Displaying 21 - 40 of 4854Nid | Author(s)/Editor(s) | Year | Title | Ref type |
4953 | Palmer, A. | 1990 |
Palmer, A., Monk and mason on the Tigris frontier, Cambridge, 1990.
Book |
4954 | Segal, A. | 1983 |
Segal, A., The Byzantine City of Shivta (Esbeita), Negev Desert, Oxford, 1983.
Book |
4955 | Fritz, V., Kempinski, A. | 1983 |
Fritz, V. and Kempinski, A., Ergebnisse der Aisgrabungen auf der Hirbet el-Masas (Tel Masos), Wiesbaden, 1983.
Book |
4956 | Flusin, B. | 1983 |
Flusin, B., Miracle et histoire dans l' oeuvre de Cyrille de Scythopolis (eֹtudes Augustiniennes), Paris, 1983.
Book |
4958 | Descoeudres, G. | 1983 |
Descoeudres, G., Die Pastophorien im syro-byzantinischen Osten, Wiesbaden, 1983.
Book |
4959 | Bagatti, B. | 1983 |
Bagatti, B., Antichi villaggi cristiani della Giudea e del Neghev, Jerusalem, 1983.
Book |
4960 | Avigad, N. | 1983 |
Avigad, N., Discovering Jerusalem, Nashville, 1983.
Book |
4961 | Phillips, J. E. | 1982 |
Phillips, J. E., Early Christian and Early Byzantine Architecture in Palestine, Monticello, Ill., 1982.
Book |
4962 | Maraval, P. | 1982 |
Maraval, P., Égerie. Journal de Voyage, Paris, 1982.
Book |
4963 | Kasser, R. | 1982 |
Kasser, R., Survey archeologique des Kellia (Basse ֹgypte). Rapport dela campagne 1981. [EK 8184. ] Projet International de Sauvetage Scientifique des Kellia. Fascicule I: Texte; Fascicule II: Planches, Louvain, 1982.
Book |
4964 | Hunt, E. D. | 1982 |
Hunt, E. D., Holy Land Pilgrimage in the Later Roman Empire, AD 312-460, Oxford, 1982.
Book |
4965 | Holum, K. G. | 1982 |
Holum, K. G., Theodosian Empresses. Women and Imperial Domination in Late Antiquity, Berkeley-Los Angeles-London, 1982.
Book |
4966 | Ferguson, G. | 1982 |
Ferguson, G., Signs and Symbols in Christian Art, Oxford, 1982.
Book |
4967 | Baras, Z., et al | 1982 |
Baras, Z. and et al, Eretz Israel from the Destruction of the Second Temple to the Muslim Conquest, Jerusalem, 1982.
Book |
4968 | Bagatti, B. | 1982 |
Bagatti, B., Corpus Scriptorum de Ecclesia Matre, IV. Gerusalemme: la rendenzione secondo la tradizione biblica dei SS. Padri, Jerusalem, 1982.
Book |
4969 | Corbo, V. C. | 1981-1982 |
Corbo, V. C., Il Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme: Aspetti archeologici dalle origini al periodo crociato, Jerusalem, 1981-1982.
Book |
4970 | Wilkinson, J. | 1981 |
Wilkinson, J., Egeria's Travels to the Holy Land, Jerusalem, 1981.
Book |
4971 | Negev, A. | 1981 |
Negev, A., The Greek Inscriptions from the Negev, Jerusalem, 1981.
Book |
8276 | Varga, D. | 2015 |
Varga, D., "Alumma, Preliminary Report", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 127 (2015). |
Journal article |
8277 | Varga, D. | 2010 |
Varga, D., "Ashqelon, Barne‘a (north). Preliminary Report", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 122 (2010). |
Journal article |