


Displaying 4461 - 4480 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
17870 Michel, V. 2004
Michel, V., Les annexes des églises byzantines en Palestine du IVème au VIIIème siècle. Étude archéologique, historique et liturgique, vol. 1 - Analyse; vol. 2 - Corpus des sites archéologiques; vol. 3 - Cartes, plans, illustrations et planches, Ph.D. Dissertation, Université de Paris IV, 2004.
17871 Tahal, G. 1998
Tahal, G., "Kh. 'Amra", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 108 (1998): 167-169.
Journal article
17878 Davies, G., Magness, J. 2007
Davies, G. and Magness, J., "Yotvata-2006", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 119 (2007).
Journal article
17879 Davies, G., Magness, J. 2008
Davies, G. and Magness, J., "Yotvata-2007", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 120 (2008).
Journal article
17899 Peers, G. 2009
Peers, G., "The Church at the Jerusalem Gate in Crusader Ascalon: A Rough Tolerance of Byzantine Culture?", Eastern Christian Art 6 (2009): 67-86.
Journal article
17900 Esse, D., Stager, L. 1986
Esse, D. and Stager, L., "Ashkelon - 1985/1986", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 5 (1986): 2-6.
Journal article
17901 Stager, L., Esse, D. 1987
Stager, L. and Esse, D., "Ashkelon, 1985-1986 (in: "Notes and News", p. 54-76)", Israel Exploration Journal 37 (1987): 68-72.
Journal article
17907 Bonfioli, M. 1957
Bonfioli, M., "Mosaici siro-palestinesi in rapporto alle decorazioni delle moschee di Gerusalemme e Damasco", Rivista di archeologia cristiana 33 (1957): 161-196.
Journal article
17909 Vincent, L. H. 1910
Vincent, L. H., "Une mosaïque byzantine a Bettir", Revue Biblique 7, no. 2 (1910): 254-261.
Journal article
17923 Tsafrir, Y. 1988
Tsafrir, Y., "The Greek Inscriptions", in: Excavations at Rehovot in the Negev. Vol. 1: The Northern Church (QEDEM 25), edited by Tsafrir, Y., Patrich, J. and Heginbottom, R., Jerusalem, 1988: 154-186.
Book Section
17927 Tzaferis, V. 1997
Tzaferis, V., "A Greek Inscription from Khirbet Abu Rish", ‘Atiqot 32 (1997): 147-148 (in Hebrew; English summery, p.47*).
Journal article
17950 Koikylides, K. M. 1897
Koikylides, K. M., Ὁ ἐν Μαδηβᾷ μωσαικὸς καὶ γεωγραφικὸς περὶ Συρίας Παλαιστίνης καὶ Αἰγύπτου χάρτης, Jerusalem, 1897.
17955 Goodnick Westenholz, J. 2007
Goodnick Westenholz, J., Three Faces of Monotheism, Jerusalem, 2007.
17975 Ben-Tor, A., Avissar, M., Portugali, Y. 1996
Ben-Tor, A., Avissar, M. and Portugali, Y., Yoqne'am I: the late periods, 1996.
17988 Séjourné, P. M., Lagrange, M. J. 1895
Séjourné, P. M. and Lagrange, M. J., "Chronique de Jérusalem", Revue Biblique 4, no. 4 (1895): 611-626.
Journal article
17989 Bagatti, B. 1952
Bagatti, B., Gli antichi edifici sacri di Betlemme: in seguito agli scavi e restauri Praticati dalla Custodia di terra Santa (1948-51), Jerusalem, 1952.
17992 Alt, A. 1925
Alt, A., "Das Institut im Jahre 1924", Palästinajahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes zu Jerusalem 21 (1925): 5-58.
Journal article
17994 Patrich, J., Arubas, B. 1993
Patrich, J. and Arubas, B., "‘Ein Abu Mahmud Caves", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 13 (1993): 61-64.
Journal article
17996 Milman Baron, R. 1994
Milman Baron, R., "Epigraphica Israelica: A Survey of Inscriptions Found in Israel, and Published in 1992-93", Scripta Classica Israelica 13 (1994): 142-162.
Journal article
17998 Hanauer, J. E. 1903
Hanauer, J. E., "Greek and Latin Inscriptions", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 35, no. 3 (1903): 270-271.
Journal article
