


Displaying 1501 - 1520 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
10086 Devos, P. 1968
Devos, P., "Quand Pierre l'Ibere vint-il a Jerusalem?", Analecta Bollandiana 86, no. 3-4 (1968): 337-350.
Journal article
10087 Devos, P. 1969
Devos, P., "La "Servant de Dieu" Poemenia d'apres Pallade, La tradition Copte et Jean Rufus", Analecta Bollandiana 87, no. 1-2 (1969): 189-207.
Journal article
10088 Devos, P. 1980
Devos, P., "Cyrille de Scythopolis, influences litteraires- vetement de l'eveque de Jerusalem- Passarion et Pierre l'Ibere", Analecta Bollandiana 98, no. 1-2 (1980): 25-38.
Journal article
10089 Devos, P. 1969
Devos, P., "Égérie n’a pas connu d’église de l’Ascension", Analecta Bollandiana 87, no. 1-2 (1969): 208-212.
Journal article
10090 Di Segni, L. 1986-1987
Di Segni, L., "Selected chapters of ‘The Life of George of Choziba’ and ‘The Miracles of the Holy Virgin Mary in Choziba’, translated from Greek into Hebrew", Israel- People and Land 4, no. 22 (1986-1987): 193-196 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
10091 Di Segni, L. 1992
Di Segni, L., "The Date of the Church of the Virgin in Madaba", Liber Annuus 42 (1992): 251-257.
Journal article
10092 Di Segni, L. 1993
Di Segni, L., "The Beit Safafa Inscription Reconsidered and the Question of a Local Era in Jerusalem", Israel Exploration Journal 43, no. 2-3 (1993): 157-168.
Journal article
10093 Di Segni, L. 1997
Di Segni, L., "The Date of the Beit Safafa Inscription Again", Israel Exploration Journal 47, no. 3-4 (1997): 248-254.
Journal article
10094 Di Segni, L. 2005
Di Segni, L., "An Inscription from Khirbet el-Jiljil", Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society‎ 23 (2005): 101-105.
Journal article
10095 Di Segni, L. 2008
Di Segni, L., "The Greek Inscription from Tel Ashdod - A Revised Reading", ‘Atiqot 58 (2008): 31*-36*.
Journal article
10096 Di Segni, L., Arav, R., Kloner, A. 1990
Di Segni, L., Arav, R. and Kloner, A., "An Eighth-Century Monastery near Jerusalem", Liber Annuus 40 (1990): 313-320.
Journal article
10097 Di Segni, L., Frankel, R. 2000
Di Segni, L. and Frankel, R., "A Greek Inscription from Kibbutz Shomrat", Israel Exploration Journal 50, no. 1-2 (2000): 43-46.
Journal article
10098 Gibson, S., Vitto, F., Di Segni, L. 1998
Gibson, S., Vitto, F. and Di Segni, L., "An Unknown Church with Inscriptions from the Byzantine Period at Khirbet Makkûs near Julis", Liber Annuus 48 (1998): 315-334.
Journal article
10099 Di Segni, L., Hirschfeld, Y. 1986
Di Segni, L. and Hirschfeld, Y., "Four Greek Inscriptions from Hammat Gader from the Reign of Anastasius", Israel Exploration Journal 36, no. 3-4 (1986): 251-268.
Journal article
10100 Di Segni, L., Hirschfeld, Y. 1987
Di Segni, L. and Hirschfeld, Y., "Four Greek Inscriptions from the Monastery at Khirbet ed-Deir in the Judean Desert", Orientalia Christiana Periodica 53 (1987): 365-386.
Journal article
10102 Di Segni, L., Patrich, J. 1987
Di Segni, L. and Patrich, J., "New Greek Inscriptions from the Monastery of Theoctistus in the Judean Desert", Eretz-Israel 19 (1987): 272-281 (in Hebrew with English summary: 81*).
Journal article
10103 Di Segni, L., Patrich, J. 1990
Di Segni, L. and Patrich, J., "The Greek Inscriptions in the Cave Chapel at Horvat Qasra", ‘Atiqot: Hebrew Series 10 (1990): 141-154 (in Hebrew; English 31*-35*).
Journal article
10104 Di Segni, L., Safrai, H. 1985
Di Segni, L. and Safrai, H., "Historical Sources on the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, translated from Greek into Hebrew", Ariel 42-42a (1985): 145-152 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
10105 Di Segni, L., Tsafrir, Y. 2012
Di Segni, L. and Tsafrir, Y., "The Ethnic Composition of Jerusalem’s Population in the Byzantine Period (312-638 CE)", Liber Annuus 62, no. 1 (2012): 405-454.
Journal article
10106 Di Segni, L., Wexler-Bdolah, S. 2012
Di Segni, L. and Wexler-Bdolah, S., "Three Military Bread Stamps from the Western Wall Plaza Excavations", ‘Atiqot 70 (2012): 21*-31*.
Journal article
