


Displaying 1601 - 1620 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
10196 Garitte, G. 1962
Garitte, G., "La Version georgienne de la vie de S. Cyriaque par Cyrille de Scythopolis", Le Muséon 75 (1962): 399-440.
Journal article
10197 Garitte, G. 1971
Garitte, G., "La Vie georgienne de Saint Cyriaque et son modele arabe", Bedi-Kartlissa 28 (1971): 92-105.
Journal article
10198 Garrigues, J. M. 1974
Garrigues, J. M., "La personne composée de Christ d'après saint Maxime le Confesseur", Revue Thomiste 74 (1974): 182-183.
Journal article
10199 Garstang, J. 1921
Garstang, J., "Ascalon: South Church (in: The Fund's Excavation of Askalon; p. 12-16)", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 53, no. 1 (1921): 12; Pl. 1.
Journal article
10200 Garstang, J. 1921
Garstang, J., "Ascalon: South church (in: The Excavation of Askalon, 1920-1921; p.73-75)", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 53, no. 2 (1921): 73; Pl. 1.
Journal article
10201 Garstang, J. 1922
Garstang, J., "Ascalon: South Church (in: The excavations at Askalon ; p.112-119)", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 54, no. 3 (1922): 114; Pl. 1.
Journal article
10202 Gass, E., Zissu, B. 2005
Gass, E. and Zissu, B., "The Monastery of Samson up the Rock of Etham in the Byzantine Period", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1953-) 121, no. 2 (2005): 168-183.
Journal article
10203 Gautier-di-Confiengo, E. 1995
Gautier-di-Confiengo, E., "Nota sul valore di alcune dimensioni dell`architettura paleocristiana", Liber Annuus 45 (1995): 451-479.
Journal article
10204 Germer-Durand, J. 1896
Germer-Durand, J., "Le Monastere de Saint-Theodose", Echos de Notre Dame de France de Jérusalem 37 (1896): 71-72.
Journal article
10205 Germer-Durand, J. 1914
Germer-Durand, J., "La maison de Caïphe et l’église Saint-Pierre à Jérusalem", Revue Biblique 23 (1914): 71-94, 221-246.
Journal article
10206 Gibson, S. 1982
Gibson, S., "Ras et-Tawil", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 1 (1982): 101-103.
Journal article
10207 Gibson, S. 1982
Gibson, S., "Notes and News: Ras et-Tawil", Israel Exploration Journal 32, no. 2-3 (1982): 154-155.
Journal article
10208 Gibson, S. 1985-1986
Gibson, S., "Ras et-Tawil: A Byzantine Monastery North of Jerusalem", Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society‎ 5 (1985-1986): 69-73.
Journal article
10210 Gisler, M. 1912
Gisler, M., "Jerusalem auf der Mosaikkarte von Madaba", Das Heilige Land 56 (1912): 214-227.
Journal article
10211 Gisler, M. 1917
Gisler, M., "Das Grab des heiligen Stefan", Das Heilige Land 61 (1917): 15-21.
Journal article
10212 Gisler, M. 1935
Gisler, M., "Sancta Sion und Dormitio Dominal", Das Heilige Land 79 (1935): 2-13.
Journal article
10213 Gophna, R. 1960
Gophna, R., "Ruhama (in: Chronique Archeologique, p. 368-404)", Revue Biblique 67, no. 3 (1960): 402-404.
Journal article
10214 Gophna, R., Feig, N. 1993
Gophna, R. and Feig, N., "A Byzantine Monastery at Kh. Jemameh", ‘Atiqot 22 (1993): 97-108.
Journal article
10215 Goldfus, H., Arubas, B., Bowes, K. 2000
Goldfus, H., Arubas, B. and Bowes, K., "New Excavations in the East Church at Halutza (Elusa): Preliminary Report", Journal of Roman Archaeology 13, no. 1 (2000): 331-342.
Journal article
10216 Goldfus, H. 1984
Goldfus, H., "Wadi Machoch", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 84 (1984): 38-39 (Hebrew).
Journal article
