


Displaying 881 - 900 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
9453 Mader, A. E. 1918
Mader, A. E., "Kh. Hakùra", in: Altchristliche Basiliken und Localtradition in Südjudäa: Archaeologische und topographische Untersuchungen, Paderborn, 1918: 117-118.
Book Section
9454 Mader, A. E. 1918
Mader, A. E., "Kh. Ràfàt", in: Altchristliche Basiliken und Localtradition in Südjudäa: Archaeologische und topographische Untersuchungen, Paderborn, 1918: 218-219.
Book Section
9455 Mader, A. E. 1918
Mader, A. E., "Kh. Ràmet el-'Amle", in: Altchristliche Basiliken und Localtradition in Südjudäa: Archaeologische und topographische Untersuchungen, Paderborn, 1918: 103-106.
Book Section
9456 Mader, A. E. 1918
Mader, A. E., "Kh. Zànùta", in: Altchristliche Basiliken und Localtradition in Südjudäa: Archaeologische und topographische Untersuchungen, Paderborn, 1918: 223-224.
Book Section
9457 Magen, Y. 1990
Magen, Y., "A Byzantine Church at Beit ‘Einon (Beit ‘Anoth) in the Hebron Hills", in: Christian Archaeology in the Holy Land. New Discoveries. Essays in Honour of Virgilio C. Corbo OFM, edited by Bottini, G. C., Di Segni, L. and Alliata, E., Jerusalem, 1990: 275-286.
Book Section
9458 Magen, Y. 1990
Magen, Y., "The Church of Mary Theotokos on Mt. Gerizim", in: Christian Archaeology in the Holy Land. New Discoveries. Essays in Honour of Virgilio C. Corbo OFM, edited by Bottini, G. C., Di Segni, L. and Alliata, E., Jerusalem, 1990: 333-342.
Book Section
9459 Magen, Y. 1993
Magen, Y., "The Monastery of St. Martyrius at Ma‘ale Adummim", in: Ancient Churches Revealed, edited by Tsafrir, Y., Jerusalem, 1993: 170-196.
Book Section
9460 Magen, Y. 1993
Magen, Y., "The Church of Mary Theotokos on Mt. Gerizim", in: Ancient Churches Revealed, edited by Tsafrir, Y., Jerusalem, 1993: 83-89.
Book Section
9461 Magen, Y. 1993
Magen, Y., "Mount Gerizim and the Samaritans", in: Early Christianity in Context: Monuments and Documents, edited by Manns, F. and Alliata, E., Jerusalem, 1993: 91-147.
Book Section
9462 Magen, Y. 2008
Magen, Y., "Late Roman Fortresses and Towers in Southern Samaria and Northern Judea", in: Judea and Samaria Researches and Discoveries, edited by Magen, Y., Jerusalem, 2008: 177-216.
Book Section
9463 Magen, Y. 2008
Magen, Y., "Late Roman and Byzantine Towers in the Southern Hebron Hills", in: Judea and Samaria Researches and Discoveries, edited by Magen, Y., Jerusalem, 2008: 217-246.
Book Section
9464 Magen, Y. 2008
Magen, Y., "Oil Production in the Land of Israel in the Early Islamic Period", in: Judea and Samaria Researches and Discoveries, edited by Magen, Y., Jerusalem, 2008: 257-343.
Book Section
9465 Magen, Y. 2012
Magen, Y., "A Roman Fortress and a Byzantine Monastery at Khirbet el-Kiliya", in: Christians and Christianity III- Churches and Monasteries in Samaria and Northern Judea, edited by Carmin, N., Jerusalem, 2012: 261-296.
Book Section
9466 Magen, Y. 2012
Magen, Y., "A Roman Fortress and Byzantine Monastery at Khirbet Deir Sam’an", in: Christians and Christianity III- Churches and Monasteries in Samaria and Northern Judea, edited by Carmin, N., Jerusalem, 2012: 9-106.
Book Section
9467 Magen, Y. 2012
Magen, Y., "A Roman Tower and a Byzantine Monastery at Qasr Khalife", in: Christians and Christianity IV- Churches and Monasteries in Judea, edited by Carmin, N., Jerusalem, 2012: 203-226.
Book Section
9468 Magen, Y., Peleg, Y., Sharukh, I. 2012
Magen, Y., Peleg, Y. and Sharukh, I., "A Byzantine Church at 'Anab el-Kabir", in: Christians and Christianity IV: Churches and Monasteries in Judea, edited by Carmin, N., Jerusalem, 2012: 331-384.
Book Section
9469 Magen, Y. 2012
Magen, Y., "The Northern Church at Beit `Anun", in: Christians and Christianity IV: Churches and Monasteries in Judea, edited by Carmin, N., Jerusalem, 2012: 177-184.
Book Section
9470 Magen, Y. 2012
Magen, Y., "The Central Church at Beit `Anun", in: Christians and Christianity IV: Churches and Monasteries in Judea, edited by Carmin, N., Jerusalem, 2012: 121-168.
Book Section
9471 Magen, Y., Aizik, N. 2012
Magen, Y. and Aizik, N., "A Late Roman Fortress and Byzantine Monastery at Deir Qal'a", in: Christians and Christianity III- Churches and Monasteries in Samaria and Northern Judea, edited by Carmin, N., Jerusalem, 2012: 107-156.
Book Section
9472 Magen, Y., Batz, S., Sharukh, I. 2012
Magen, Y., Batz, S. and Sharukh, I., "A Roman Military Compound and a Byzantine Monastery at Khirbet Umm deimine", in: Christians and Christianity IV: Churches and Monasteries in Judea, edited by Carmin, N., Jerusalem, 2012: 435-482.
Book Section
