


Displaying 2921 - 2940 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
11580 Krautheimer, R. 1965
Krautheimer, R., Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture (1st. ed.), Harmondwarth, Middlesex‎, 1965.
11581 Krautheimer, R. 1979
Krautheimer, R., Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture (3rd. ed.), Harmondsworth, 1979.
11582 Kuzler, A. 1994
Kuzler, A., Peregrination Graeca in Terram Sanctam, Frankfurt am Main, 1994.
11583 Avner, R. 2004
Avner, R., The church of the Kathisma its identification and role in the history of architecture and mosaic (in Hebrew), Ph.D. dissertation, University of Haifa, 2004.
11584 Bagatti, B. 1947
"Beit Surik", in: I monumenti di Emmaus el-Qubeibeh e dei dintorni, edited by Bagatti, B., Gerusalemme, 1947: 212-215.
Book Section
11585 Chitty, D. J. 1966
"Mar Saba: Magna Laura: Mar Sabas ‎(in: Battle for the faith, p.101-122)", in: The Desert a City, edited by Chitty, D. J., Oxford, 1966: 106-10, figs. 7, 14, 16, 17.
Book Section
11586 Ringel, J. 1975
"Caesarea (in: Chapitre IV, la vie sociale, p.110-146) ", in: Césarée de Palestine: Etude historique et archéologique‎, edited by Ringel, J., Paris, 1975: 135-136.
Book Section
11587 Hoade‎, E. 1962‎
"Deir Wadi El-Qilt: Monastery of SS. John and George of Choziba", in: Guide to the Holy Land‎, edited by Hoade‎, E., Jerusalem‎, 1962‎: 446.
Book Section
11588 Hoade‎, E. 1962‎
"Ghalghale ", in: Guide to the Holy Land‎, edited by Hoade‎, E., Jerusalem‎, 1962‎: 471-472.
Book Section
11589 Hoade‎, E. 1962‎
"Mount of Quarantine: Mount of the Temptation: Jebel Kuruntul", in: Guide to the Holy Land‎, edited by Hoade‎, E., Jerusalem‎, 1962‎: 481-483.
Book Section
11590 Hoade‎, E. 1962‎
"Bethlehem- Mausoleum of David", in: Guide to the Holy Land‎, edited by Hoade‎, E., Jerusalem‎, 1962‎: 384.
Book Section
11591 Hoade‎, E. 1962‎
"Bethlehem- The Milk Grotto", in: Guide to the Holy Land‎, edited by Hoade‎, E., Jerusalem‎, 1962‎: 408-410.
Book Section
11592 Hoade‎, E. 1962‎
"Burkin", in: Guide to the Holy Land, edited by Hoade‎, E., Jerusalem‎, 1962‎: 538-539.
Book Section
11593 Hoade‎, E. 1962‎
"Jerusalem: Bene-Hezir (Kidron Valley)", in: Guide to the Holy Land‎, edited by Hoade‎, E., Jerusalem‎, 1962‎: 246.
Book Section
11594 Hoade‎, E. 1962‎
"Jerusalem: Chapel of the Condemnation", in: Guide to the Holy Land‎, edited by Hoade‎, E., Jerusalem‎, 1962‎: 152-154; Plan on 136.
Book Section
11595 Hoade‎, E. 1962‎
"Jerusalem: Mount of Olives: Viri Galilaei", in: Guide to the Holy Land‎, edited by Hoade‎, E., Jerusalem‎, 1962‎: 260.
Book Section
11596 Hoade‎, E. 1962‎
"Kh. Beni Na'im: Kaphar Barucha", in: Guide to the Holy Land‎, edited by Hoade‎, E., Jerusalem‎, 1962‎: 419-420.
Book Section
11597 Hoade‎, E. 1962‎
"Jerusalem: Kidron Valley: Tomb of the Virgin", in: Guide to the Holy Land‎, edited by Hoade‎, E., Jerusalem‎, 1962‎: 224.
Book Section
11598 Hoade‎, E. 1962‎
"Jerusalem: The Fourth Station in the Via Dolorosa, 'Our Lady of the Spasm'", in: Guide to the Holy Land‎, edited by Hoade‎, E., Jerusalem‎, 1962‎: 165-166.
Book Section
11599 Bagatti, B. 1948
Bagatti, B., "Jerusalem: 'Ein Kerem: 'Ein Karim: Church of the Visitation", in: Il Santuario della Visitazione ad 'Ain Karim (Montana Judaeae), 1948: 45-55. 89-97; Fig. 16; Pls. 6-9 (Fot. 17).
Book Section
