


Displaying 2901 - 2920 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
11558 Mazor, G. 2008
Mazor, G., "The Hellenistic to Early Islamic Periods: The Israel Antiquities Authority Excavations (in: Beth-Shean, p. 1616-1644)", in: The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land 5, Supplementary Volume, edited by Stern, E., Jerusalem, 2008: 1623-1636.[PDF File]
11559 Yeivin, Z., Finkielsztejn, G. 2008
Yeivin, Z. and Finkielsztejn, G., "Kafr Samir", in: The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land 5, Supplementary Volume, edited by Stern, E., Jerusalem, 2008: 1895-1899.[PDF File]
11560 ‘Azab, A. 2011
‘Azab, A., "Bahan (East)", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 123 (2011).
Journal article
11561 Ashkenazi, J., Aviam, M. 2013
Ashkenazi, J. and Aviam, M., "Horbat Bata — A Village and Its Monasteries: Portrait of a Rural Christian Landscape in Late Antiquity ", Cathedra 147 (2013): 7-32 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
11562 Di Segni, L. 1994
Di Segni, L., "Eis Theos in Palestinian Inscriptions", Scripta Classica Israelica 13 (1994): 94-115.
Journal article
11563 Di Segni, L. 2011
Di Segni, L., "Die Wüste bevölkert sich. Wie das Mönchtum in Palästina begann", Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 60, no. 2 (2011): 34-40.
Journal article
11564 Di Segni, L., Gibson, S. 2007
Di Segni, L. and Gibson, S., "Greek Inscriptions from Khirbet el-Jiljil and Bet Gemal/Beit Jimal and the Identification of Caphar Gamala", Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society‎ 25 (2007): 117-145.
Journal article
11565 Di Segni, L., Tepper, Y. 2008
Di Segni, L. and Tepper, Y., "Ancient Christian Prayer Hall at Kefar ‘Othnay (Legio) ", Qadmoniot 41, no. 136 (2008): 113-120 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
11566 Elter, R., Hassoune, A. 2004
Elter, R. and Hassoune, A., "Le monastere de Saint-Hilarion a Umm-el-‘Amr (Bande de Gaza)", Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 148, no. 1 (2004): 359-382.[PDF File]
Journal article
11567 Festugiè‎re, A. -J. 1975
Festugiè‎re, A. -J., "Évagre, Histoire Ecclésiastique", Byzantion 45 (1975): 368-371.
Journal article
11568 Kaegi, W. E. Jr. 1978
Kaegi, W. E. Jr., "Some Seventh-Century Sources on Caesarea", Israel Exploration Journal 28, no. 3 (1978): 177-181.
Journal article
11569 Masarwa, D. 2011
Masarwa, D., "Bahan (North)", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 123 (2011).
Journal article
11570 Ovadiah, A., Pierri, R. 2012
Ovadiah, A. and Pierri, R., "Elijah’s Cave on Mount Carmel and its Inscriptions III", Liber Annuus 62 (2012): 203-282.
Journal article
11572 Torgë, H. 2010
Torgë, H., "Bahan", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 122 (2010).
Journal article
11573 Schwartz, E. 1940
Synodus Constantinopolitana anno 536. Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum III, edited by Schwartz, E., Berlin-Leipzig, 1940: 25-119, 126-186.
Ancient Text
11575 Bastiaensen, A. A. R. 1973
Hieronymi Vita Hilarionis. In: Vita di Martino; Vita di Ilarione; In memoria di Paola, edited by Bastiaensen, A. A. R., Verona, 1973: 72–143.
Ancient Text
11576 Bardy, G. 1967
Eusèbe de Césarée, Histoire Ecclésiastique, (Gr. text and Fr. tr.), edited by Bardy, G., Paris, 1967.
Ancient Text
11577 Daumas, F., Guillaumont, A. 1969
Daumas, F. and Guillaumont, A., Kellia I: KOM 219 : Fouilles executees en 1964 et 1965., Cairo, 1969.
11578 Fedalto, G. 1988
Fedalto, G., Hierarchia Ecclesiastica Orientalis (CD), Padova, 1988.
11579 Joffe, C. 2000
Joffe, C., Armenian mosaics in the Holy Sepulchre Church, Calendar, 2000.
