


Displaying 841 - 860 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
9413 Kühnel, B. 1979
Kühnel, B., "The Date of the Crusader Church of the Ascension on the Mount of Olives", in: Jerusalem in the Middle Ages: Selected Papers, edited by Kedar, B. Z., Jerusalem, 1979: 327-337 [in Hebrew; English summary].
Book Section
9414 Kühnel, G. 1993
Kühnel, G., "The Twelfth-Century Decoration of the Church of the Nativity: Eastern and Western Concord", in: Ancient Churches Revealed, edited by Tsafrir, Y., Jerusalem, 1993: 197-203.
Book Section
9415 Łajtar, A. 2007
Łajtar, A., "Mosaic Inscription from the South-West Church", in: Hippos (Sussita): Eighth Season of Excavations, July 2007, edited by Segal, A. et al., Haifa, 2007: 57-60.
Book Section
9416 Lassus, J. 1947
Lassus, J., "La vie monastique et la culte des ascetes", in: Sanctuarires chretiens de Syrie, Paris, 1947: 264- 288.
Book Section
9417 Lassus, J. 1952
Lassus, J., "La liturgie antique de la Syrie du Nord", in: Neue Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichten des I. Jahrthausends, Baden-Baden, 1952: 45-53.
Book Section
9418 Lassus, J. 1953
Lassus, J., "La liturgie dans les basiliques Syriennes", in: Atti dello VIII Congresso Internazionale di Studi Bizantini, Rome, 1953: 418-428.
Book Section
9419 Leclercq, H. 1951
Leclercq, H., "Offertoire", in: Dictionnaire d'Archéologie Chretienne et de Liturgie, edited by Leclercq, H. and Cabrol, F., Paris, 1951: 1951-1952.
9420 Limor, O. 1996
Limor, O., "Christian Sacred Space and the Jew", in: From Witness to Witchcraft: Jews and Judaism in Medieval Christian Thought, edited by Cohen, J., Wiesbaden, 1996: 55-77.
Book Section
9421 Limor, O. 2006
Limor, O., "‘Holy Journey’: Pilgrimage and Christian Sacred Landscape", in: Christians and Christianity in the Holy Land. From the Origins to the Latin Kingdoms, edited by Stroumsa, G. G. and Limor, O., Turnhout, 2006: 321-354.
Book Section
9422 Linder, A. 1996
Linder, A., "Christian Communities in Jerusalem", in: The History of Jerusalem: The Early Muslim Period, 638–1099, edited by Prawer, J. and Ben-Shammai, H., Jerusalem, 1996: 121-162 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
9423 Liphshitz, N. 2012
Liphshitz, N., "Archaeobotanical Remains from the Cardo and the Nea Church", in: Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem Conducted by Nahman Avigad, 1969-1982. Volume V: The Cardo (Area X) and the Nea Church (Areas D and T). Final Report, edited by Gutfeld, O., Avigad, N. and Geva, H., Jerusalem, 2012: 470-471.
Book Section
9424 Loffreda, S. 1993
Loffreda, S., "La tradizionale casa di Simon Pietro a Cafarnao a 25 anni dalla sua scoperta", in: Early Christianity in Context: Monuments and Documents, edited by Manns, F. and Alliata, E., Jerusalem, 1993: 37-67.
Book Section
9425 Loosley, E. 2009
Loosley, E., "`Peter, Paul and James of Jerusalem’: The Doctrinal and Political Evolution of the Eastern and Oriental Churches", in: Eastern Christianity in the Modern Middle East, edited by O'Mahony, A. and Loosley, E., New York, 2009: 1-12.
Book Section
9426 Louth, A. 1998
Louth, A., "St. John Damascene: Preacher and Poet", in: Preacher and Audience: Studies in Early Christian and Byzantine Homiletics, edited by Allen, P. and Cunningham, M. B., Leiden, 1998: 247-266.
Book Section
9427 Louth, A. 1998
Louth, A., "Dogma and Spirituality in St Maximus the Confessor", in: Prayer and spirituality in the early church, edited by Allen, P., Canning, R. and Cross, L., Queensland, 1998: 197-208.
Book Section
9428 Mader, A. E. 1918
Mader, A. E., "Beit Sha'ar: St. Zachariah", in: Altchristliche Basiliken und Localtradition in Südjudäa: Archaeologische und topographische Untersuchungen, Paderborn, 1918: 204f.
Book Section
9429 Mader, A. E. 1918
Mader, A. E., "Deir el 'Asal", in: Altchristliche Basiliken und Localtradition in Südjudäa: Archaeologische und topographische Untersuchungen, Paderborn, 1918: 157.
Book Section
9430 Mader, A. E. 1918
Mader, A. E., "Ed-Domeh", in: Altchristliche Basiliken und Localtradition in Südjudäa: Archaeologische und topographische Untersuchungen, Paderborn, 1918: 221f.
Book Section
9431 Mader, A. E. 1918
Mader, A. E., "'Ein ed-Dirweh: St. Philip (?)", in: Altchristliche Basiliken und Localtradition in Südjudäa: Archaeologische und topographische Untersuchungen, Paderborn, 1918: 10-34.
Book Section
9432 Mader, A. E. 1918
Mader, A. E., "El Kurmul: Kh. Carmel: East church", in: Altchristliche Basiliken und Localtradition in Südjudäa: Archaeologische und topographische Untersuchungen, Paderborn, 1918: 181.
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