


Displaying 4421 - 4440 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
17047 Ras, K., Gadot, Y. 2016
Ras, K. and Gadot, Y., "Chapter 43. Miscellaneous Finds", in: Ramat Rahel III. Final Publications of Yohanan Aharoni's Excavations (1954, 1959-1962). Volume II, edited by Lipschits, O., Gadot, Y. and Freud, L., Winona Lake, Indiana, Eisenbrauns, 2016: 654-665.
Book Section
17085 Verhelst, S. 1997
Verhelst, S., "L’iso­pséphie « réduite » à ‘Aïn Fattir et l’Héro­dion (église nord): Une hypothèse véri­fiée", Revue Biblique 104, no. 2 (1997): 223-236.
Journal article
17086 Feissel, D. 1991
Feissel, D., "Inscriptions chrétiennes et byzantines (in: Bulletin épigraphique, p. 434-555)", Revue des Études Grecques 104 (1991): 546-555.
Journal article
17088 Shippee, A. B. 1989
Shippee, A. B., "On Mosaics and Inscriptions from Magen", Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 275 (1989): 69.
Journal article
17105 Chitty, D. J. 1928
Chitty, D. J., "Two Monasteries in the Wilderness of Judaea", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 60, no. 3 (1928): 134-152.
Journal article
17109 Feissel, D., Gatier, P.-L. 2005
Feissel, D. and Gatier, P.-L., "Syrie, Phénicie, Palestine, Arabie (in: Bulletin épigraphique, p. 436-591)", Revue des Études Grecques 118 (2005): 548-569.
Journal article
17137 Klein, S. 1939
Klein, S., Eretz Yehuda (in Hebrew), Tel Aviv, 1939.
17138 Baramki D. C. 1935
Baramki D. C., "Recent Discoveries of Byzantine Remains in Palestine", Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 4 (1935): 118-121.
Journal article
17139 Baramki D. C. 1936
Baramki D. C., "Two Roman Cisterns at Beit Nattīf", Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 5 (1936): 3-10.
Journal article
17144 Tarkhanova, S. 2020
Tarkhanova, S., "The Classical Morphology and Proportions under the Early Byzantine Pressure: Pseudo-Ionic Capitals in Churches and Synagogues in the Land of Israel. Sub-Roman or Sub-Byzantine Style?", in: Holy Land Archaeology on Either Side. Archaeological Essays in Honour of Eugenio Alliata, ofm (SBF Collectio Maior 57), edited by Coniglio, A. and Ricco, A., Milano, 2020: 201-229.
Book Section
17153 Patrich, J. 2019
Patrich, J., "Caesarea Maritima in the Time of Origen", in: Origeniana duodecima : Origen's legacy in the Holy Land - a tale of three cities : Jerusalem, Caesarea and Bethlehem : proceedings of the 12th International Origen Congress, Jerusalem, 25-29 June, 2017, edited by Bitton-Ashkelony, B., Irshai Aryeh Kofsky, O., Newman, H. and Perrone, L., Leuven, Paris, Bristol, CT, 2019: 375-412.[PDF File]
Book Section
17227 Saller, S. J. 1953-1954
Saller, S. J., "A Catalogue of the Ancient Synagogues of the Holy Land", Liber Annuus 4 (1953-1954): 219-246.
Journal article
17239 Magen, Y. 2003
Magen, Y., "Mamre. A Cultic Site from the Reign of Herod", in: One Land - Many Cultures. Archaeological Studies in Honour of Stanislao Loffreda OFM, edited by Bottini, G. C., Di Segni, L. and Chrupcała, L. D., Jerusalem, 2003: 245-257.
Book Section
17240 Magen, Y. 2008
Magen, Y., "Elonei Mamre - A Cultic Site from the Reign of Herod", in: Judea and Samaria Researches and Discoveries, edited by Magen, Y., Jerusalem, 2008: 95-114.
Book Section
17241 Burdajewicz, M., Młynarczyk, J. 2019
Burdajewicz, M. and Młynarczyk, J., "Some Facts about the north-west Church in Hippos (Aramaic Sisita, Arabic Sûsiyah) on the Sea of Galilee, Sixth to Mid-Eighth Centuries", Aram Periodical 31, no. 1 (2019): 165-194.
Journal article
17242 Linn, R., Maayan, E., Tepper, Y. , Bar-Oz, G. 2019
Linn, R., Maayan, E., Tepper, Y. and Bar-Oz, G., "Study of the Early Transfiguration Wall-Painting in Shivta, Israel", Aram Periodical 31, no. 1 (2019): 195-206.
Journal article
17248 Bowersock, G. 2018
Bowersock, G., "Religion in Early Fourth Century Roman Palestine: The Kfar Othnay Mosaics", Syria 95 (2018): 65-73.
Journal article
17260 Feissel, D. 1992
Feissel, D., "Inscriptions chrétiennes et byzantines (in: Bulletin épigraphique, p. 435-547)", Revue des Études Grecques 105 (1992): 538-547.
Journal article
17264 Elgavish, J. 1980
Elgavish, J., "Shiqmona, 1979 (in: "Notes and News", p. 205-239)", Israel Exploration Journal 30, no. 3-4 (1980): 208-209.
Journal article
17265 Elgavish, J. 1994
Elgavish, J., Shiqmona: On the Seacoast of Mount Carmel (in Hebrew), Tel Aviv, 1994.
