


Displaying 2941 - 2960 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
11600 Bar-Adon, P. 1972‎
Bar-Adon, P., "Ghalghale ‎(in: Survey in the Judean Desert and Jericho Valley, p.92-152)‎", in: Judaea, Samaria and the Golan. Archaeological Survey, 1967-1968, edited by Kochavi, M. and Ovadiah, R., Jerusalem‎, 1972‎: ‎114 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
11601 Bar-Adon, P. 1972‎
Bar-Adon, P., "Kh. Umm-Zakum: Kh. El-'Awja Et-Tahtä ‎(in: Survey in the Judean Desert and Jericho Valley, p.92-152)‎", in: Judaea, Samaria and the Golan. Archaeological Survey, 1967-1968, edited by Kochavi, M. and Ovadiah, R., Jerusalem‎, 1972‎: ‎110 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
11602 Bar-Adon, P. 1972‎
Bar-Adon, P., "Qasr el-Yahud: Kusr el-Yehüd: Dér Mar Juhanna: Named for John the Bapist (Prodromos) ‎(in: Survey in the Judean Desert and Jericho Valley, p.92-152)‎", in: Judaea, Samaria and the Golan. Archaeological Survey, 1967-1968, edited by Kochavi, M. and Ovadiah, R., Jerusalem‎, 1972‎: ‎116 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
11603 Benoit, P. 1968
Benoit, P., "Jerusalem: Probatica: The church of the Paralytic ‎(in: Decouvertes archéologiques author de la piscine de Béthesda, p. 48*-57*)‎", in: Jerusalem Through the Ages‎- The Twenty-fifth Archaeological Convention, 1967‎, edited by Aviram, J., Jerusalem, 1968: 48*-50*, Pl. VIII.
Book Section
11604 Benoit, P. 1968
Benoit, P., "Jerusalem: St. Anna ‎(in: Decouvertes archéologiques author de la piscine de Béthesda, p. 48*-57*)‎", in: Jerusalem Through the Ages‎- The Twenty-fifth Archaeological Convention, 1967‎, edited by Aviram, J., Jerusalem, 1968: 51*-53*.
Book Section
11605 Colt, H. D., et alii 1962
Colt, H. D. and et alii, "Nizzana: 'Ahuja el-Hafir: North church: SS. Sergius and Bacchus", in: Excavations at Nessana (Auja Hafir Palestine) 1, London, 1962: 17-20. 33-43. 137-172; Pls. 2, 2-4; 3, 2; 5, 2-3; 6-10; 12; 15, 4-6; 16, 3.5; 17, 1.2-4.7; 18, 2-15; 19, 1.4-5; 62-65.
Book Section
11606 Colt, H. D., et alii 1962
Colt, H. D. and et alii, "Nizzana: 'Ahuja el-Hafir: South church: St. Mary (Theotokos)", in: Excavations at Nessana (Auja Hafir Palestine) 1, London, 1962: 20-2. 43-5. 172f; Pls. 14; 15, 1-3.5; 16, 1-2.4; 17, 5-6.8; 18, 1; 19, 2-3.6; 62; 67.
Book Section
11607 Corbo, V. C. 1965
Corbo, V. C., "Jerusalem: Mount of Olives: The Ascension (in: Gli edifice bizantini, p.97-115)", in: Ricerche archeologiche al Monte degli Ulivi, Gerusalemme‎, 1965: 97-105; Plan-fig. 70; photos.
Book Section
11608 Corbo, V. C. 1955‎
Corbo, V. C., "Khirbet Luqa- Monastero di Luca‎", in: Gli Scavi di Kh. Siyar El-Ghanam (Campo dei Pastori) e i Monasteri dei Dintorni‎, Jerusalem, 1955‎: 146-148; Pl. 49.
Book Section
11609 Corbo, V. C. 1955‎
Corbo, V. C., "Rovine del monastero di Keniset er-Ra'wat‎", in: Gli Scavi di Kh. Siyar El-Ghanam (Campo dei Pastori) e i Monasteri dei Dintorni‎, Jerusalem, 1955‎: 89-92; Fig. 28a; Pls. 30-31.
Book Section
11610 Corbo, V. C. 1955‎
Corbo, V. C., "Khirbet Abu Ghunneim- Romitorio di Fotino‎", in: Gli Scavi di Kh. Siyar El-Ghanam (Campo dei Pastori) e i Monasteri dei Dintorni‎, Jerusalem, 1955‎: 141-145; Fig. 42; Pl.43.
Book Section
11611 Corbo, V. C. 1955‎
Corbo, V. C., "Descrizione delle rovine del monastero‎", in: Gli Scavi di Kh. Siyar El-Ghanam (Campo dei Pastori) e i Monasteri dei Dintorni‎, Jerusalem, 1955‎: 19-56; Pls. 1-29. 62-63.
Book Section
11612 Corbo, V. C. 1965‎
Corbo, V. C., "Jerusalem: Mount of Olives: St. Melania", in: Ricerche archeologiche al Monte degli Ulivi, Gerusalemme‎, 1965‎: Plan-fig. 77; photos.
Book Section
11613 Crowfoot, J. W. 1937
Crowfoot, J. W., " ‎A Greek church and monastery of S. John the Baptist at Sebaste", in: Churches at Bosra and Samaria-Sebaste, London, 1937: 24-39; Pls. 12-17.
Book Section
11614 Epstein, C., Gutman, S.‎ 1972‎
Epstein, C. and Gutman, S.‎, "Duér El-Lös ‎(in: Survey in The Golan, p. 244-292)‎", in: Judaea, Samaria and the Golan. Archaeological Survey, 1967-1968, edited by Kochavi, M. and Ovadiah, R., Jerusalem‎, 1972‎: 288 ‎(in Hebrew).
Book Section
11615 Epstein, C., Gutman, S.‎ 1972‎
Epstein, C. and Gutman, S.‎, "Khasfin: Khisfin ‎(in: Survey in The Golan, p. 244-292)‎", in: Judaea, Samaria and the Golan. Archaeological Survey, 1967-1968, edited by Kochavi, M. and Ovadiah, R., Jerusalem‎, 1972‎: ‎283-234 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
11616 Epstein, C., Gutman, S.‎ 1972‎
Epstein, C. and Gutman, S.‎, "Rafid ‎(in: Survey in The Golan, p. 244-292)‎", in: Judaea, Samaria and the Golan. Archaeological Survey, 1967-1968, edited by Kochavi, M. and Ovadiah, R., Jerusalem‎, 1972‎: ‎273-274 and plan (in Hebrew).
Book Section
11617 Epstein, C., Gutman, S. 1972‎
Epstein, C. and Gutman, S., "Ramsäniyye ‎(in: Survey in The Golan, p. 244-292)‎", in: Judaea, Samaria and the Golan. Archaeological Survey, 1967-1968, edited by Kochavi, M. and Ovadiah, R., Jerusalem‎, 1972‎: 267; plan and section (in Hebrew).
Book Section
11618 Gizov, Z. 1961
Gizov, Z., "Kh. Galil: Kh. Jalil ‎(in: Bamat Ailon, p.52-56)‎", in: Ma'aravo shel Galil – Western Galilee, Israel, 1961: 54 and photograph (in Hebrew).
Book Section
11619 Huntington, E. 1911
Huntington, E., "Nizzana: 'Ahuja el-Hafir ‎(in: The Parched Land of the Negeb, p.104-135)‎", in: Palestine and its Transformation, London, 1911: 122f.
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