


Displaying 1521 - 1540 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
10107 Dick, I. 1961
Dick, I., "La Passion arabe de S. Antoine Ruwah, neo-martyr de Damas", Le Muséon 74 (1961): 109-133.
Journal article
10108 Dick, I. 1962
Dick, I., "Un continuateur arabe de saint Jean Damascene: Theodore Abuqurra, eveque melkite de Harran, La personne et son milieu", Proche-Orient Chrétien 12 (1962): 319-332.
Journal article
10109 Dick, I. 1962
Dick, I., "Un continuateur arabe de saint Jean Damascene: Theodore Abuqurra, eveque melkite de Harran, La personne et son milieu", Proche-Orient Chrétien 12 (1962): 209-223.
Journal article
10110 Dick, I. 1963
Dick, I., "Un continuateur arabe de saint Jean Damascene: Theodore Abuqurra, eveque melkite de Harran, La personne et son mileu", Proche-Orient Chrétien 13 (1963): 114-129.
Journal article
10111 Dickie, A. C. 1897
Dickie, A. C., "Architectural Notes on Remains of Ancient Curch at Pool of Siloam", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 29, no. 1 (1897): 26-29.
Journal article
10112 Dickie, A. C. 1899
Dickie, A. C., "The Lower Church of St. John, Jerusalem", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 31, no. 1 (1899): 43-45.
Journal article
10113 Dickie, A. C. 1911
Dickie, A. C., "The Church of the Nativity at Bethlehem", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 43, no. 3 (1911): 151-157.
Journal article
10114 Diez, F. 2003
Diez, F., "Jerusalem, Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 115 (2003): 71-72 (in Hebrew; English Summary, p. 54*).
Journal article
10115 Diez, F. F. 1996
Diez, F. F., "Jerusalem, Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 15 (1996): 77.
Journal article
10116 Dinur, U. 1986
Dinur, U., "En Hogla", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 5 (1986): 118.
Journal article
10117 Dinur, U. 1986
Dinur, U., "Qal’at Musa", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 5 (1986): 86-88.
Journal article
10118 Dinur, U., Feig, N. 1986
Dinur, U. and Feig, N., "Qal'at Musa", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 88 (1986): 17-18 (Hebrew).
Journal article
10119 Dion, P. E., Pummer, R. 1980
Dion, P. E. and Pummer, R., "A Note on the “Samaritan-Christian Synagogue” in Ramat-Aviv", Journal for the Study of Judaism 11, no. 2 (1980): 217-222.
Journal article
10120 Doens, I. 1954
Doens, I., "Nicon de la Montagne Noire", Byzantion 24 (1954): 131-140.
Journal article
10121 Dothan, M. 1954
Dothan, M., "Excavations of the Monastery Near Sha'ar Ha'aliya", Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society 18, no. 3-4 (1954): 216-222 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
10122 Dothan, M. 1955
Dothan, M., "Excavation of a Monastery near Sha‘ar ha-‘Aliyah", Israel Exploration Journal 5, no. 2 (1955): 96-102.
Journal article
10123 Dauphin, C. M. 1996
Dauphin, C. M., "Dor, The Church", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 106 (1996): 56-57 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
10124 Dowling, T. E. 1911
Dowling, T. E., "Church of the Cross: Deir El- Mousallabeh (in: The Georgian Church in Jerusalem; p.181-187)", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 43, no. 4 (1911): 183-184.
Journal article
10125 Draguet, R. 1944
Draguet, R., "Le chapitre de l'Histoire Lausiaque sur les Tabennesiotes, derive t il d' une source copte?", Le Museon 57 (1944): 53-145.
Journal article
10127 Draguet, R. 1945
Draguet, R., "Le chapitre de l'Histoire Lausiaque sur les Tabennesiotes, derive t il d' une source copte?", Le Museon 58 (1945): 15-95.
Journal article
