


Displaying 4621 - 4640 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
18974 Vlaminck, B. 1900
Vlaminck, B., A Report of the Recent Excavations and Explorations Conducted at the Sanctuary of Nazareth, Washigton, 1900.
18977 Tzaferis, V. 2002
Tzaferis, V., "Excavations at Khirbet el-Shubeika 1991, 1993: The Inscriptions", in: Eretz Zafon: Studies in Galilean Archaeology, edited by Gal, Z., Jerusalem, 2002: 340-344, *186-*187 (in Hebrew; English summary).
Book Section
19000 Avshalom-Gorni, D., Tacher, A. 2002
Avshalom-Gorni, D. and Tacher, A., "Excavations at Khirbet el-Shubeika 1991, 1993: The Settlement", in: Eretz Zafon: Studies in Galilean Archaeology, edited by Gal, Z., Jerusalem, 2002: 220-254, *186-*187 (in Hebrew; English summary).
Book Section
19001 Syon, D. 2002
Syon, D., "Excavations at Khirbet el-Shubeika 1991, 1993: The Church", in: Eretz Zafon: Studies in Galilean Archaeology, edited by Gal, Z., Jerusalem, 2002: 255-262, *186-*187 (in Hebrew; English summary).
Book Section
19005 Avi-Yonah, M. 1967
Avi-Yonah, M., "The Mosaic Pavements", in: Excavations in Shavei Zion: The Early Christian Church, edited by Prausnitz, M., Rome, 1967: 47-63.
Book Section
19006 Israeli, Y. 2000
Israeli, Y., "Monasticism in the Holy Land", in: Cradle of Christianity, edited by Israeli, Y. and Mevorah, D., Jerusalem, 2000: 169-185.
Book Section
19023 Tzaferis, V., Israeli, Sh. 2008
Tzaferis, V. and Israeli, Sh., Paneas I: The Roman to Early Islamic Periods. Excavations in areas A, B, E, F, G and H, Jerusalem, 2008.
19024 Tzaferis, V. 2007
Tzaferis, V., "Caesarea Philippi (Paneas) in the Roman and Byzantine periods ", Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research no. 60/61 (2007): 333-347.
Journal article
19026 Wilson, J.F. 2008
Wilson, J.F., "The Literary Sources ", in: Paneas II: Small Finds and Other Studies. Israel Antiquities Authority Reports 38, edited by Tzaferis, V. and Israeli, Sh., Jerusalem, 2008: 195-231.
Book Section
19031 Ilan, Z. 1986
Ilan, Z., "Kh. Galil - Its Findings and Identification (in Hebrew)", in: The Western Galilee Antiquities, edited by Yedaya, M., Tel Aviv, 1986: 516-523, Ills. 1-5.
Book Section
19034 Wilkinson, J. 1987
Wilkinson, J., Column Capitals in Al Haram Al Sharif (From 138 A.D. to 1118 A.D.) (With Over 200 Photos and36 Illustrations And 94 Diagrams), Jerusalem, 1987.
19056 Hirschfeld, Y. 2006
Hirschfeld, Y., "The Nabatean Presence South of the Dead Sea: New Evidence", in: Crossing the Rift: Resources, Routes, Settlement Patterns and Interaction in the Wadi Arabah., edited by P. Bienkowski and K. Galor, Oxford, 2006: 167-180.
Book Section
19057 Frank, F. 1934
Frank, F., "Aus der ‘Araba I. ", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 57 (1934): 191-280.
Journal article
19058 Rothenberg, B. 1967 (in Hebrew)
Rothenberg, B., Negev: Archaeology in the Negev and Arabah , Ramat Gan, 1967 (in Hebrew).
19070 Katz. O. 2012
Katz. O., "Horbat Lasan", Hadashot Arkheologiyot, Excavations and Surveys in Israel no. 124 (2012).
Journal article
19086 Bacci, M., Bianchi, G., Campana, S., Fichera, G. 2012
Bacci, M., Bianchi, G., Campana, S. and Fichera, G., "Historical and archaeological analysis of the Church of the Nativity", Journal of Cultural Heritage no. 13 (2012): e5–e26.
Journal article
19087 Bacci, M. 2017
Bacci, M., The Mystic Cave. A History of the Nativity Church at Bethlehem, 2017.
19112 Henderson, P. 1985
Henderson, P., The Shellal Mosaic in the Australian War Memorial : style and imagery, The Australian National University, 1985.
19145 Smithline, H. 2007
Smithline, H., "Et-Tuweiri", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 119 (2007).
Journal article
19148 Stone, M. E. 1990-1991
Stone, M. E., "Armenian Inscriptions of the Fifth Century from Nazareth", Revue des Études Arméniennes 22 (1990-1991): 315-332.
Journal article
