Displaying 141 - 160 of 4863Nid | Author(s)/Editor(s) | Year | Title | Ref type |
8681 | Atajanyan, E., Madoyan, G. | 2003 |
Atajanyan, E. and Madoyan, G., The Armenian Sanctuaries of Jerusalem, Moscow, 2003.
Book |
8682 | Allen, P., Neil, B. | 2003 |
Maximus the Confessor and his Companions. Documents from Exile, Edited by Allen, P. and Neil, B., Oxford, 2003.
Book |
8683 | Stroumsa, G. G., David, S., Arieh, K. | 2003 |
Christian Gaza in Late Antiquity, Edited by Stroumsa, G. G., David, S. and Arieh, K., Leiden, 2003.
Book |
8684 | Ognibene, S. | 2002 |
Ognibene, S., Umm al-Rasas: La Chiesa di Santo Stefano ed il ‘problema iconofobico, Roma, 2002.
Book |
8685 | Grossmann, P. | 2002 |
Grossmann, P., Christliche Architektur in Ägypten, Leiden-Boston-Köln, 2002.
Book |
8686 | Brenk, B. | 2002 |
Brenk, B., Zum Problem der Vierflugelanlage (Claustrum) in fruhchristilchen und fruhmittlelanlterlichen Klostern, St. Gallen, 2002.
Book |
8687 | Halkin, F. | 1973 |
Halkin, F., Saints moines d' Orient, London, 1973.
Book |
8688 | von Schönborn, C. | 1972 |
von Schönborn, C., Sophrone de Jérusalem - vie monastique et confession dogmatique, Paris, 1972.
Book |
8689 | Testa, E. | 1972 |
Testa, E., Cafarnao. Vol. 4: I graffiti della Casa di S. Pietro, Jerusalem, 1972.
Book |
8690 | Sauneron, S. | 1972 |
Sauneron, S., Les ermitages chretiens du desert d'Esna IV: Essai d'histoire, Cairo, 1972.
Book |
8691 | Mango, C. | 1972 |
Mango, C., The Art of the Byzantine Empire 312-1453, Toronto- Buffalo- London, 1972.
Book |
8692 | Kasser, R. | 1972 |
Kasser, R., Kellia, topographie, Geneva, 1972.
Book |
8693 | Hanslik, R. | 1972 |
Hanslik, R., Klosterregeln im Monchstum des ײstens und Westens von Pachomius zu Benedikt von Nursia, Wien, 1972.
Book |
8694 | Frend, W. H. | 1972 |
Frend, W. H., The Rise of the Monophysite Movement, Cambridge, 1972.
Book |
8695 | Carswell, J., Dowsett, C. J. F. | 1972 |
Carswell, J. and Dowsett, C. J. F., Kütahya Tiles and Pottery from the Armenian Cathedral of St. James, Jerusalem, Oxford, 1972.
Book |
8696 | Brown, P. | 1972 |
Brown, P., Religion and Society in the Age of Saint Augustine, New York Evaston San Francisco London, 1972.
Book |
8697 | Kochavi, M., Ovadiah, R. | 1972 |
Judaea, Samaria and the Golan. Archaeological Survey, 1967-1968 (in Hebrew), Edited by Kochavi, M. and Ovadiah, R., Jerusalem, 1972.
Book |
8698 | Petrozzi, M. T. | 1971 |
Petrozzi, M. T., Bethlehem, Jerusalem, 1971.
Book |
8699 | Petrozzi, M. T. | 1971 |
Petrozzi, M. T., Ain Karim, Jerusalem, 1971.
Book |
8700 | Mathews, T. F. | 1971 |
Mathews, T. F., The Early Churches of Constantinople: Architecture and Liturgy, University Park and London, 1971.
Book |