Displaying 121 - 140 of 4863Nid | Author(s)/Editor(s) | Year | Title | Ref type |
8660 | Rosenthal-Heginbottom, R. | 1982 |
Rosenthal-Heginbottom, R., Die Kirchen von Sobota und die Dreiapsidenkirchen des Nahen Osten, Wiesbaden, 1982.
Book |
8662 | Taft, R. F. | 1975 |
Taft, R. F., The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrisostome, Rome, 1975.
Book |
8663 | Taxel, I. | 2009 |
Taxel, I., Khirbet es-Suyyagh : a Byzantine monastery in the Judaean Shephelah, Tel-Aviv, 2009.
Book |
8664 | Tzori, N. | 1977 |
Tzori, N., The Land of Issachar: An Archaeological Survey of the Gilbo‘a Hillside, the Jezreel Valley and the Lower Eastern Galilee (in Hebrew), Jerusalem, 1977.
Book |
8665 | Veilleux, A. | 1968 |
Veilleux, A., La liturgie dans le cenobitisme pachomien au quatrieme siècle, Roma, 1968.
Book |
8666 | Vööbus, A. | 1975 |
Vööbus, A., The Synodicon in the West Syrian Tradition, Louvan, 1975.
Book |
8667 | Wheeler, E. P. | 1977 |
Wheeler, E. P., Dorotheos of Gaza, Discourses and Sayings, Kalamazoo, 1977.
Book |
8668 | Wilkinson, J. | 1977 |
Wilkinson, J., Jerusalem Pilgrims before the Crusades, Jerusalem, 1977.
Book |
8669 | Yasin, A. M. | 2009 |
Yasin, A. M., Saints and Church Spaces in the Late Antique Mediterranean: Architecture, Cult, and Community, Cambridge and New York, 2009.
Book |
8670 | Müller-Jourdan, P. | 2005 |
Müller-Jourdan, P., Typologie spatio-temporelle de l'ecclesia byzantine: la Mystagogie de Maxime de Confesseur dans la culture philosophique de l'antiquité tardive, Leiden, 2005.
Book |
8671 | Clark, V. | 2005 |
Clark, V., Holy fire: the battle for Christ’s tomb, London, 2005.
Book |
8672 | Brandenburg, H. | 2005 |
Brandenburg, H., Ancient Churches of Rome from the Fourth to the Seventh Century: the dawn of Christian architecture in the West, Turnhout, Belgium, 2005.
Book |
8673 | Bitton-Ashkelony, B. | 2005 |
Bitton-Ashkelony, B., Encountering the Sacred, The Debate on Christian pilgrimage in Late Antiquity, Berkeley, Calif, 2005.
Book |
8674 | Limor, O., Reiner, E. | 2005 |
Pilgrimage : Jews, Christians, Moslems. Collected essays (in Hebrew), Edited by Limor, O. and Reiner, E., Ranana, 2005.
Book |
8675 | Weiss, D., Zissu, B., Solimany, G. | 2004 |
Weiss, D., Zissu, B. and Solimany, G., Archaeological Survey Map of Israel. Map of Nes Harim (104), Jerusalem, 2004.
Book |
8676 | Mansour, A. | 2004 |
Mansour, A., Narrow Gate Churches: The Christian Presence in the Holy Land under Muslim and Jewish Rule, Pasadena, 2004.
Book |
8677 | Hirschfeld, Y. | 2004 |
Hirschfeld, Y., Excavation at Tiberias, 1989-1994, Jerusalem, 2004.
Book |
8678 | Figueras, P. | 2004 |
Figueras, P., Horvat Karkur 'Illit: A Byzantine Cemetery Church in the Northern Negev (final report of the excavations 1989-1995), Beer Sheva, 2004.
Book |
8679 | Aviam, M. | 2004 |
Aviam, M., Jews, pagans and Christians in the Galilee : 25 years of archaeological excavations and surveys - Hellenistic to Byzantine periods, Rochester, NY, 2004.
Book |
8680 | Mazar, E. | 2003 |
Mazar, E., The Temple Mount Excavations in Jerusalem 1968-9 Directed by Benjamin Mazar, Final Reports, vol. II, The Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods, Jerusalem, 2003.
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