


Displaying 1541 - 1560 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
10128 Draguet, R. 1946
Draguet, R., "L' Histoire Lausiaque, une oeuvre ecrit dans l'esprit d' ", Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique 41 (1946): 321- 364.
Journal article
10129 Draguet, R. 1949
Draguet, R., "Réminiscences de Pallade chez Cyrille de Scythopolis‎", Revue d'As-ce'tique et de Mystique 25 (1949): 214-215.
Journal article
10131 Drake, F. M. 1918
Drake, F. M., "A Sixth Century Greek Mosaic at Um Jerar", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 50, no. 3 (1918): 122-124.
Journal article
10132 Drake, F. M. 1919
Drake, F. M., "An Early Christian Mosaic at Deir Dakleh", The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 34, no. 193 (1919): 145-144.
Journal article
10133 Duchesne, L. 1915
Duchesne, L., "Les Proteges de Theodora", Melange d' archeologie et d'histoire de l' ecole franחaise de Rome 35 (1915): 57-59.
Journal article
10134 Dumper, M. 2002
Dumper, M., "The Christian Churches of Jerusalem in the Post-Oslo Period", Journal of Palestine Studies 32, no. 2 (2002): 51-65.
Journal article
10135 Duval, N. 1999
Duval, N., "Les installations liturgiques dans les églises paleochrétiennes", Hortus Artium Medievalium 5 (1999): 7-30.
Journal article
10136 Duval, Y. M. 1970
Duval, Y. M., "Sur les insinuation de Jerome contre Jean de Jerusalem: de l'Arianisme a l'Origenisme", Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique 65 (1970): 353-374.
Journal article
10137 Ebied, R. Y., Wickham, I. R. 1970
Ebied, R. Y. and Wickham, I. R., "A Collection of Unpublished Syriac Letters of Timothy Aelurus", The Journal of Theological Studies 21, no. 2 (1970): 321-369.
Journal article
10138 Ehrhard, A. 1893
Ehrhard, A., "Das Griechische Kloster Mar Saba in Palestina", Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte VII (1893): 32- 79.
Journal article
10140 Eisenberg, E. 1977
Eisenberg, E., "Mevoh Modi’im", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 61-62 (1977): 26-27 (Hebrew).
Journal article
10141 Eisenberg, E. 1984
Eisenberg, E., "Jerusalem. Church of the Dormition", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 3 (1984): 47.
Journal article
10143 Elizur, Y. 1982
Elizur, Y., "More on the Subterranean Passage", Nikrot Zurim 5 (1982): 81-82. (Hebrew).
Journal article
10144 Emerson, H. S. 1936
Emerson, H. S., "Review: Reviewed Work: Structural Survey of the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem by William Harvey", American Journal of Archaeology 40, no. 3 (1936): 397-402.
Journal article
10145 Escobar, J. 1976
Escobar, J., "Teko'a (in: Estudio de los restos arqueologicos de Tecoa; p.5-26)", Liber Annuus 26 (1976): 5-19; Plan- Fig. 7; Pls. 2-10.
Journal article
10146 Eshel, H., Magness, J., Shenhav, E. 2000
Eshel, H., Magness, J. and Shenhav, E., "Khirbet Yattir: A Note on the Church in Area D", Journal of Roman Archaeology 13, no. 1 (2000): 343-345.
Journal article
10147 Eshel, H., Magness, J., Shenhav, E. 2000
Eshel, H., Magness, J. and Shenhav, E., "Khirbet Yattir, 1995-1999: Preliminary Report", Israel Exploration Journal 50, no. 3-4 (2000): 153-168.
Journal article
10148 Eshel, H., Magness, J., Shenhav, E., Besonen, J. 1999
Eshel, H., Magness, J., Shenhav, E. and Besonen, J., "Interim Report on Khirbet Yattir in Judaea: A Mosque and a Monastic Church", Journal of Roman Archaeology 12, no. 1 (1999): 411-422.
Journal article
10149 Every, G. 1946
Every, G., "Syrian Christians in Palestine in the Early Middle Ages", Eastern Churches Quarterly 7 (1946): 363-372.
Journal article
10150 Evetts, B. 1906
Evetts, B., "Le rite copte de la prise d'habit et de la proffession monacale", Revue de l’Orient Chrétien 11, no. 1 (1906): 60-66.
Journal article
