


Displaying 1661 - 1680 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
10257 Halkin, F. 1968
Halkin, F., "Saint Jean l'ֹremopolite", Analecta Bollandiana 86, no. 1-2 (1968): 13-20.
Journal article
10258 Halkin, F. 1972
Halkin, F., "Les folios 390-415 du Sabaiticus 27", Analecta Bollandiana 90, no. 3-4 (1972): 386.
Journal article
10259 Halloun, R., Rubin, R. 1981
Halloun, R. and Rubin, R., "Palestinian Syriac Inscription from 'En Suweinit", Liber Annuus 31 (1981): 291-298.
Journal article
10260 Hamilton, R. W. 1930
Hamilton, R. W., "Two Churches at Gaza, as Described by Choricius of Gaza", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 62, no. 4 (1930): 178-191.
Journal article
10261 Hamilton, R. W. 1932
Hamilton, R. W., "Mosaic Pavements at 'Ein el Fawwar", Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 1 (1932): 151-152.
Journal article
10262 Hamilton, R. W. 1932
Hamilton, R. W., "Byzantine church at Mukhmas", Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 1 (1932): 103-104.
Journal article
10263 Hamilton, R. W. 1934
Hamilton, R. W., "Excavations in the Atrium of the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem", Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 3 (1934): 1-8 : pls. i-vii.
Journal article
10264 Hamilton, R. W. 1935
Hamilton, R. W., "Note on a chapel and winepress at ’Ain el Jedide", Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 4 (1935): 111-117.
Journal article
10265 Hammond, P. C. 1965
Hammond, P. C., "Hebron (in: Chronique Archéologique, p.248-274)", Revue Biblique 72, no. 2 (1965): 267-270.
Journal article
10266 Hanauer, J. E. 1893
Hanauer, J. E., "St Martin’s Church and Other Medieval Remains (in: Letter from Rev. J. E. Hanauer, pp.141-143)", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 25, no. 2 (1893): 141-142.
Journal article
10267 Hanauer, J. E. 1893
Hanauer, J. E., "The Churches of St Martin and St John the Evangelist", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 25, no. 4 (1893): 301-305.
Journal article
10268 Harif, A. 1984
Harif, A., "A Crusader Church in Tiberias", Palestine Exploration Quarterly 116, no. 2 (1984): 103-109.
Journal article
10269 Harvey, W. 1936
Harvey, W., "The Early Basilica at Bethlehem", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 68, no. 1 (1936): 28-33.
Journal article
10270 Harvey, W., Harvey, J. H. 1937
Harvey, W. and Harvey, J. H., "Recent Discoveries at the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem", Archaeologia 87 (1937): 7-18.
Journal article
10271 Hausherr, I. 1956
Hausherr, I., "L'hesychasme, etude de spiritualite", Orientalia Christiana Periodica 22 (1956): 5- 40, 241- 285.
Journal article
10272 Hausherr, I. 1956
Hausherr, I., "Comment priaient les pères‎", Revue d’Ascétique et de Mystique‎ 32 (1956): 33- 58; 284- 279.
Journal article
10273 Henderson, P. 1989
Henderson, P., "The Early Byzantine Mosaic Pavements of Palestine and their Interpretation by the Threefold Method", Studia Patristica 23 (1989): 37-43.
Journal article
10274 Hendriks, O. 1958
Hendriks, O., "L'activite apostolique premiers moines syriens", Proche-Orient Chrétien 8 (1958): 3-25.
Journal article
10275 Hendriks, O. 1960
Hendriks, O., "La Vie Quotidienne du Mone Syrien", Oriens Syrien 5 (1960): 401-431.
Journal article
10276 Hendriks, O. 1960
Hendriks, O., "La Vie Quotidienne du Moine Syrien Oriental", Oriens Syrien 5 (1960): 293-330.
Journal article
