Displaying 61 - 80 of 4863Nid | Author(s)/Editor(s) | Year | Title | Ref type |
8597 | Grumel, V. | 1926 |
Grumel, V., "Leonce de Byzance", in: Dictionnaire de Theologie Catholique, Paris, 1926: 400-406. |
Dictionary |
8598 | Dalmais, I. H. | 1978 |
Dalmais, I. H., "Maxime le Confesseur", in: Dictionnaire de spiritualité ascétique et mystique, Paris, 1978: 836-847.
Dictionary |
8599 | Kazhdan, A. | 1991 |
Kazhdan, A., "Maximos the Confessor", in: The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, edited by Kazhdan, A., New York and Oxford, 1991: 1323-24.
Dictionary |
8600 | Janin, R. | 1929 |
Janin, R., "Michel le Syncelle", in: Dictionnaire de Theologie Catholique, Paris, 1929: 1710 -1711. |
Dictionary |
8601 | Fritz, G. | 1932 |
Fritz, G., "Origenisme", in: Dictionnaire de Theologie Catholique, Paris, 1932: 1565-1588. |
Dictionary |
8602 | Cody, A. | 1991 |
Cody, A., "Scetis", in: The Coptic Encyclopedia, edited by Atiya, A. S., New York; Toronto, 1991: 2101- 2106.
Encyclopedia |
8603 | Gascou, J. | 1991 |
Gascou, J., "Monasteries, Economic Activities", in: The Coptic Encyclopedia, edited by Atiya, A. S., New York, 1991: 1639-1645.
Encyclopedia |
8604 | Guillaumont, A. | 1991 |
Guillaumont, A., "Nitria", in: The Coptic Encyclopedia, edited by Atiya, A. S., New York; Toronto, 1991: 1794-1796.
Encyclopedia |
8605 | Moorsel, P. V. | 1991 |
Moorsel, P. V., "Church Architecture in Egypt - the Early Christian Period", in: The Coptic Encyclopedia, edited by Atiya, A. S., New York, 1991: 552-553.
Encyclopedia |
8606 | Patrich, J. | 2000 |
Patrich, J., "Churches", in: Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls, edited by Schiffman, L. H. and VanderKam, J. C., New York, 2000: 129-31.
Encyclopedia |
8607 | Rassart-Debergh, M. | 1991 |
Rassart-Debergh, M., "Kellia", in: The Coptic Encyclopedia, edited by Atiya, A. S., New York and Toronto, 1991: 1396-1409.
Encyclopedia |
8608 | Vikan, G. | 1991 |
Vikan, G., "Menas Flasks", in: The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, edited by Kazhdan, A., New York and Oxford, 1991: 1340.
Dictionary |
8609 | Barash, M. | 1974 |
Barash, M., "Animal Imagery in the Hanita Mosaics", Israel Exploration Journal 24, no. 3-4 (1974): 222-226. |
Journal article |
8610 | Hirschfeld, Y. | 1993 |
Hirschfeld, Y., "The ‘Anchor Church’ at the Summit of Mount Berenice near Tiberias", Qadmoniot 26.3/4, no. 103/104 (1993): 120-127 (in Hebrew). |
Journal article |
8611 | Hirschfeld, Y. | 1994 |
Hirschfeld, Y., "The Anchor Church at the Summit of Mt. Berenice, Tiberias", The Biblical Archaeologist 57, no. 3 (1994): 122-133. |
Journal article |
8612 | Horning, R. | 1909 |
Horning, R., "'Anata: 'Anathoth (in: Studien aus dem Deutschen evang. archäolog. Institut zu Jerusalem. 16. Verzeichnis von Mosaiken aus Mesopotamien, Syrien, Palästina und dem Sinai. (Mit Literaturangabe.) ; p. 113-150)", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1878-1945) 32, no. 3 (1909): 130. |
Journal article |
8613 | Meinardus, O. | 1966 |
Meinardus, O., "Anachoretes Modernes en Palestine", Revue Biblique 73, no. 1 (1966): 119-127. |
Journal article |
8614 | Schick, C. | 1901 |
Schick, C., "The Ancient Churches of Muristan", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 33, no. 1 (1901): 51-53. |
Journal article |
8615 | Tsafrir, Y. | 1993 |
Tsafrir, Y., "Ancient Churches in the Holy Land", Biblical Archaeology Review 19, no. 5 (1993): 26-39.
Journal article |
8616 | Baldovin, J. F. | 1987 |
Baldovin, J. F., The urban character of Christian worship: The Origins, Development, and Meaning of Stational Liturgy , Ph.D. Dissertation, Yale University, 1987.
Thesis |