


Displaying 2841 - 2860 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
11493 Di Segni, L. 2007
Di Segni, L., "An Unknown Monastery on the Mount of Olives ", New Studies on Jerusalem 13 (2007): 201-206 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
11494 Di Segni, L. 2007
Di Segni, L., "Fragment of an Ampulla from a Late Byzantine Structure in Area XVI", in: Final Report, The Temple Mount Excavations in Jerusalem, 1968-1978, Directed by Benjamin Mazar, vol. III. The Late Byzantine Period, edited by Mazar, E., Jerusalem, 2007: 35-36.
Book Section
11495 Perrone, L. 2007
Perrone, L., "Aus Gehorsam zur Vater: Mönche und Laien in den Briefen von Barsanuphius und Johannes von Gaza", in: Foundations of Power and Conflicts of Authority in Late-Antique Monasticism, Proceedings of the International Seminar Turin, December 2-4, 2004, edited by Camplani, A. and Filoramo, G., Leuven-Paris-Dudley, MA., 2007: 217-243.
Book Section
11496 Di Segni, L. 2009
Di Segni, L., "Monasteries in the Jerusalem Area in Light of the Literary Sources", New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Region. Collected Papers 3 (2009): 10*-14*.
Journal article
11497 Taxel, I. 2013
Taxel, I., "From Prosperity to Survival: Rural Monasteries in Palestine in the Transition from Byzantine to Muslim Rule (Seventh Century AD)", in: Mobility, Transition and Change in Prehistory and Classical Antiquity. Proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology Organisation Conference on the Fourth and Fifth of April 2008 at Hertford College, Oxford, UK, edited by Preston, P. R. and Schörle, K., Oxford, 2013: 145-154.
Book Section
11498 Dahari, U., Zelinger, Y. 2014
Dahari, U. and Zelinger, Y., "The Excavation at Ḥorvat Ḥani – Final Report and a Survey on Nuns and Nunneries in Israel", in: Knowledge and Wisdom, Archaeological and Historical Essays in Honour of Leah Di Degni, edited by Bottini G. C., Chrupcała, L. D. and Patrich, J., Milan, 2014: 179-203.
Book Section
11500 Applebaum, S., Isaac, B., Landau, J. 1981-82
Applebaum, S., Isaac, B. and Landau, J., "Varia Epigraphica", Scripta Classica Israelica 6 (1981-82): 98-118.
Journal article
11501 Di Segni, L. 1991
Di Segni, L., "Review article on: I. Peña, La straordinaria vita dei monaci siri, secoli IV-VI (Edizioni Paoline, 1990)", Liber Annuus 41 (1991): 593-597.
Journal article
11502 Rosen, B. 1991
Rosen, B., "An Apostate Jewess from Tyre: The Abbess of a Monophysite Monastery South of Caesarea", Cathedra 61 (1991): 54–66 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
11504 Di Segni, L. 1994
Di Segni, L., "The Date of the Binyamina Inscription and the Question of Byzantine Dora", ‘Atiqot 25 (1994): 183-186.
Journal article
11505 Di Segni, L. 1994
Di Segni, L., "A New Toponym in Southern Samaria", Liber Annuus 44 (1994): 579-584.
Journal article
11506 Aviam, M. 1995
Aviam, M., "Remains of Churches and Monasteries in Western Galilee", Qadmoniot 28, no. 1 (109) (1995): 47-59 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
11507 Vivian, T., Morison, W. 1995
Vivian, T. and Morison, W., "An Encomium on the Life of Saint Theognius, Bishop of Bethelia", Cistercian Studies Quarterly 30 (1995): 59-89.
Journal article
11508 Avshalom-Gorni, D., Aviam, M. 1996
Avshalom-Gorni, D. and Aviam, M., "Horvat Kenes", Excavations and ‎Surveys in Israel 15 (1996): 25–27.
Journal article
11509 Di Segni, L., Naveh, J. 1996
Di Segni, L. and Naveh, J., "A Bilingual Greek-Aramaic Inscription from Ḥ. Qastra, near Haifa", ‘Atiqot 29 (1996): 77-78.
Journal article
11510 Perrone, L. 1997
Perrone, L., "I Padri del monachesimo di Gaza (IV-VI sec.): la fedeltà allo spirito delle origini", La Chiesa nel tempo 13, no. 1-2 (1997): 87–116.
Journal article
11511 Bitton-Ashkelony, B., Kofsky, A. 2000
Bitton-Ashkelony, B. and Kofsky, A., "Gazan Monasticism in the Fourth-Sixth Centuries: from Anchoritic to Cenobitic", Proche-Orient Chrétien 50, no. 1-2 (2000): 14-62.
Journal article
11512 Di Segni, L. 2000
Di Segni, L., "A Chapel of St. Paul at Caesarea Maritima? — The Inscriptions", Liber Annuus 50 (2000): 383-400.
Journal article
11513 Aviam, M. 2001
Aviam, M., "Shavé Ziyyon ", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 113 (2001): 8-9 (in Hebrew, English summery p.9*).
Journal article
11514 Goldfus, H. 2003
Goldfus, H., "Urban Monasticism and Monasteries of Early Byzantine Palestine — Preliminary Observations", ARAM Periodical 15 (2003): 71–79.
Journal article
