


Displaying 4661 - 4680 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
19260 Patrich, J., Backner, T., Burger, Sh., Tarkhanova, S. 2020
Patrich, J., Backner, T., Burger, Sh. and Tarkhanova, S., "Churches of the Holy Land. A New Digital Corpus. Introduction and Some Preliminary Results", in: Holy Land Archaeology on Either Side. Archaeological Essays in Honour of Eugenio Alliata, ofm, (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. Collectio Maior 57), edited by Coniglio, A. and Ricco, A., Milano, 2020: 11-31.
Book Section
19261 Burger, Sh. 2020
Burger, Sh., "Architectural Changes in the Churches of the Holy Land in the Transition from the Byzantine to Islamic Rule", in: Holy Land Archaeology on Either Side. Archaeological Essays in Honour of Eugenio Alliata, ofm, (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. Collectio Maior 57), edited by Coniglio, A. and Ricco, A., Milano, 2020: 131-154.
Book Section
19266 Segal, O. 2006
Segal, O., "Massu’ot Yizhaq: final report ", Excavations and Surveys in Israel Hadashot Arkheologiyot [ejournal] no. 118 (2006).
Journal article
19272 Blomme, Y. 1979
Blomme, Y., Les aménagements des églises byzantines de Palestine à la lumière de l’archéologie et de l’histoire de la liturgie. Mémoires inédit de l'École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, Jerusalem, 1979.
19279 Hirschfeld, Y. 1999
Hirschfeld, Y., "Imperial Building Activity during the Reign of Justinian and Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in Light of the Excavations on Mt. Berenice, Tiberias", Revue Biblique no. 106/2 (1999): 236-249.
Journal article
19280 Dolinka, B. 2007
Dolinka, B., "Be'er Shema - Birsama of the Notitia Dignitatum: A Prolegomenon to the 2006 Excavations", The Late Roman Army in the Near East from Diocletian to the Arab Conquest: Proceedings of a Colloquium held at Potenza, Acerenze and Materna, Italy (May 2005) BAR International Series No. 1717. (2007): 111-118 ..
Journal article
19282 Lender, Y., Gazit, D. 1991
Lender, Y. and Gazit, D., "Ḥ. Be'er Shema'", Hadashot Arkheologiyot / Excavations and Surveys in Israel no. כרך צו (1991): 35-37.
Journal article
19286 Gutfeld, O., Kalman, Y. in preparation
Gutfeld, O. and Kalman, Y., Horbat Beit Loya (Lehi) Excavations, Final Report: The Village and the Subterranean Complexes, Jerusalem and Provo UT, in preparation.
19287 Gutfeld, O., Kalman, Y. 2019
Gutfeld, O. and Kalman, Y., " Secrets of Horvat Beit Loya: A Summary of 10 Years of Excavations", Qadmoniot no. 158 (2019): 99-111.
Journal article
19317 Guérin, V. 1869
Guérin, V., Description geographique, historique et archeologique de la Palestine, Paris, 1869.
19329 Monelli, A. 2004.
Monelli, A., "Chapter Two: Marble Fragments and Chancel Screens", in: Horvat Karkur 'Illit: A Byzantine Cemetery Church in the Northern Negev (final report of the excavations 1989-1995), edited by Figueras, P., Beer Sheva, 2004.: 88-108.
Book Section
19330 Figueras, P. 2004
Figueras, P., "Chapter Three: Sculptured Building Stones", in: Horvat Karkur 'Illit: A Byzantine Cemetery Church in the Northern Negev (final report of the excavations 1989-1995), edited by Figueras, P., Beer Sheva, 2004: 109-122.
Book Section
19331 Figueras, P. 2004
Figueras, P., "Chapter Four: Inscriptions", in: Horvat Karkur 'Illit: A Byzantine Cemetery Church in the Northern Negev (final report of the excavations 1989-1995), edited by Figueras, P., Beer Sheva, 2004: 123-133.
Book Section
19332 Figueras, P. 2004
Figueras, P., "Chapter Five: Graffiti, Odd Carvings and Incisions", in: Horvat Karkur 'Illit: A Byzantine Cemetery Church in the Northern Negev (final report of the excavations 1989-1995), edited by Figueras, P., Beer Sheva, 2004: 134-139.
Book Section
19336 Ermite de Der-el-Azar, A. de Piellat 1907
Ermite de Der-el-Azar and A. de Piellat, "Kariat-el-Enab (Abou-Gosch) et le sanctuaire de l'Arche 58 d'Alliance", Jerusalem (1907): 545-556, 587-660.
Journal article
19372 Tepper, Y(igal). 1996
Tepper, Y(igal)., "Itlah Ascent: An Ancient Ascent from Emmaus to Jerusalem (Hebrew)", New Studies on Jerusalem no. 3 (1996): 41-50.
Journal article
19394 Lobell, J. A. 2014
Lobell, J. A., "Mosaic Masterpiece: A splendid fifth-century church is evidence of a thriving Byzantine community", Archaeology 67, no. 3 (2014): 34-37.
Journal article
19402 Gutman, Sh. 1975
Gutman, Sh., Gvat, IAA Archive file # A- 538/1975, 1975.
19410 Herbert, Sh.C., Berlin, A.M. 2003
Herbert, Sh.C. and Berlin, A.M., "A New Administrative Center for Persian and Hellenistic Galilee: Preliminary Report of the University of Michiganl University of Minnesota Excavations at Kedesh", BASOR no. 329 (2003): 13-59.
Journal article
19411 Shalem, D., Aviam, M. 2017
Shalem, D. and Aviam, M., "Shavé Ziyyon", Hadashot Arkheologiyot Excavations and Surveys in Israel no. 129 (2017).
Journal article
