related to the cult of the relics. A single grave was found dug into the mosaic between the northern column of the portico and the eastern wall of the narthex. SB 1
7818 Khirbet el-Latatin Church Parochial Basilica with an annexed chapel Judean Hills Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east No Yes 2 Internal apse monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal U shaped without lateral openings 1 step up base plate Base plate with a central depression On the apse cord No N Flush with the bema Hemispherical No N & S The northern pastophorium measures 3 X 2.5 m. A stone slab embedded in the floor at the entrance to the pastophorium from the northern aisle contains two sockets for the chancel screen posts. The southern pastophorium measures 2.3 X 2.3 m, was paved with white mosaic. It also has a stone slab at its entrance that probably bore post of chancel screen. On the apse cord AM 1
8333 Khirbet el-Mahma Church Monastic Free standing basilica Southern and Western Samaria Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east No No Yes 2 Internal apse monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal No Flush with the bema Hemispherical No N & S In the floor of the northwestern corner of the narthex was a partially built cist tomb, measured 1.7 X 0.75 X 1.6 m. The tomb had apparently been lined with stone slabs, but these were not found. AM 1
705 Khirbet el-Waziah Eastern Church Parochial Free standing basilica Western Galilee Ptolemais Phoenice I Facing east 2 External apse, round tri-apsidal (central external, lateral internal) apsidal AM 1
12745 Khirbet el-Waziah Western Church Unknown Basilical Western Galilee Ptolemais Phoenice I Facing east AM 1
7817 Khirbet Fa'ush Church Parochial Free standing basilica Southern and Western Samaria Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing northeast Yes No 2 Colonnade External apse, round dead end aisles (mon-aps III) apsidal U shaped without lateral openings 1 step up no remains No Flush with the bema Hemispherical No AM 1
710 Khirbet Ghureiyib Church Parochial Free standing basilica Western Galilee Ptolemais Phoenice I Facing east Yes Yes Yes 2 Phoenician type AM 1
4865 Khirbet Hamad Church Parochial Free standing basilica Southern and Western Samaria Neapolis Palaestina I Facing east Yes 2 Colonnade External apse, round monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal U shaped without lateral openings The bema (4.7 X 2 m) was U-shaped and raised 0.45 m above the nave. At the apse chord an ashlar base (1.5 X 0.75 m) of the altar was found. In its center is a depression (0.28 X 0.26 m) for a reliquary. 2 steps up base plate Base plate with a central depression On the apse cord No Flush with the bema Hemispherical No N & S Most of the northern pastophorium (2.2 X 1.7 m) has not survived. Paved with white mosaics. The southern pastophorium measures 3.5 X 2.2 m. Paved with white mosaics. On the apse cord AM 1
4871 Khirbet Huriya Church Monastic Free standing basilica Southern and Western Samaria Diospolis Palaestina I Facing east Yes 2 Arcade of pillars Internal apse monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal U shaped without lateral openings 1 step up no remains No Flush with the bema Hemispherical No N & S The northern pastophorium measures 3 X 2.7 m. It was badly damaged, not even its threshold survived. The southern pastophorium also measures 3 X 2.7 m. It survived better, including a small part of its mosaic floor. AM 1
12399 Khirbet Makkûs Church Parochial Basilical Shephelah Ascalon Palaestina I Facing east 2 External apse, round dead end aisles (mon-aps III) apsidal JP 1
701 Khirbet Meiyita Church Parochial Free standing basilica Southern and Western Samaria Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east No 2 Ionic External apse, round dead end aisles (mon-aps III) apsidal U shaped without lateral openings 2 steps up base plate Base plate with a central depression In the middle of the bema No Flush with the bema Hemispherical No In the middle of the bema under altar In the center of the bema , a horseshoe-shaped stone (0.7 X 0.7 m) was sunken. In its eastern side it has a hewn rectangular depression (o.3 X 0.3 X 0.25 m), with a frame around its opening to fit a lid on it. This was apparently the place of a reliquary. AM 1
2989 Khirbet Samra (Ha-On) Church Parochial Free standing basilica Sea of Galilee Susita Palaestina II Facing east 2 dead end aisles (mon-aps III) U shaped without lateral openings 1 step up foundations No JP 1
12241 Khirbet Tawas Church Parochial Free standing basilica Judean Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Facing east Yes No 2 Colonnade Ionic External apse, round dead end aisles (mon-aps III) apsidal U shaped without lateral openings 2 steps up No Flush with the bema Hemispherical No AM 1
12238 Khirbet Zur Church Parochial Free standing basilica Shephelah Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Facing east Yes No No 2 Arcade of columns Bi-zone Internal apse monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal U shaped without lateral openings 2 steps up base plate On the apse cord No Flush with the bema Hemispherical No N & S On the apse cord The frigidarium of the nearby bathhouse complex was separated from the original structure and attached to the church from the north and became to use as a baptisterium. A baptismal font placed in its center. It was shaped like a flower: in the middle was a cross with rounded arms. Between the arms were four semicircular indentations. The font measured 2.1 X 2.1 m. Its interior, used for the actual baptism, was square, 0.6 X 0.6 m and 0.45 m deep; it was plaster coated and mosaic paved. Masonry built other cruciform AM 1
12727 Khirbet 'Ali Church Monastic Unknown Southern and Western Samaria Diospolis Palaestina I AM 1
