


Displaying 821 - 840 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
9392 Hizmi, H. 1990
Hizmi, H., "The Byzantine Church at Khirbet el-Beiyudat: Preliminary Report", in: Christian Archaeology in the Holy Land. New Discoveries. Essays in Honour of Virgilio C. Corbo OFM, edited by Bottini, G. C., Di Segni, L. and Alliata, E., Jerusalem, 1990: 245-264.
Book Section
9393 Hizmi, H. 1993
Hizmi, H., "The Byzantine Church at Khirbet el-Beiyudat in the Lower Jordan Valley", in: Ancient Churches Revealed, edited by Tsafrir, Y., Jerusalem, 1993: 155-163.
Book Section
9394 Horden, P. 1985
Horden, P., "The Death of Ascetics: Sickness and Monasticism in the Early Byzntine Middle East", in: Monks, Hermits and the Ascetic Tradition. Meeting of the Ecclesiastical history Society, edited by Sheils, W. J., Oxford, 1985: 41-52.
Book Section
9395 Hoyland, R. 2011
Hoyland, R., "The Byzantine/Early Islamic Site of Khirbat Shuwayka in Palestine The Monastery of the Prophet Samuel?", in: Le Proche-Orient de Justinien aux Abbassides, peuplement et dynamiques spatiales. Acts du colloque “Continueté‎s de l’occupation entre lees periods byzantine et Abbasside au Proche-Orient, Viie-IXe siecles”, edited by Borrut, A., Debi, M., Papaconstantinou, M., Pieri, D. and Sodini, J. P., Paris, 2011: 219-232.
Book Section
9396 Husson, G. 1979
Husson, G., "L'Habitat monastique en Egypte a la lumiere des papyrus grecs, des textes chretiens et de l'archeologie", in: Hommages a la Memoire de Serge Sauneron, Cairo, 1979: 34-207.
Book Section
9397 Ilan, Z. 1986
Ilan, Z., "The Digs in the Western Church of Horvat Eirav (Iribbin)", in: The Western Galilee Antiquities, edited by Yedaya, M., Tel Aviv, 1986: 503-515 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
9399 Irshai, O. 2006
Irshai, O., "From Oblivian to Fame: The History of the Palestinian Church (135-303 CE)", in: Christians and Christianity in the Holy Land. From the Origins to the Latin Kingdoms, edited by Limor, O. and Stroumsa, G. G., Turnhout, 2006: 91 – 40.
Book Section
9400 Itah, M., Baruch, Y. 2001
Itah, M. and Baruch, Y., "Christian Remains in the Benjamin Region", Judea and Samaria Research Studies 10 (2001): 159-170 [in Hebrew; English summary XXII].
Journal article
9401 Jones, F. C. P. 1985
Jones, F. C. P., "The Inscription of the Hare Mosaic", in: Excavations in Jerusalem 1961–1962, edited by Tushingham, A. D., Toronto, 1985: 88-90.
Book Section
9402 Kasser, R. 1989-1990
Kasser, R., "Le Monachisme Copte", in: Les Kellia, ermitages coptes en Basse-Egypte, Geneve, 1989-1990: 9-20.
Book Section
9403 Kenaan, N. 1979
Kenaan, N., "The Sculptured Lintels in the Crusader Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem", in: Jerusalem in the Middle Ages: Selected Papers, edited by Kedar, B. Z., Jerusalem, 1979: 316-326 [in Hebrew; English summary].
Book Section
9404 Kenaan-Kedar, N. 1999
Kenaan-Kedar, N., "The Two Lintels of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem", in: Knights of the Holy Land. The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, edited by Rozenberg, S., Jerusalem, 1999: 176-186.
Book Section
9405 Keyes, C. F. 1982
Keyes, C. F., "Charisma: From Social Life to Sacred Biography", in: Charisma and Sacred Biography, edited by Williams, M. A., Chico, California, 1982: 1- 22.
Book Section
9406 Kirsten, E. 1982
Kirsten, E., "On an Early Fragment of the Quran", in: studies in Judaica, Karaitica and Islamica presented to L. Nemoy, Ramat Gan, 1982: 163- 166.
Book Section
9407 Kitzinger, E. 1970
Kitzinger, E., "The Threshold of the Holy Shrine: Observations on Floor Mosaics at Antioch and Bethlehem", in: KYRIAKON: Festschrift Johannes Quasten, edited by Granfield, P. and Jungmann, J. A., Münster, 1970: 639-647.
Book Section
9408 Kloner, A. 1993
Kloner, A., "A Byzantine Church at Maresha (Beit Govrin)", in: Ancient Churches Revealed, edited by Tsafrir, Y., Jerusalem, 1993: 260-264.
Book Section
9409 Kloner, A. 2005
Kloner, A., "Reconstruction of the tomb in the rotunda of the Holy Sepulchre according to archaeological finds and Jewish burial customs of the first century CE", in: The beginnings of Christianity : a collection of articles, edited by Pastor, J., Jerusalem, 2005: 269-278.
Book Section
9410 Kötzche, L. 1995
Kötzche, L., "Das Heilige Grab in Jerusalem und seine Nachfolge", in: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kongresses für Christliche Archäologie (Bonn 22.–28. September 1991), edited by Dassman, E. and Engeman, J., Città del Vaticano, 1995: 272-290.
Book Section
9411 Kretschmar, G. 1972
Kretschmar, G., "Mambre: von der ‘Basilika’ zum ‘Martyrium’", in: Mélanges liturgiques offerts au R.P. dom Bernard Botte, Louvain, 1972: 272-293.
Book Section
9412 Krüger, J. 2011
Krüger, J., "Architecture of the Crusaders in the Holy Land: the First European Colonial Architecture?", in: The Crusades and the Near East, edited by Kostick, C., London, 2011: 216-228.
Book Section
