


Displaying 901 - 920 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
9473 Magen, Y., Talgam, R. 1990
Magen, Y. and Talgam, R., "The Monastery of Martyrius at Ma'ale Adummim (Khirbet el-Murassas) and its Mosaics", in: Christian Archaeology in the Holy Land. New Discoveries. Essays in Honour of Virgilio C. Corbo OFM, edited by Bottini, G. C., Di Segni, L. and Alliata, E., Jerusalem, 1990: 91-152.
Book Section
9474 Magness, J. 2012
Magness, J., "Late Roman and Byzantine Pottery from the Cardo and the Nea Church", in: Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem Conducted by Nahman Avigad, 1969-1982. Volume V: The Cardo (Area X) and the Nea Church (Areas D and T). Final Report, edited by Gutfeld, O., Avigad, N. and Geva, H., Jerusalem, 2012: 282-300.
Book Section
9475 Marten, M. 2010
Marten, M., "Indigenisation and Contextualisation - the Example of Anglican and Presbyterian Churches in the Holy Land", in: Christianity and Jerusalem: Theology and Politics in the Holy Land, edited by O'Mahony, A., Leominister, 2010: 115-137.
Book Section
9476 Mayer, W. 1998
Mayer, W., "Monasticism at Antioch and Constantinople in the Late Fourth Century: A Case of Exclusivity or Diversity?", in: Prayer and spirituality in the early Church, edited by Allen, P., Canning, R. and Cross, L., Queensland, 1998: 275-288.
Book Section
9477 McGuckin, J. A. 1985
McGuckin, J. A., "Christian Asceticism and the Early School of Alexandria", in: monks, Hermits and the Ascetic Tradition. Meeting of the Ecclesiastical history Society, edited by Sheils, W. J., Oxford, 1985: 25-39.
Book Section
9478 Mecerian, J. 1952
Mecerian, J., "Le monastere de Saint Symeon le Stylite du Mont Admirable", in: VI Congres international des etudes byzantines, Paris, 1952: 299-302.
Book Section
9479 Meistermann, B. 1904
Meistermann, B., "Beit Sha'ar", in: La patrie de Saint Jean-Baptiste : avec un appendice sur Arimathie, Paris, 1904: 92-99; Fig. 3.
Book Section
9480 Meistermann, B. 1904
Meistermann, B., "'Ein 'Arrub: John the Baptist", in: La patrie de Saint Jean-Baptiste : avec un appendice sur Arimathie, Paris, 1904: 92f.
Book Section
9481 Meistermann, B. 1904
Meistermann, B., "Jerusalem: 'Ein Kerem: 'Ein Karim: north church: Martyrs of God", in: La patrie de Saint Jean-Baptiste : avec un appendice sur Arimathie, Paris, 1904: 178-208.
Book Section
9482 Michel, V. 2007
Michel, V., "Furniture, fixtures, and fittings in churches: Archaeological Evidence from Palestine (4th-8th c.) and the role of the Diakonikon", in: Objects in context, objects in use :‎  material spatiality in late antiquity, edited by Lavan, L., Swift, E., Putzeys, T. and Gutteridg, A., Leiden, 2007: 581-606.
Book Section
9483 Mikkola, E. , et al 2008
Mikkola, E.  and et al, "The Church and the Chapel: Data and Phasing", in: Petra - the Mountain of Aaron the Finnish Archaeological Project in Jordan 1: The Church and the Chapel., edited by Fiema, Z. T., Helsinki, 2008: 99 – 185.
Book Section
9484 Młynarczyk, J. 2007
Młynarczyk, J., "North-West Church Complex (NWC)", in: Hippos (Sussita): Eighth Season of Excavations, July 2007, edited by Segal, A. et al., Haifa, 2007: 61-71.
Book Section
9485 Młynarczyk, J., Burdajewicz, M. 2013
Młynarczyk, J. and Burdajewicz, M., "The Northwest Church Complex", in: Hippos – Sussita of the Decapolis. The First Twelve Seasons of Excavations 2000 - 2011, edited by Segal, A. et al., Haifa, 2013: 194-217.
Book Section
9486 Monneret De Villard, U. 1925
Monneret De Villard, U., "Deir Dosi", in: Les couvents pres de Sohag : Deyr el-Abiad et Deyr el-Ahmar., Milano, 1925: 59.
Book Section
9487 Musil, A. 1908
Musil, A., "'Avdat: Kh. 'Abda: Eboda", in: Arabia Petraea ; Volume 2(1-2). Edom, topographischer reisebericht., Wien, 1908: Vol.2,2; 115-120; Figs. 65. 81f. 86.
Book Section
9488 Musil, A. 1908
Musil, A., "Mamshit: Kurnub", in: Arabia Petraea ; Volume 2(1-2). Edom, topographischer reisebericht., Wien, 1908: Vol.2,2; 25-27; Fig. 10.
Book Section
9489 Musil, A. 1908
Musil, A., "Mitspe-Shivta: El-Mishrafa", in: Arabia Petraea ; Volume 2(1-2). Edom, topographischer reisebericht., Wien, 1908: Vol.2,2; 44f; Fig. 34.
Book Section
9490 Musil, A. 1908
Musil, A., "Nizzana: 'Ahuja el-Hafir", in: Arabia Petraea ; Volume 2(1-2). Edom, topographischer reisebericht., Wien, 1908: Vol.2,2; 91-95; Figs. 57, 60-3.
Book Section
9491 Musil, A. 1908
Musil, A., "Kh. Kuseifa: Kh. Malhata: North church", in: Arabia Petraea ; Volume 2(1-2). Edom, topographischer reisebericht., Wien, 1908: Vol.2,2; 18; Fig. 8.
Book Section
9492 Musil, A. 1908
Musil, A., "Shivta: Sbeita", in: Arabia Petraea ; Volume 2(1-2). Edom, topographischer reisebericht., Wien, 1908: Vol.2,2; 36-43; Figs. 15, 19-25, 27-30.
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