


Displaying 4561 - 4580 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
18570 Di Segni, L. 1999
Di Segni, L., "New Epigraphical Discoveries at Scythopolis and in Other Sites of Late-Antique Palestine", in: XI Congresso Internazionale di Epigrafia Greca e Latina. Roma, 18-24 settembre, 1997, Rome, 1999: 625-642.
Book Section
18572 Ayalon, E. 1993
Ayalon, E., "Pardessiya", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 100 (1993): 37-38 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
18577 Burdajewicz, M. 2020
Burdajewicz, M., "Some remarks on the architectural decoration of the North-West Church at Hippos (Susita)", in: Ex Oriente Lux. Studies in Honour of Jolanta Młynarczyk, edited by Krzysztof Jakubiak and Adam Lajtar, Warshaw, 2020: 345-362.
Book Section
18578 Mlynarczyk, J., Burdajewicz, M. 2018
Mlynarczyk, J. and Burdajewicz, M., "Reading the record of the last Christians of Susita (Hippos, Israel)", in: De la Gaule à l’Orient méditerranéen. Fonctions et statuts des mobiliers archéologiques dans leur contexte, Collection Archéologie et Culture, Rennes/Le Caire, edited by Ballet, P., Lemaître, S. and Bertrand, I., 2018: 139-144.
Book Section
18580 Młynarczyk, J., Burdajewicz, M. 2005
Młynarczyk, J. and Burdajewicz, M., "North-West Church Complex (NWC)", in: Hippos (Sussita): Sixth Season of Excavations, July 2005, edited by Segal, A. et al., Haifa, 2005: 30-50.
Book Section
18581 Burdajewicz, M., Młynarczyk, J. 2003
Burdajewicz, M. and Młynarczyk, J., "The North-West Church (NWC)", in: Hippos-Sussita: Fourth Season of Excavations, June-July 2003, edited by Segal, A. et al., Haifa, 2003: 24-33.
Book Section
18583 Feissel, D., Gatier, P.-L. 2001
Feissel, D. and Gatier, P.-L., "Syrie, Phénicie, Palestine, Arabie (in: Bulletin épigraphique, p. 478-603)", Revue des Études Grecques 114 (2001): 577-589.
Journal article
18590 Hachlili, R. 2009
Hachlili, R., Ancient Mosaic Pavements: Themes, Issues, and Trends, Leiden, 2009.
18615 Burdajewicz, M. 2017
Burdajewicz, M., "From Pagan Temple to Church in Late Antiquity Palestine. A View from Hippos-Sussita", Études et Travaux XXX (2017): 181-209.
Journal article
18616 Radziejowska, E. 2005
Radziejowska, E., "Conservation Report for the 6th Season", in: Hippos (Sussita): Sixth Season of Excavations, July 2005, edited by Segal, A. et als., Haifa, 2005: 76-79.
Book Section
18622 Waddington, W. 1870
Waddington, W., Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie: recueillies et expliquées, Paris, 1870.
18623 Saller, S. J. 1965
Saller, S. J., "L'epitafio di Eufemia al Getsemani", in: Ricerche archeologiche al Monte degli Ulivi, edited by Corbo, V. C., Jerusalem, 1965: 75-80.
Book Section
18624 Seligman, J. 2001
Seligman, J., "A Shrine of Three Religions on the Mount of Olives: Tomb of Hulda the Prophetess; Grotto of Saint Pelagia; Tomb of Rabi’a al-Adawiyya", ’Atiqot no. 42 (2001): 221–236.
Journal article
18625 Feissel, D., Gatier, P.-L. 2008
Feissel, D. and Gatier, P.-L., "Syrie, Phénicie, Palestine, Arabie (in: Bulletin épigraphique, p. 571-770)", Revue des Études Grecques 121 (2008): 745-756.
Journal article
18630 Gophna, R., Cohen, R. 1964
Gophna, R. and Cohen, R., "Discovery of a Mosaic in the Area of Ḥazerim", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 9 (1964): 19 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
18634 Oshri, A. 1998
Oshri, A., "Ramat Yishay", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 108 (1998): 35-36 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
18641 Dauphin, C. 1976
Dauphin, C., "Kh. Jannaba et-Taḥta", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 57/58 (1976): 27-28 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
18642 Dauphin, C. 1991
Dauphin, C., "The Excavation of a Byzantine Site at Kh. Jannaba et-Taḥta", ʻAtiqot 20 (1991): 111-117.
Journal article
18643 Avner, R. 1997
Avner, R., "Kh. Jannaba et-Taḥta", Excavations and Surveys in Israel no. 16 (1997): 114-117 (=HA 104, 103-105 (Hebrew).
Journal article
18644 Ribak, E. 2007
Ribak, E., Religious communities in Byzantine Palestina: the relationship between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, AD 400-700, Oxford, 2007.
