


Displaying 4481 - 4500 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
17999 Fischer, M., Isaac, B., Roll, I. 1996
Fischer, M., Isaac, B. and Roll, I., Roman Roads in Judaea II: The Jaffa-Jerusalem Roads, Oxford, 1996.
18003 Dalman, G. 1914
Dalman, G., "Jahresbericht des Instituts für das Arbeitsjahr 1913/14", Palästinajahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes zu Jerusalem 10 (1914): 3-50.
Journal article
18005 Di Segni, L. 2019
Di Segni, L., "The Inscriptions in the Church of Ḥaẓor-Ashdod, and Some Observations on the Boundaries of the Territory of Ascalon", in: Between Sea and Desert: On Kings, Nomads, Cities and Monks – Essays in Honor of Joseph Patrich, edited by Peleg-Barkat, O., Ashkenazi, J., Leibner, U., Aviam, M. and Talgam, R., Jerusalem, 2019: 41-53.
Book Section
18052 Vincent, L. H., Mackay, E. J. H., Abel, F. M. 1923
Vincent, L. H., Mackay, E. J. H. and Abel, F. M., Hébron, Le Ḥaram el-Khalîl: Sépulture des Patriarches, Paris, 1923.
18059 Newbold, T. 1846
Newbold, T., "On the Site of Ashtaroth", The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London 16 (1846): 331-338.
Journal article
18067 Kjær, H. 1930
Kjær, H., "The Excavation of Shiloh 1929: Preliminary Report", Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society 10 (1930): 87-174.
Journal article
18068 Kjær, H. 1931
Kjær, H., "Shiloh: A Summary Report of the Second Danish Expedition, 1929", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 63, no. 2 (1931): 71-88.
Journal article
18119 Fabian, P., Ustinova, Y. 2020
Fabian, P. and Ustinova, Y., "A Monumental Church in Beersheba: Architecture, Mosaics and Inscriptions", Israel Exploration Journal 70, no. 2 (2020): 221-145.
Journal article
18120 Roussin, L. 1992
Roussin, L., "A Group of Early Byzantine Capitals from the Temple Platform", in: Caesarea Papers. Straton's Tower, Herod's Harbour, and Roman and Byzantine Caesarea, edited by Vann, R. L., 1992: 173-176.[PDF File]
Book Section
18121 Holum, K. G., Hohlfelder, R. L., Bull, R. J. 1988
Holum, K. G., Hohlfelder, R. L. and Bull, R. J., King Herod's Dream: Caesarea on the Sea, 1988.
18125 Holum, K. , Raban, A., Lehmann, C. , Berrurier, D. le, Ziek, R. , Sachs, S. 1992
Holum, K., Raban, A., Lehmann, C., Berrurier, D. le, Ziek, R. and Sachs, S., "Preliminary Report on the 1989-1990 seasons", in: Caesarea Papers. Straton's Tower, Herod's Harbour, and Roman and Byzantine Caesarea, edited by Vann, R. L., 1992: 79-111.
Book Section
18133 Abu Alsaud, L. 2018
Abu Alsaud, L., "Byzantine Churches in Nablus (Neapolis), Palestine", Zephyrus 82, no. 1-2 (2018): 187-207.
Journal article
18134 Peña, I. 2000
Peña, I., Lieux de pelerinage en Syrie, Jerusalem, 2000.
18138 Fleckenstein, K. H., Louhivuori, M., Riesner, R. 2003
Emmaus in Judäa: Geschichte - Exegese - Archäologie, Edited by Fleckenstein, K. H., Louhivuori, M. and Riesner, R., Giessen, 2003.
18139 Fleckenstein, K. H. 2003
Fleckenstein, K. H., "Inschriften und Münzen aus Emmaus/Nikopolis", in: Emmaus in Judäa: Geschichte - Exegese - Archäologie, edited by Fleckenstein, K. H., Louhivuori, M. and Riesner, R., Giessen, 2003: 279-296.
Book Section
18140 Louhivuori, M. 2003
Louhivuori, M., "Ausgrabungen in Emmaus/Nikopolis 1993-2002", in: Emmaus in Judäa: Geschichte - Exegese - Archäologie, edited by Fleckenstein, K. H., Louhivuori, M. and Riesner, R., Giessen, 2003: 238-266.
Book Section
18141 Fleckenstein, K. H., Fleckenstein, L. 2010
Fleckenstein, K. H. and Fleckenstein, L., Emmaus-Nicopolis: Ausgrabungen 2001-2005, Neckenmarkt, 2010.
18145 Clermont-Ganneau, C. 1883
Clermont-Ganneau, C., "Découvertes archéologiques a Emmaus-Nicopolis (in: Notes d'archéologie orientale, p. 192-196)", Revue critique n.s. 16, no. 37 (1883): 192-194.
Journal article
18147 Zissu, B., Tendler, A. S. 2011
Zissu, B. and Tendler, A. S., "The Kidron Valley Tombs in the Byzantine Period: A Reconsideration", New Studies on Jerusalem 17 (2011): 7*-43*.
Journal article
18166 Dauphin, C., Gibson, S. 1994-95
Dauphin, C. and Gibson, S., "The Byzantine City of Dor/Dora Discovered", Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 14 (1994-95): 9-38.
Journal article
