


Displaying 1641 - 1660 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
10237 Griffith, S. H. 1986
Griffith, S. H., "Greek into Arabic: Life and Letters in the Monasteries of Palestine in the Ninth Century; The Example of the Summa Theologiae Arabica", Byzantion 56 (1986): 117-138.
Journal article
10238 Griffith, S. H. 1988
Griffith, S. H., "The Monks of Palestine and the Growth of Christian Literature in Arabic", The Muslim World 78 (1988): 1-28.
Journal article
10239 Griffith, S. H. 1979
Griffith, S. H., "Some unpublished arabic sayings attributed to Theodore abu Qurrah", Le Muséon 92 (1979): 29-35.
Journal article
10240 Griffith, S. H. 1985
Griffith, S. H., "Theodore Abu Qurrah's Arabic Tract on the Christian Practice of Venerating Images", Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (1985): 53-73.
Journal article
10241 Griffith, S. H. 1989
Griffith, S. H., "Anthony David of Baghdad, Scribe and monk of Mar Sabas: arabic in the monasteries of Palestine", Church History 58, no. 1 (1989): 7-19.
Journal article
10242 Griffith, S. H. 1989-1990
Griffith, S. H., "Images of Ephraem: The Syrian Holy Man and his Church", Traditio 45 (1989-1990): 7-33.
Journal article
10243 Griffith, S. H. 1991
Griffith, S. H., "'Singles' in God's service; thoughts on the Ihidaye from the Works of Aphrahat and Ephraem the Syrian", The Harp 4, no. 1,2,3 (1991): 145-159.
Journal article
10244 Grossman, P. 1979
Grossman, P., "The Basilica of St. Pachomius", The Biblical Archaeologist 42, no. 4 (1979): 232-236.
Journal article
10245 Grossmann, P. 1993
Grossmann, P., "Ruinien des klosters Dair al-Baliza in Oberaegypten. eine survey aufnahme 1993", Jahrbuch fur antike und christentum 36 (1993): 171-205.
Journal article
10246 Grossmann, P. 1993
Grossmann, P., "Sainte Catherine: le monastere primitif et Pharan", Le Monde de la Bible 82 (1993): 39-40.
Journal article
10247 Gudovitch, S. 1996
Gudovitch, S., "A Byzantine Building at the foot of Horvat Sokho", ‘Atiqot 28 (1996): 17*-23* (in Hebrew).
Journal article
10248 Gudovitch, S. 2006
Gudovitch, S., "Remains of a Monastery at the Foot of Tel Ashdod", ‘Atiqot 51 (2006): 1*-2* ‎(Hebrew, English summary: 233)‎.
Journal article
10249 Guillaumont, A. 1965
Guillaumont, A., "Premières fouilles au site des Kellia (Basse-Égypte‎)", Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 109, no. 1 (1965): 218- 225.
Journal article
10250 Guillaumont, A. 1977
Guillaumont, A., "Histoire des moines aux Kellia", Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica 8 (1977): 187-203.
Journal article
10251 Gutfeld, O. 2013
Gutfeld, O., "The Emperor’s New Church on Main Street, Jerusalem", Biblical Archaeology Review 39, no. 6 (2013): 30 – 42.
Journal article
10252 Guthe, H. 1905
Guthe, H., "Das Stadtbild Jerusalems auf der Mosaikkarte von Madaba'", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1878-1945) 28, no. 2-3 (1905): 120-130.
Journal article
10253 Guy, J. C. 1964
Guy, J. C., "Le Centre Monastique de Scete dans la litterature du Ve siecle", Orientalia Christiana Periodica 30 (1964): 129-147.
Journal article
10254 Hachlili, R. 1997
Hachlili, R., "Aspects of Similarity and Diversity in the Architecture and Art of Ancient Synagogues and Churches in the Land of Israel", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1953-) 113 (1997): 92-122.
Journal article
10255 Halkin, F. 1930
Halkin, F., "L' Histoire Lausiaque et les Vies grecques de S. Pachome", Analecta Bollandiana 48 (1930): 257- 301.
Journal article
10256 Halkin, F. 1955
Halkin, F., "Saint Theoctiste, moine sabaite et martyr (d. 797)", Analecta Bollandiana 73 (1955): 373-374.
Journal article
