


Displaying 941 - 960 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
9513 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Motza: Colonia: Qalünya", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 139-140 (no.142).
Book Section
9514 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Mount Gerizim: Theotokos", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 140-142 (no.143).
Book Section
9515 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Mukhmas", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 142-143 (no.144).
Book Section
9516 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Nabi Thari: Kh. Sheeri", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 143 (no.145).
Book Section
9517 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Nahal Tanninim: Nahar el-Zarqa: Kh. Kabara", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 143-144 (no.146).
Book Section
9518 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Nazareth: The Annunciation", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 144-145 (no.147).
Book Section
9519 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Nizzana: 'Ahuja el-Hafir: North church: SS. Sergius and Bacchus", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 145-147 (no.148).
Book Section
9520 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Nizzana: 'Ahuja el-Hafir: South church: St. Mary (Theotokos)", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 147-149 (no.149).
Book Section
9521 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Nizzana: 'Ahuja el-Hafir: East church", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 149-151 (no.150).
Book Section
9522 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "'Ozem: Kh. Beit Mamin", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 151-152 (no.151).
Book Section
9523 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Ramat Rahel: Kh. Salih", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 152-153 (no.152).
Book Section
9524 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Rehovot in the Negev: Kh. Ruheibe: East church", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 154 (no.153).
Book Section
9525 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Rehovot in the Negev: Kh. Ruheibe: West church", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 154-155 (no.154).
Book Section
9526 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Reshef", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 155 (no.155).
Book Section
9527 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Roglit: Kh. Jurfa", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 155-156 (no.156).
Book Section
9528 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Samaria: Sebaste: St. John the Baptist", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 157-158 (no.158).
Book Section
9529 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Samaria: Sebaste", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 158-159 (no.159).
Book Section
9530 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Sede Nahum", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 159-160 (no.160).
Book Section
9531 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Shavei-Zion", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 160- 162 (no.161a-b).
Book Section
9532 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "Shellal", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 163 (no.162).
Book Section
